Psalm 71: 6-8 (AMPC)


I am as a wonder and a surprise to many.
God is my strong refuge.
My confidence is in the Lord.
I am a surprise.
I am a surprise.
Yes, I am as a wonder and a surprise.
I am a miracle.
I am a testimony.
Glory to God!

This is my month of Insight.
I have wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of God.
My knowledge is increased seven times in this month.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
This month, will see a certain end to every struggle or contest,
That I have been involved in,
Because it is my season of victories.
No matter what I am confronted with,
It will turn out for my good,
It will turn out for my promotion,
It will turn out for my exaltation,
For I am in a season of victories.

I am as a wonder to many.
I am a sign!
I am a surprise!
Many gasp in alarm when they see me.
Many stand amazed at my success.
My life is an example to many.
God, even The Lord is my refuge and strength.
By my God, I have run through a troop.
By my God, I have leaped over a wall.
He is my ever-present help.
I’m marvelously helped of God,
The Lord is always with me.
Even from my mother’s womb, He cared for me.
I have the support of Almighty God.
I’m awakened to the fatherhood of God.
From the cradle, He has never forsaken me,
He loves me with an everlasting love.
He cares for me,
And guides me in all things.
The Lord is my sure refuge.
He has made me a wonder to many.
God is my Father!
God is my refuge!
God is my strength!

I am as a wonder to many.
I am a sign!
I am a surprise!
I am a miracle!
I am a phenomenon!
I am a marvel!
I am a sensation!
I am the talk of the town!
Many stand in awe and in amazement at my accomplishments,
In such a short time.
I am an emblem of success.
I am a spectacle.
I am admired by all men.
Men ponder upon my success.
I am something to shout about!

I live a life of greatness and excellence.
I make great things happen in my life.
I make great things happen in the lives of others,
Through my partnership in the LoveWorld Nation.
Many marvel at my partnership exploits!
I see the greatness and my triumphant life!
Through the wisdom of God at work in me,
I accomplish great feats for the Kingdom.
I accomplish great feats in my Healing School Partnership,
I accomplish great feats in my Project LifeSaver Partnership,
I accomplish great feats in every partnership arm in the LoveWorld Nation.
I am for signs.
I am for seasons.
I am for wonders upon the earth.

My praise is continually to you, oh Lord.
I’m overflowing with praise,
For all you’ve done for me,
For your splendor,
For your greatness,
For your mighty works,
For your steadfast love,
For your steadfastness,
For your favour and grace,
For the victories!
You’ve made me a miracle!
You’ve made me a wonder.
You’ve made me a surprise to many.
I’ll praise you forever!
I’ll thank you forever!
For the strength of the Spirit,
That wells up within me.

I’m constantly refreshed and rejuvenated.
By the Spirit of God
I’m inspired and full of joy serving the Lord.
I’m strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus,
I’m competent and ready for every good work.
I am innovative,
I am creative,
The power of accomplishment is at work in me.
The Lord is the strength of my life.
I am as a wonder and surprise to many.
There’s no room for weakness in my life.
I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency,
Nothing is impossible to me,
The Lord has set me on high,
I’m daily strengthened and energized,
For increased productivity,
And greater effectiveness.
I can do all things,
Through Christ who strengthens me.

I am a wonder to my world!
The mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom are unveiled to my spirit.
I live & function by the Word.
The circumstances of life are subdued before me.
My life is ordered according to God’s perfect will,
His glory is revealed in me.
Every day, I walk in the supernatural,
Demonstrating the wisdom and character of the Holy Spirit,
The source of power and strength resides in me,
I am full of joy,
I’m strengthened from the inside,
I live in God’s presence where fullness of joy and pleasures abound.
My life is a testimony.
I am a wonder.

I am a wonder to my world.
I am a wonder to my family.
I am a wonder to my peers.
I am a surprise to all who hear about me.
I am a living testimony of God’s faithfulness,
Of God’s wisdom,
Of God’s choice.
I am synchronized with the Spirit of God,
Walking in God’s perfect will for me.
I am never alone,
The host of heaven is with me always!
Angels of God minister to and for me every day!
I am fruitful in every good work,
Increasing in the knowledge of God.
My heart is stirred by the Word.
I have the mind of Christ.
My mind is anointed!
I am energized and aglow in my spirit,
To impact the world of my time,
Through supernatural ideas and insights.
I am as a wonder to many.

The Holy Spirit is my Comforter,
He is my Counsellor,
He is my Strategist,
He is my Helper,
Therefore, I am a wonder to many.
I am a surprise to many,
I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life.
I am a surprise to many,
I am a miracle,
I am a testimony,
I am a sensation,
Because the Holy Spirit helps me.
He leads me and shows me things to come.
He puts me ahead of my time.

I am excellent,
I am perfect,
I am exceptional.
I am a wonder and a surprise to all who know me.
Everything I do prospers.
The Holy Spirit has brought colour into my life.
My life is colourful and beautiful.
I am a wonder,
A surprise to my generation.
I am unique and special.
I am graced in overflowing measure.
I’m excellent,
And I do excellent things.
The Spirit of excellence dwells in me.
So, I am a wonder and a surprise to many.

The land is subdued before me.
The nations are subdued before me.
The land yields its harvest to me.
My seeds are growing well, coming to maturity,
Yielding abundant harvest.
The grounds produce their crop.
The heavens produce it’s dew.
The wealth of the nations is come to me.
Every day, The Lord loads me with benefits.
Today, The Lord loads me with benefits.
My barns are filled with plenty.
My presses burst forth with new wine.
All my accounts are loaded with new monies.
They are bursting forth and overflowing with resources.
I’m making progress.
I’m moving forward.
I’m bursting forth and spreading,
In all directions,
In every area.
For me, it’s EVERY DAY – HARVEST!
There is harvest today.
There is harvest tomorrow.
There is harvest the day after.
There is harvest everyday.

Of my greatness,
Of my increase,
Of my progress,
Of my advancement,
Of my wonderfulness,
Of my awesomeness,
There is no end.
My greatness is unlimited,
My awesomeness is unlimited,
My wonderfulness is unlimited,
Great grace for prosperity and superabundance,
Is directed toward me now.
The Lord has increased my greatness,
He has increased my wonderfulness,
He has increased my awesomeness,
And comforted me on every side.

I am excellent.
I am superior.
I am beautiful,
I am glorious.
I am excellent, surpassing others.
I have extraordinary discretion.
I have excellent perception and insight.
I have great visions.
I have the ability to see so much at the same time.

I see opportunities,
I attract and see divine and supernatural opportunities.
This is my season of victories.
God’s word in my mouth is rain,
Triggering for me a harvest right now.
It is raining now.
And as the rain comes from heaven,
And waters the earth, causing it to flourish and sprout,
So is the word that goes from my mouth,
It shall not return unto me void,
But it accomplishes in my life,
In my finances,
In my partnership,
In my health,
In my body,
In my business,
In my ministry,
The word accomplishes the purpose for which I sent it.
My life is flourishing.
My finances are flourishing.
My partnership is flourishing.
My health is flourishing.
My prosperity is flourishing.
Things are changing.
New things are happening.
New things are springing forth with quickness and speed.
I do the unthinkable,
I do the impossible,
With quickness and speed.
For it is my season of victories.

I declare that I have now,
In this season, at this time,
I have an abundant harvest,
Of all my seeds sow,
The words that I have spoken.
The seeds that I have sown,
My Offerings
My Partnership,
My Giving,
I have an abundant harvest now,
My ground yields its crops,
And my trees yield their fruits.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.

God is my source.
The maker of Heaven and Earth.
The source of all things,
Helps me with resources,
With contacts,
With connections,
With help,
With wealth,
With ideas,
And opportunities,
God is the source of all things and
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
My business is not my source,
My family and friends are not my source,
The government is not my source.
I declare,
All channels are opened for me for wealth to come in.
My gates are open continually,
Bringing in the wealth of the nations.

I complete all my pledges,
And fulfil all my vows,
I fulfill every partnership goal and target of mine.
All things are mine.
I am blessed with the blessings of Heaven above.
And blessings bursting forth from the earth,
I have everything I require to fulfil my pledges and
Meet my targets.

My finances have been vitalized.
I have stepped into a new level of grace.
The grace for quickness and speed is activated in my life.
I prophesy to the wind,
The wind of the Lord,
I command the wind to come from every direction,
And to bring to me all the resources,
All the opportunities,
All the people,
All the wealth,
All the monies,
That I require to do supernatural exploits,
In the house of God.

By my God, I have accomplished my Healing School target,
By my God, I have hit my Project LifeSaver target,
By my God, all my pledges,
In the house of God,
All my obligations are met and surpassed,
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.
Creation hears my voice,
Creation heeds my voice,
Creation responds to my voice,
I command my seeds,
Every seed sown to multiply and return to me a thousandfold.

I speak to the sun,
I speak to the moon,
I speak to the winds,
I speak to all of creation,
I command you to cause all the resources,
To direct all the resources,
Required to hit and surpass my targets to come to me NOW!
In the name of the Lord Jesus!!!

Money is coming to me from everywhere!
Resources are coming to me from everywhere!
Finances are coming to me from everywhere!
Favour is coming to me from everywhere!
Favours are coming to me from everywhere!
Wealth is coming to me from everywhere!
I am moving FAST!
I am soaring HIGH!
Quickness and speed are at work in me.
None of my seeds is forgotten,
None of my seeds is wasted,
None of my seeds is dead.
Every seed multiplies and returns to me a thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Quickness and speed are at work in me.
Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.
I move with speed.
In these last 3 months of 2023, it’s achievements like a flash,
And prosperity like a flood,
I have the results of at least 3 years in these last 3 months because of the speed, productivity, prosperity, access, and grace that are granted me.

I receive a thousandfold harvest with quickness and speed.
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
My financial capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My partnership capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a thousand times.
There is abundance everywhere.
Surplus everywhere.
Harvest everywhere.
I am not intimidated by figures.
Every figure is bread for me,
I chew it.
God has given me big seed to sow.
He is my source, and He gives me seeds to sow.
And multiplies my resources for giving,

Father, I thank You for all things are mine.
Thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account,
In my store,
In my house,
On my platforms,
In my shop,
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
I am directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone, where all things are mine.

In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of victories,
In this month of insight,
With grace for quickness and speed,
I’m flying!
I’m soaring!
I’m transported!
I’m translated!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, October 13th, 2023,
I endorse,
I have,
And I walk in my thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
All things are mine,
Therefore, I complete my pledges,
I complete my projects,
I complete my partnership targets,
And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

(Speak in other tongues)

I’m a wonder and a surprise.
You can just hear people talking about you.
‘Wow! What a surprise.
We didn’t expect it to be that person.
We didn’t expect it to be him or her.
She’s so young, he’s so young.
From that place? How come?
This is a surprise.
You are a surprise!
Glory to God.



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