Romans 8:32 AMPC
1 Cor 3:21 AMPC
Ephesians 1:3
2 Peter 1:3
Philippians 1:7

This is the month of conquerors
I am more than a conquerors
Nothing can separate from the love of God
Which is in Christ Jesus my Lord
I’m born of God
Therefore I have overcome the world
All things are mine.
All things are possible to me.
I have access to all blessings,
hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I’m blessed and I’m a blessing.
God loves me and takes pleasure in me.
He has given me all things freely to enjoy.
He withholds nothing from me.
He gave his son to die in my place.
Now he lives.
I’m alive in him.
God is mindful of me and everything about me.
He cares for me and gives attention to all details of my life.
I’m free from all agitations,
fears and anxieties.
There is no worry in my life.
I’m free from all worries.
I am free from all agitations, fears, and anxieties
There is no worry in my life,
The Lord is my shepherd.
He is my guide, my very present help.
He loves me with an everlasting love.
He cares for me and guides me.

Father, I thank You for all things are mine.
You orchestrate all things in my favour,
So that I continually walk in super-abundance.
You liberally supply my every need,
I refuse the hard life.
I live in your blessings.
The works of my hands are prosperous.
My investments, initiatives, plans, inputs,
And ideas are productive
You are not limited to any one channel to bless me,
Therefore, I have ceased from struggles,
The maker of Heaven and Earth,
The source of all things,
Helps me with innovations, resources,
Contacts, connections, wealth, ideas,
All channels are opened directly to me
My gates are open continuously,
Bringing in the wealth of the nations.
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times

God has given me all things,
That pertain to life and godliness.
Through me,
The Lord is creating new economies.
Every day, as I study the Word,
I increase in the knowledge of Him
And the understanding of the glorious life
He has prepared and made ready for me to live
I’m called to glory and virtue,
I’m called to glory, honour, and excellence.
I’m living the victorious life in Christ every day

I’m blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
and these spiritual blessings are manifesting
with every earthly blessing and favour.
I’m graced beyond measure.
I’m blessed beyond measure.
Every day, I enjoy the blessings
Of his covenant kindness towards me.
I have the advantage.
God brings me into favour, kindness, and advantage.
With those in authority,
With those responsible for things concerning me.
The rules are suspended for my sake.
I’m surrounded with goodwill.
I’m surrounded with pleasure.
Men are going out of their way to do me good.
Thank You, Lord, for manifesting yourself
to me and through me.

I’m a partaker of the grace on my man of God.
I’m a partaker of a life without limit,
I’m a partaker of grace without boundaries.
I’m special to God
I enjoy the special favours of God
Through me, the gospel spreads abroad unhindered
I’m addicted to the expansion of
God’s kingdom on earth
I’m not apologetic about the gospel
For it is the answer to all of man’s problems
I preach the gospel everywhere
Through my seed, the gospel is spread abroad
Into every man’s world, with no one left behind.
The nations are penetrated
with the healing power of God
The unreached in the forgotten places
Are reached with the news of God’s saving power and love.

Today, September 12th, 2024,
I’m blessed with all spiritual blessings,
In heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
I am accepted in the beloved.
I give value to and celebrate
The good things that are in me in Christ Jesus.
I bring forth new things today,
New fruits, New ideas, New innovations.
I walk into opportunities and new advantages today.

Today, September 12th, 2024,
I declare,
I’m a partaker of the grace on my man of God.
I have a life without limit.
I have the ministry and grace without boundaries.
Through me, the gospel spreads abroad unhindered
I’m special to God
I enjoy the special favours of God
whatsoever I do create wealth.
Whatsoever I do produces wealth.
Whatsoever, I do create value and bring advantage to the kingdom.
I’m increasing in the knowledge of God.
I’m increasing in the appreciation
and understanding that in me, there are good things.

In me, there are wonderful things.
In me, there are deposits of eternal value.
In me, God has put answers and solutions. Yes
In me, there is wealth.
And I am discovering,
mining refining and distributing the wealth that is in me
There are amazing things in me,
And in this finance convention
I’m discovering them,
I am mining them,
I’m refining them, and
I’m distributing them producing wealth according to the scriptures.

In these 30 days,
the clouds of my faith,
the clouds of my prayers,
the clouds of my meditations,
the clouds of my declarations,
they are full and
They are crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers.
In these 30 days,
men will see the grace of God at work in me.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
They will see evident progress and advancement in my life.
God loves me.
God has blessed me and increased my numbers.
God likes me.
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me.
He is partial toward me.

I am preferred for promotion,
I am preferred for favour,
I am preferred for advantage,
I am preferred for blessings.
I have favour with God and man.
I’m blessed in my going out,
I’m blessed in my coming in.
I’m blessed in body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength are renewed like the eagles.
Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.

Today, I’m conscious of the good things
that are in me in Christ Jesus.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.

This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery.
This is my time of bringing forth.
This is my time of evident advancement.
This is my time of favour.
This is my time of completion.
This is my time of fulfilment.
This is my time of perfection.

This is my time of confirmation and establishment.
This is my time of harvest.
This is my time of reaping.
This is my time of increase,
This is my time of multiplication,
Glory to God!
This is my time of beauty,
This is my time of lifting,
This is my time of promotion
This is my time of peace with prosperity.
This is my time of discovering, of mining, of refining,
And producing wealth from the inside.
I distribute and dispense blessings as the seed of Abraham
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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