The Work, & Effect & Fruit of Righteousness in Your Life

Isaiah 32: 17
Romans 5 : 17
Romans 8 : 10
Isaiah 54: 17
2 Corinthians 3 : 9
Phil 1 : 11

MESSAGE FOR THE DAY👇 (available on PCDL)
Join the ongoing 21 Days Exposé on Meditation and Declaration.
(Participation Link : https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/md2022/celagosz5)

Christ is my righteousness!
Christ is my righteousness!
Christ is my righteousness!
Therefore, I am as righteous as Jesus is righteous.
I did not work for it.
I received it as a gift.
I was born righteous when I was born into Christ.
I have been declared righteous,
And I have right standing with God.
I am at peace with God through my Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been brought into harmony, concord, and safety, with God.
I am at rest in God.
The Lord has brought me home to himself.
Now, I fellowship with God,
With boldness,
Confidence and
Joy knowing that,
God loves me personally and unconditionally.
I live a glorious life in Christ.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am filled with the fruits of righteousness.
I have the ability to be right.
I have the ability to live right.
I have the ability to do right.
I perform works of righteousness.
I am a soulwinner.
I am a giver.
I produce excellent works.
I produce fruits of righteousness.
The righteousness of God has produced peace in me,
Peace with prosperity therefore,
I live a life of dominion and joy.

My righteousness is of The Lord
I have been justified freely in Christ Jesus,
with His life and nature of righteousness.
Now, I boldly fellowship with God in love,
Without a sense of guilt,
Or inferiority.
The righteousness of God,
Which I have received,
Has made me a master.
I have been translated into the Kingdom,
Of His love-son.
I rule and reign with Him.
I walk in dominion and
Reign over circumstances.
I am not a victim.
I am a victor.
I am of God and have overcome them because
Greater is He that is in me,
Than He that is in the world.
I live in the righteousness of God.
Nothing and no one,
Can condemn me,
Because my heritage is righteousness,
Peace, safety, security,
And triumph over opposition.
No one can condemn me because
God has justified me.
I am washed!
I am sanctified!
I am holy!
I am justified!
I am acquitted!
I am unblameable!
I am unreprovable!
I am glorified!
I am complete in Him!
I am perfected in Him!

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I think, talk, and see like God .
I have been raised to His level through Christ.
I have received grace to reign over and above Satan,
And the elements of this world.

I have been declared righteous by faith,
I am one with God.
I have peace with God.
The work of righteousness is peace.
The effect of righteousness is quietness,
And assurance forever.
Your righteousness has produced peace in me,
Peace with prosperity.
I have peace like a river.
I have quiet confidence.
There is calmness around me.
I do not panic.
My heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
There is peace in my home.
I have no fear of evil tidings.
There is peace in my home.
There is peace in my office.
There is peace in my shop.
There is peace in my business.
There is peace in my nation.
I have peace as I go out.
And I have peace as I come in.
I have been justified by faith,
Therefore, I have peace with God.
I am at peace with God
I have received abundance of grace, God’s wonderful grace.
I have received the gift of righteousness.
Therefore, I reign in life.
I am a king of life.
I king in life!
I am kinging!!!
Everywhere I go,
I am dominating.
I have the mastery.
I am reigning through righteousness.

My spirit is alive because of righteousness.
My spirit is alive because of righteousness.
My spirit gives life to my body because of righteousness.
That same Spirit, that raised up Jesus from the dead,
Dwells in me,
And vitalizes my body.
My body has received life because of righteousness.
My body has received life because of righteousness.
My body has received life because of righteousness.
My body has received life because of righteousness.
My body has received life because of righteousness.
I dwell in health.
I dwell in peace.
There is peace in my body.
Every system of my body is inundated with
Divine life because of righteousness.
I have been called into liberty.
My body functions perfectly.
Every system in my body functions in excellence because
My body has received life because of righteousness.
I have been called into liberty.
I live out his righteousness every day.
I live and walk in divine perfect health.
No sickness can stay in my body.
Every part of my body, every system, every organ,
Every cell is functioning perfectly

No weapon formed against me,
No weapon fashioned against me,
No weapon turned against me shall prosper.
Every tongue that rises against thee in judgment, I refute.
This peace, this righteousness, this triumph over opposition is my heritage as servant of the Lord and my righteousness is of Him.
No medical weapon!
No financial weapon!
No legal weapon!
No biological weapon!
No social media weapon!
No chemical weapon!
No nuclear weapon!
No explosives!
No terror of darkness!
No lying tongue that is
formed against me shall prosper.
They are silenced.
Every evil work,
Every evil tongue against me is destroyed.
I silence every voice raised up to accuse me.
This is my righteousness as a child of God.

My righteousness is of the LORD.
My righteousness exceeds in glory.
Righteousness brings glory to my spirit.
My righteousness exceeds in glory.
My righteousness exceeds in splendor.
I am filled with the fruits of righteousness.
I am full of love.
I am full of peace.
I am full of joy.
I am kind.
I am patient
I am gentle.
I am excellent.
My faith is working and producing results.
I am filled with God’s goodness.
I am meek, gentle and
I have self-control.

I am a king; therefore, I reign on earth.
I rule and reign with words
I pour down righteousness upon the nations of the world.
I pour down peace upon the nations.
I pour down prosperity upon the nations.
People are coming to Christ and
producing fruits of righteousness.
Wickedness is taken away from men’s hearts,
For righteousness is poured out.
The word of God is growing mightily,
And prevailing in all nations.
The nations are fashioned for God’s glory.
The influence, the work and the structure of Satan is broken,
And the gospel is spreading with free course,
The angels of God have free passage,
To carry out their work in every nation.

We declare that the glory of God is manifested in the nations,
In ever-increasing measure.
We declare that the leaders of nations have courage and direction.
We declare that the Gospel of Christ,
Has free course and is glorified in all nations.
China is open to the gospel.
There is peace in Iran.
There is peace in Russia.
There is peace in Ukraine.

We bless our nation, Nigeria.
The word of God has free course
And is glorified in Nigeria.
We bless Nigeria with peace, with direction, with prosperity.
We declare divine intervention in our nation.
We cast out the spirits of confusion, darkness, and anarchy.

When men are cast down,
I declare, there is lifting.
Every nation,
Every city,
Every town,
Every village,
Every street,
Every home
Is open to the Gospel.
The word of the Lord is growing, multiplying, expanding,
Enlarging, and progressing through us.

This year, this month, and this day,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my declaration,
The clouds of my meditation,
They are full and they are emptying down
In answers,
In solutions,
In testimonies,
In miracles,
In progress,
In advancement,
In transportation,
In supply,
In the name of Jesus.

I am sealed of God!
The mark of God is on me.
I am authorized!
To go everywhere.
No man hindering me.
No man forwarding me.
I have access to go everywhere.
I am certified!
I am God’s agent.
I am God’s man.
I am endorsed!
I am perfect.
I am excellent.
I am the best.
I am protected!
The seal of protection is on me.
Therefore, no harm will come to me.
I am exempted from evil, from death, and from darkness.

I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I walk in continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual victory.
My path is as the shining light,
That shines brighter and brighter,
Unto the perfect day

I am in fellowship with The Father,
I am in communion with The Father.
I am in partnership with The Father.
I experience communion, peace, prosperity, distribution, transportation, and translation by the power of the Spirit of God.
I am in another place.
I am in another place.
I am transported spiritually, physically, geographically, financially,
Materially, socially, in all areas of life, there is a transformation and a transportation as I fellowship with God.
Through my fellowship with the Spirit,
I am transported even today, even now.
I expect the unexpected today.

Today, September 30th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, September 30th, 2022,
I take my daily provision.
Today, September 30th, 2022,
I take my daily supply.
Today, September 30th, 2022,
I take my daily benefits.
I have miraculous supply.
I walk in abundance.
God is my source.
Therefore, I lack nothing.
I have all the resources, all the money,
All the materials,
All the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts,
All the connections,
That I require.
There is abundance everywhere.

Today, I have seed to sow and bread to eat.
Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless all that I have.
I bless my money.
I bless my possessions.
I bless my storehouses.
I bless and give thanks for all that the Lord has given me.
And as I bless and give thanks,
I declare that there will be no end to my resources,
To my supply and to my glory.
All my accounts are bursting forth with new monies.
God is my source,
I do not look to a government
I do not look to a man.
I do not look to a business.
God is my source, and he creates new channels of supply,
Today, new channels are opened,
Today, new channels of supply.
New channels of inflow,
New channels of distribution are open for me.
I create and I receive new channels.
I speak in the morning,
And I testify in the evening.

My gates are open!
All doors are open!
All channels are open!
New channels of income!
New channels of blessing!
New channels of supply!
They are open continually.
They shall not be shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations.
Today, unexpected channels, new channels open for me.
There is water from the rock.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
I expect and declare and decree the unexpected today.
Today, I have new customers.
Today, I have new businesses.
Today, I have new orders.
Today, I have new contacts.
Today, I have new partners.
Today, I have new channels of supply, of inflow, of blessings,
New channels of distribution.
They are coming from everywhere,
And as they come, I have the wisdom to retain them.

I have received the gift of righteousness,
Therefore, I reign in life.
I have peace with God.
My heart is fixed, I have no fear of evil tidings.
My righteousness, my peace, my triumph over opposition is from God.
No lying tongue can accuse me successfully,
They are cast down.
My body is inundated with life,
Because of righteousness.
I dwell in perfect health.
Perfect health (x3)
I am a king and I reign in righteousness.
I am superior to Satan, his devils, and circumstances.
The whole world is subdued before me.
I have dominion
I am bold.
I am confident
I live victoriously every day.
I am kinging in life!

I am filled with the fruits of righteousness.
I produce good works.
I produce excellent works.
My products are the best.
My products are excellent.
I am filled with the fruit of righteousness.
I am not afraid of evil tidings.
My heart is established.
I am a giver.
I am a soulwinner.
I am full of righteousness.

©CELZ5 2022

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