Thursday, April 27th, 2023


MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK (Available on the PCDL)
The Church, Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Ephesians 1:19-23 KJV
Ephesians 2:6 KJV
Luke 10:19 KJV
Colossians 1:13 AMPC

This is my month of lights.
The word is a lamp unto my feet,
And a light unto my path.
I have divine direction.
I am led by the Spirit of God.
I walk in the light as He is in the light.
I know what to do,
And I know how to do it.
I know where to go.
And I know how to get there.
I am a child of light.
I am burning and shining for the Lord.
I am effective.
I have got capacity to perform.
I am everything I need to be.
I have everything I need to have,
I can do everything I need to do,
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.

God is rich in mercy.
His love for me is great and unquantifiable.
He loves me more than I could ever love myself.
He made me alive together with Christ.
I am alive with Christ.
God raised me up together with Christ.
And I am seated together with Him in the heavenly realms.
I am seated far above every principality,
Every power,
Every might,
Every dominion,
And every name that could be named in this world and the world to come.
I am seated in His place of authority,
I am seated in His place of power,
I am far above Satan,
I am far superior to satan and the works of darkness.
I give thanks unto The Father,
Who has qualified me,
To be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.
I am delivered from the power and dominion of darkness.
I am no longer under the control or jurisdiction of the kingdom of darkness.
I am now in the kingdom of God’s dear Son.

I’m seated with Christ in the place of power,
In the place of authority.
I have His dominion,
His all-encompassing and unlimited and unmatched authority.
Fear has no place in me,
For the Lord Jesus has given me complete authority,
Over Satan and his cohorts.
I’ve been designed to rule the earth for the glory of God.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I (put your name) fear no evil.
The Lord is my light and my salvation,
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life,
Of whom shall I be afraid?
Though an enemy may encamp against me,
My heart will not fear.
I am far above principalities and powers,
I am vitally and effectively superior to Satan and the demons of hell!
I am in Christ; inseparably one with Him.
As He is, so am I in this world.
I am the effulgence of the Father’s glory.
I am His glory personified.
I am in Christ,
Gloriously enthroned with Him and exalted,
Far above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence.

I was raised up together with Christ.
I am seated together with Him in heavenly places.
I refuse to be moved by the happenings in this world – the confusion, the fear and the deception.
By the power of God’s Spirit, and in the name of Jesus Christ,
I exercise authority,
Bringing in God’s order of things,
Where the Gospel has free course and is glorified.
I’m strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
My eyes are open to spiritual realities.
God’s thoughts are unveiled to my spirit.
Today, I take charge of situations from the realm of the Spirit.

The LORD is my light, He is my salvation; I fear no one.
I have nothing to fear in this life.
I reign and rule in the Name of the Lord Jesus today and every day.
My authority in Christ is perfect and absolute.
No evil, no demon, no darkness can resist it!
I have power to advance by threading over serpents and scorpions,
I have power in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I’m seated with Christ,
Far above principalities and powers and everything connected to the devil.
I reign and rule over circumstances.
I reign and rule over all the power of the enemy.
I’m superior to sickness, disease, and infirmity.
I have a life that cannot be tainted by any disease.
I cannot be poisoned,
I cannot be destroyed,
Nothing has the power to hurt me.
I have authority over all the power of the adversary.
Nothing can hurt me.
I’m a partaker of the divine nature.
The life in me is divine,
I am not sustained by blood,
But by the Spirit of God who lives inside me.
The Holy Spirit lives in me: He gives life to my physical body.

I’ve been brought into a divine heavenly pantheon,
I have been brought into oneness, communion, partnership, union, and comradeship with the Lord Jesus!
He died, He was buried, God raised Him up with a new kind of life.
Now I have joined sitting with Him in heavenly places.
He brought me to Himself.
Now, in Him and through Him, I’m reigning in life.
I have got the life of God,
I’m in everlasting fellowship with God.

I live a higher life in Christ,
A life that’s higher and greater than the ordinary human life,
A life that’s higher and greater than sickness, disease, failure, and death.
I walk in the supernatural every day.
From glory to glory,
Reigning and exercising dominion over circumstances:
I live a supernatural life.

I have power over sickness,
I have power over crises,
I have power over the devil,
I have power over circumstances of life.
I’m a victor,
I’m not a victim.
I was born into a life of glory and excellence.
I know who I am.
I’m conscious of my divine heritage.
It is not possible for me to fail or be defeated in life,
For the Greater One lives in me:
I am born of God.
I have overcome the world:
Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
I live the higher life in Christ.
I’m a new creature.
A new species.
My human life was supplanted,
And replaced with the life of Christ.
I’m an associate of the God-kind.
I walk in newness of life,
Conscious that I’ve been raised together with Christ,
And I sit together with Him in the place of victory, authority, and dominion forever.
I reign with Christ,
I reign through Christ.
I dominate my world.
I rule over Satan.
I rule over the works of darkness.
I advance by treading upon serpents and scorpions

This is my time.
I’ve been enthroned to reign.
I was born to exercise dominion over Satan and the circumstances of life!
Whatever comes against me,
I take charge, and I reign
It’s my birthright to reign in Christ.
Everything is made perfect in my life, in my home, in my ministry, in my job, in my business, my city, and my nation because I use the Name of Jesus.
I correct and repair and republish and beautify my life.

The Name of Jesus is greater than every government, institution, name, or title that could be conferred, both in this world and in the world to come.
Jesus Christ is LORD!
Jesus Christ is LORD!
Jesus Christ is LORD!
He is the God of all flesh.
In the name of Jesus, I put a stop to the uprisings, wars, wickedness, perils, plagues and havoc, that the devil concocts and attempts to spread around the world.
Jesus is LORD, and he has the final say.
And in his name, I enforce his control over the nations.

I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places,
Far above all the hardships, troubles, perils, and corrupting influences of the world.
I can not be defeated or disadvantaged.
Nothing in this world can stand against me successfully.
I’ve been translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, and he leads me in the triumphal excursions of life.
He chose me and ordained me,
I live a life of power, fruitfulness, and productivity.
I’ve been chosen to bring forth lasting results.

I have the authority and the power to trample upon serpents and scorpions,
I have the authority and power to trample over the physical and mental strength of the enemy.
I have the authority and the power to trample over all the abilities and the power that the enemy possesses,
And nothing shall in any way harm me.
I reign in the greater light of God’s authority every day.
I advance by trampling over the works of the enemies.
The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me.
My physical body is invigorated by divine life.
I have the life of God in me;
That life destroys sickness and death.
I walk in divine health.
I can not be sick!

I live in the Kingdom of God’s Love-Son;
That’s the realm into which I was born;
A realm of glory, beyond time and space;
A realm of the miraculous.
So I refuse to condescend to the earthly level of life and reasoning.
I rule over demons,
I rule over circumstances,
I dominate this earthly world with the principles of our heavenly Kingdom.
I live in His Name.
His Name is named upon me.
I live in the Name of Jesus therefore, I have no fears.
I live triumphantly over and above circumstances, evil, decadence, depravity, corruption, and the perils of this world;
I live in unending peace, prosperity, health, success, and greatness,
Because I live in the Name of Jesus.

The Father has delivered and drawn me to Himself,
Out of the control and the dominion of darkness.
He has transferred me into the kingdom of His loved Son.
I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms,
Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named,
Not only in this world but also in that which is to come.
I live in the realm of victory, dominion, peace, and joy evermore,
And I rule my world with the authority of Christ.

This is my set time of harvest.
This is my set time of favour.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.
I have the codes for supernatural harvest, and
I declare that right now,
My harvest overtakes my sowing.
My seeds of money, finances, prayers, words and soul winning,
Are yielding right now,
An abundance of finances, wealth, souls, answers, and testimonies.

I have the codes for supernatural peace.
I am free from agitations,
From fear,
From conflicts.
From disturbances.
I dwell in safety.
I dwell in peace.
I bless my nation, Nigeria.
There is great peace in our nation.
Violence will not overtake our nation,
The (wild) beasts will not inhabit our nation.
We bless Nigeria and the nations of the world with peace, prosperity, righteousness, salvation, and favour.
And we declare the nations receive leadership that will fulfil God’s plans and purposes.
We declare that men and women everywhere experience the goodness of the Lord.

I have the codes for supernatural victory,
I have overcome the world.
I have overcome every adversary and adversity.
I am victorious over circumstances and situations.
Over Satan and the demons of hell.
My faith prevails in every circumstance,
And I come forth with a testimony.

I have the codes for supernatural favour.
I am surrounded with favour as a shield.
This year, 2023,
This month of April, and
Today, April 27th, 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening for me.
Favour is locating me,
Good things are gravitating towards me,
Everywhere I turn,
I experience favour!
I experience help!
I experience support!
I experience access!
I experience promotion!
I am surrounded with goodwill, with kindness, with pleasure, with grace, and with blessings.

I have the codes for supernatural proliferation.
I am fruitful.
I am productive.
I am very prolific.
Every number associated with me is proliferating, increasing, and multiplying.
My cell membership,
My souls won,
My jobs, my businesses, my partnership, everything about me, and around me is proliferating to the glory of God!

In Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5,
The Lord has increased our numbers.
We are multiplying in grace,
In impact,
In finances,
In membership,
We are spreading and increasing all over the Island,
Our cells are increasing.
Our churches are increasing.
Our members are increasing.
Our finances are increasing.
Our numbers are increasing.
We are proliferating in the name of the Lord Jesus.

I have the codes for supernatural wealth.
I walk in the blessing of Abraham.
I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places.
Great is my portion.
My heritage.
And my life.
I’m ever conscious of the presence of God.
I’m ever conscious of the indwelling Christ.
I’m always in the presence of God.
In Him I live, and move and have my being.

Christ lives in me; therefore, my life is glorified,
My body is vitalized.
No sickness, no disease, no infirmity, nor death can stay in my body.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost,
Therefore, I function in divine, perfect health from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my account, in my store, in my shop, in my business.
I thank You for everything,
And I declare by the power of the Holy Ghost that my resources are multiplied!
My finances are multiplied!
My businesses are multiplied!
My contacts, my clients, my customers are multiplied!
My inventory is multiplied!
My platforms are multiplied!
They are not shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

My light shines brighter and brighter,
I go from glory to glory,
From success to success,
From victory to victory,
From strength to strength,
By the power of the Holy Ghost.
Of my prosperity, my greatness, my influence,
My impact, my achievements, my success, my promotion, there will be no end.
I am an absolute success in life.
I declare that all my targets are coming to fulfillment,
All my projects are coming to completion,
All my dreams are coming to fruition,
By the grace of God at work in me mightily.
No obstacle will stand against me,
No policy will hinder me,
No circumstance will distract me,
Everything I do prospers and comes to completion in the name of the Lord Jesus.

In these 30 days, there is abundance of rain!
Rain of testimonies!
Rain of money!
Rain of answers!
Rain of supplies!
Rain of promotions!
Rain of bonuses!
Rain of results!
Rain of completion!
There are changes.
There is advancement.
There is completion.
There is increase.
There is harvest.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!

©CELZ5 2023

6 thoughts on “30 DAY OF RAIN – SEASON 3 — DAY 27 — ENTHRONED”

  1. Nkem B. A. Kadiri

    Thank you Jesus my Lord, for making my confessions of faith worthwhile. They produce the exact results I call forth. Amen.

  2. Ifeatu Godson. N

    Yes My confession s of Faith produce the desired Results
    Amen , Thank you my Highly Esteemed pastor Sir

  3. Ifeatu Godson. N

    My eyes Have seen. And my ears heard. What has been accomplished for me in the. Spiritual and is manifedted in the Natural . Hallelujah

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