Numbers 11: 18-32 KJV

2 Corinthians 9: 8 AMPC

Ezekiel 37: 1-14 NIV

Ezekiel 37: 9-14 CEV




This is my month of Insight.

I have wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of God.

My knowledge of God is increased this month.

I have insight into mysteries and secrets.

I am in a season of victory.

This month, will see an end to every struggle or contest,

That I have been involved in,

Because it is my season of victories.

No matter what I am confronted with,

It will turn out for my good,

It will turn out for my promotion,

It will turn out for my exaltation,

I am in a season of victories.

Thank you, Lord!

The arm of the Lord is not short that He can not save,

Neither is His ear heavy, that He can not hear,

Even as I speak now,

The wind from the Lord goes forth,

The wind of the Lord goes forth from my mouth,

And drives in the quails from the sea.

The wind of the Lord has gone forth,

And drives in the blessings,

And drives in prosperity,

And drives in wealth,

And drives in monies,

Into my life.

My barns are filled with plenty,

My presses bust forth with new wine,

All my accounts are busting forth with new monies.

Even now, I get that call,

Even now, the blessings of the Lord are quickened in my life,

People are calling me from all over the world,

The wind is blowing in from every direction.

I receive the contacts,

I receive the contracts,

There is a special grace at work in me today.

I am a miracle worker,

Today, I work miracles in my finances,

This last quarter of 2023,

I will do wonders,

I will work miracles,

Until people say THOU ART MAD!

Money gravitates to me NOW!

I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth.

Today and every day, I have miraculous supply.

I am plugged into an unending supply from heaven.

I live by a different set of rules.

My economic atmosphere is not of this world.

My God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above,

All that I could ever ask or imagine,

The Angel of Wealth,

Angels of money,

Are working on my behalf even now.

I call forth miracle monies,

I call forth miraculous supply,

I receive abundant supply,

Money is coming to me now.

Finances are coming to me now.

Unexpected people are remembering me now.

I live in superabundance.

The Angels are directing businesses to me right now.

The winds have gone forth,

To gather to me money,





The kind of favours coming to me now,

cannot be humanly explained.

Unusual and unexplained monies,

Benefits, and bonuses come to me now!

I walk in great grace,

Surpassing grace,

Abundant grace,

I have received grace to have my best year ever.

2023 is my BEST year ever.

The Lord has made all grace,

Every favour,

And earthly blessing,

Come to me in abundance.

I am always,

And in all circumstances,

Whatever the need,


I possess more than enough.

I require no aid or support from anyone.

I am furnished in abundance,

For every good work and charitable donation.

I am a big-time kingdom financier.

I scatter abroad.

I partner with the Healing School,

I partner with Project LifeSaver,

I am a HELPER of the war,

I partner with the Rhapsody,

With Ministry Programs,

With the LoveWorld Networks,

With the Inner-City Missions,

I am a big-time giver to all partnership arms in the LoveWorld Nation.

My deeds of justice, goodness, kindness,

And benevolence,

Will go on forever.

I have seed to sow!

I have bread to eat!

The Lord provides and multiplies my resources for giving.

My capacity for giving is increased.

The Lord increases the fruits of my righteousness.

I am enriched in all things and in every way.

I am generous on every side,

And my generosity brings forth thanksgiving to God.

I am a cheerful giver,

Therefore, the Lord loves me.

The Lord takes pleasure in me.

The Lord prizes me above all other things.

The Lord is unwilling to do without me.

I am a cheerful, joyous, prompt-to-do-it giver,

And my heart is in my giving.

The Lord has given me everything I require and more.

I have plenty left over to give others.

I have an abundant harvest,

I am abundantly blessed,

So that in all things and at all times having all I require,

I abound in every good work.

As I have freely sowed,

Into the work of the ministry,

My righteousness endures forever.

The Lord has made all grace,

Abound towards me.

I attract favours,

I attract grace,

I attract health,

I attract ideas,

I attract good people,

I attract opportunities,

All doors are opened to me.

I receive miracle ideas now.

I receive miracle monies now.

I walk into miraculous opportunities now.

My finances have received a new lease of life.

My bank accounts have been touched by the Spirit of grace.

It is a new day in my life.

From yesterday, I stepped into a new level of grace in my life.

Something has happened.

The grace for quickness and speed is activated in my life.

Doors are open to me.

Circumstances have been arranged to attend to me.

I have testimonies.

I have miracles.

It is a rain of blessings for me.

I have been taken into the realm of endless possibilities.

Nothing is impossible to me.

Grace is multiplied in my life.

The grace for quickness and speed is activated in my life.

I prophesy to the wind of the Lord.

I command the wind to come from every direction,

And to bring to me all the resources,

All the opportunities,

All the people,

All the wealth,

All the monies,

That I require to do exploits,

In God’s kingdom.

I am remembered for good.

I am remembered in high places.

My services are remembered.

The wind of the Lord brings in the customers,

Brings in the clients,

In the name of the Lord Jesus.

I am receiving calls for opportunities,

Unending blessings,

Unending opportunities,

Unending grace,

Unending blessings,

Unending money,

Unending prosperity.



The doors are opened,

Suddenly, they are calling me,

Suddenly the monies are coming,

Suddenly, I am positioned.


That is my story.

Sudden blessings,

Sudden promotions,

Sudden monies,

Sudden opportunities,

Sudden open doors,

Sudden glory.


I see my victories,

I can see my tomorrow.

No stress,

No delay,

No distraction,

I know who I am.

Men have been arranged to attend to me,

Circumstances attend to me,

All of nature responds to me.

The winds hear my voice

And they respond.

Money hear my voice, and it responds,

I am a source of miracles,

I am a source of Joy,

Of blessings and

Of healing.

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places,

I have a goodly heritage.

My life is flowing with milk and honey.

I’m in a place of opportunity.

A place of abundance.

A place of blessing.

I fear nothing,

I fear no one.

I fear no figure.

I fear no target.

I fear no goal.

I fear no assignment.

I fear no challenge.

Everywhere I go, testimonies abound.

In everything I do, testimonies abound,

Everywhere I go, there are shouts of joy and of victory.

By my God, I have accomplished my Healing School target,

By my God, I have hit my Project LifeSaver target,

All my pledges and all my obligations, they are met and surpassed.

In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.

Creation hears my voice,

Creation heeds my voice,

Creation responds to my voice,

I speak to my seeds in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

I command you to multiply and return to me a thousandfold.

I speak to the sun,

I speak to the moon,

I speak to the winds,

I speak to all of creation,

I command you to cause all the resources,

I command you to direct all the resources,

Required to hit and surpass my targets to come to me NOW!

In the name of the Lord Jesus!!!

Money is coming to me from everywhere!

Resources are coming to me from everywhere!

Finances are coming to me from everywhere!

Favours are coming to me from everywhere!

Wealth is coming to me from everywhere!

I am moving FAST!

I am soaring HIGH!

Quickness and speed are at work in  me.

My advancements are so fast.

Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.

I move with speed,

Blessing upon blessing,

In rapid succession,

Rapid development,

Rapid promotion,

Rapid prosperity.

Prosperity like a flood,

Achievements like a flash,

This is my experience today and every day of

These last 3 months of 2023,

I will have the result of at least 3 years because of the speed, productivity, access, and  grace that are granted me.

All my seeds are coming to a harvest NOW!

I receive a thousandfold result with quickness and speed on all my giving,

All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,

And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.

I call forth resources,

I call forth supply,

I call forth money,

I call forth blessings.

In the name of the Lord Jesus.

My capacity for giving is expanded a thousand times.

My storehouse of seed is enlarged a thousand times.

There is abundance everywhere.

Surplus everywhere.

Harvest everywhere.

I am not afraid of figures.

I am not intimidated by figures.

I control figures.

God is giving me big seed to sow.

Today, the Lord multiplies my resources for giving,

And increases the harvest of my righteousness.

None of my seeds that I have sown is wasted.

None of my seeds is forgotten.

They are multiplying and producing,

A thousandfold harvest with speed.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,

In my bank account,

In my house,

In my store,

On my platforms,

I thank You that my resources are multiplied a thousand times.

My financial capacity is multiplied a thousand times.

I am divinely connected to divine supply.

Everything connected with me multiplies.

My sales multiply.

My performance multiplies.

My money multiplies.

My partnership multiplies,

I am fruitful and productive.

I live in the supply zone.

I live in the surplus zone.

I live in the wealthy zone.

I am enriched in all things and in every way.

I am rich in grace,

I am rich in favour, in wisdom,

In assets, in knowledge, contacts.

In these 30 Days of Rain,

In this season of victories,

In this month of insight,

With grace for quickness and speed,

I’m flying!

I’m soaring!

I’m transported!

I’m translated!

In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, October 9th, 2023,

I endorse,

I have,

And I walk in my harvest,

In the name of the Lord Jesus!

I complete my pledges.

I complete my projects.

I complete my partnership targets,

And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


(Speak in other tongues)



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