I affirm that I am from the government of heaven! I am a custodian of divine truth, and I’ve received the Spirit without measure. I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment. Fear has no place in me, for the Father has not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. All things are mine! I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ today! My life is upward and forward only! I’m not moved by inflation, economic downturns, and meltdowns, because I play by a different set of rules! I’m an heir of God, with complete access to an incorruptible inheritance! My life is characterized with the demonstration of Christ’s resurrected power!

There’s life in my body! There’s life in my family! There’s life in my job! There’s life in my business and every area of my life! I live triumphantly in, and by the power of His resurrection! My mind is anointed to think God’s thoughts! With the Word of God in my mouth, I cast down all imaginations of fear, failure, sickness, disease and infirmity! No evil or negative imagination has a place in my heart! My mind is inundated with the Word, with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! Every fibre of my being is fully yielded to the Lord to carry out His divine plans through me!

I’m His living tabernacle! He talks through me, moves through me, and expresses His love and righteousness through me! My spirit, soul, and body are sanctified for His sacred use, and His glory is revealed more and more in me today and always. Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day! Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions and the glorious life are my bloodbought inheritance, and vital experience in Christ Jesus! I have a goodly heritage. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!

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