1 Cor 1:9
1 John 1:3
2 Peter 1:4
1 Cor 6:17
Hebrews 11:5
Acts 8:39-40
Jeremiah 17:8

MESSAGE FOR THE DAY👇 (available on PCDL)
Join the ongoing 21 Days Exposé on Meditation and Declaration.
(Participation Link : https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/md2022/celagosz5)

God is faithful,
God is reliable,
God is trustworthy,
By whom I was called,
Into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ.
God is the one who invited me,
Who admitted me,
Into this wonderful friendship,
Wonderful Companionship, participation, distribution,
Translation and transportation,
With His Son, Jesus Christ.
I am in fellowship with The Lord now.
I am in communion with Him now.
I am in companionship with Him now.
I am in partnership with The Lord Jesus Christ now.
I am in comradeship with The Lord Jesus Christ.
I am in association with Him.
I am in participation with The Lord.
I am in fellowship with divinity.

(Think about that for a moment. Some of you belong to the association of engineers, some belong to the association of doctors, this is an association of the Godkind. We have a common interest. We have common qualifications. We have common identity.)

I am an associate of the Godkind.
Through His death, burial, and resurrection,
The Lord Jesus brought me into oneness,
And association with Almighty God.
I am seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
I reign in life.
I am one with divinity.
I have the divine life of God.
I am in everlasting fellowship with God.
He has taken up his abode in me.

I am in fellowship
With the Father and with His son, Jesus Christ.
I enjoy a blessed communion,
Blessed fellowship,
Blessed distribution,
Blessed partnership,
With The Father
And The Lord Jesus.
His divine power,
Has given me all things that pertain,
To life and godliness.
I have all things through my fellowship,
I have all things that are requisite,
And suited to life and godliness,
Because I am in fellowship with
The Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been called to a life of glory and virtue.
I live a life of glory and virtue.
I live a life of glory and excellence.
I live a life of glory and power.

I have come to know Him.
I have the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He has given me great and precious promises.
He has given me great and precious guarantees.
I am a participator in the divine nature.
I am a sharer in the nature of God.
I am a participator in the heavenly experience.
I am a member of the heavenly pantheon,
Because I am in fellowship With The Father,
And The Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an associate of the Godkind,
A special class of being with the life and nature of God.
I am a special class of being with the life and nature of God.
I am divine.
I am a divine being.
I am a heavenly being.
I am a heavenly man.
I am an associate of the Godkind.

I am one spirit with The Lord.
I am in union with The Master.
Because I am in fellowship with God.
Everything that belongs to God, belongs to me.
Everything that belongs to God, belongs to me.
We are partners.
We are co-sharers.
We are distributing one to another.
My joy is His joy.
His joy is my joy.
Anything that concerns me, concerns Him.
In Him I live, in Him I move, and have my being.
I am in league with the Monarch of the Universe.
I am working with the Monarch of the Universe.

I am a child of God!
I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
I am a child of God!
I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
I take advantage of His grace today.
I enjoy blessed fellowship, communion, and communication,
With the Lord today and always.
I walk with Him.
I talk with Him.
We are inseparable.
I live fully in Him.

My fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
My trust is in The Lord.
The Lord is my hope and my confidence.
I am a tree planted by the waters.
I spread out my roots by the river.
I do not see when heat comes,
because I am translated above the experience of mere human beings.
My leaves are always green.
I am not careful,
I am not anxious in the year of drought.
I am not disturbed in the time of inflation or recession.
When men are cast down,
I declare I am lifted!
I declare there is lifting.
I do not cease from yielding fruit.

I am fruitful and productive,
Regardless of the seasons that affect others.
I am translated.
I do not see death.
I do not see heat.
I do not see sickness.
I do not see poverty.
I do not see lack,
Because I am translated through my fellowship,
With The Father and His son, Jesus Christ.
I am fruitful and productive,
I am ever fruitful.
I am ever productive.
I produce fruit in season and out of season.
I am evergreen.
I am ever profitable.
I am ever effective.
I am ever successful.
I am ever prosperous.
My results stand the test of time.
Because I am in fellowship and communion with God.

I yield to the Lordship and guidance of Almighty God.
I receive His thoughts.
I receive His counsel.
I receive His strategies,
Through the Holy Spirit
And through the Word.
I am marked out for extraordinary success.
I am shielded and protected,
From chance and unfortunate events,
Because I am in fellowship with God.
He teaches me and instructs me in the way I should go.
He guides me with his eye.
There are no accidents,
There are no mishaps in my path,
Because I am led by the Spirit of God,
And in fellowship with God.
I am filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom,
And spiritual understanding.
I dwell safely.

I have the light of life.
I have direction
Because I am in fellowship with God.
I am mingled with the Lord.
I am one spirit with the Lord.
My body is His body,
My tongue is His tongue.
My hands are His hands.
My feet are His feet.
Every limit,
Every barrier is taken out of my way,
By divine translation,
By divine transportation.
I experience only progress.
I experience only success.
I do not see death.
I do not see lack.
I do not see poverty.
I walk with God therefore,
I am translated above the human experience.

I am full of glory and wisdom.
It overflows from me to others.
I experience unprecedented manifestations of God’s power,
That cause many to marvel at me.
I am a wonder to my world.
I am a marvel to my world.
Because I am in fellowship with God.
I am the light of the world,
I shine brightly in my world today,
Leading many others into fellowship with God.
I am God’s ambassador to my world.
The word of God is in my mouth,
And I will not be silent.
Through me, many receive the gospel
And come into fellowship with the Father and his son Jesus Christ.
I preach the word boldly,
To everyone I come in contact with today.

I am in fellowship with God and
Through my fellowship with God, I am divinely transported.
I am transported physically.
I am transported geographically.
I am transported financially.
I am transported materially.
I speak in the morning, and I testify in the evening.
I am in another place by the transportation of the Holy Spirit.

As I fellowship with the Lord,
I touch lives and I change lives in distant lands.
Through my partnership,
I experience the transportation of my impact and
My influence in distant places.
I accomplish tasks in distant lands.
I am divinely transported to higher realms of influence,
Glory and blessings.
I touch lives.
I transform nations,
And I impact the world with the Gospel.
Through my fellowship with The Lord and The Spirit,
I experience divine transportation,
From one level of glory to another.
Miraculous transportation,
Divine Transportation.
He puts me in a place of advantage,
Over everything and every situation.
I am transported to another place.
SUDDEN GLORY! In another place.
I enjoy the translational power of divine fellowship,
Over failure,
Over Poverty,
Over defeat,
Over sickness,
Over the works of the devil.
Through my fellowship with Almighty God,
I experience transportation every day.
Today, I am divinely transported.
Today I am divinely transported.
SUDDENLY! I am taken to another place,
Another level,
Another realm,
Another location!
I am transported!
I am translated over the corruption of this world.

We bless the nations of the world.
We bless the nations with peace.
We bless the nations with prosperity.
We declare that the glory of God is manifested in the nations,
In ever-increasing measure.
We declare that the leaders of nations have courage and direction.
We declare that the Gospel of Christ,
Has free course and is glorified in every nation.
We declare that China is open to the gospel.
We speak peace in Iran.
We speak peace in Russia.
We speak peace in Ukraine.
We cancel every work of the wicked one,

We bless our nation, Nigeria.
We declare that the word of God has free course
And is glorified in Nigeria.
We bless Nigeria with peace.
We bless Nigeria with direction.
We bless our economy.
We declare that the potentials of our nation,
Are realized in the name of Jesus.
We declare divine intervention in our educational sector,
Especially in the tertiary institutions.
We cast out the spirit of confusion,
Of darkness, of anarchy from our university system,
And we declare that there is a change in the name of Jesus.
We declare that our universities are open.
They are open!
They are open!
Our young people can find expression and
Fulfillment for their dreams in this nation.

When men are cast down,
I declare, there is lifting.
Every nation,
Every city,
Every town,
Every village,
Every street,
Every home
Is open to the Gospel.
The word of the Lord is growing,
And multiplying,
And expanding,
And enlarging,
And progressing.
The word of the Lord is glorified!
In every nation of the world.
The nations belong to God!
We leave no nation for the devil.

This year, this month, and this day,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my declaration,
The clouds of my meditation,
They are full and they are emptying down
In answers,
In solutions,
In testimonies,
In miracles,
In progress,
In advancement,
In transportation,
In supply,
In the name of Jesus.

Today, September 29th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, September 29th, 2022,
I take my daily provision.
Today, September 29th, 2022,
I take my daily supply.
All that is needed for today, I receive.
I lambano.
I take it today.
Today, September 29th, 2022,
I take my daily benefits, the extra, the benefits.
I have miraculous supply.
I walk in abundance.
God is my source.
The Maker of Heaven and Earth is my source,
And I am in partnership with him,
Therefore, I lack nothing.
I have all the resources
I have all the money,
All the materials,
All the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts,
All the connections,
That I require.
There is abundance everywhere.
There is abundance everywhere.
There is abundance everywhere.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the fruit of my righteousness.
I bless all that I have.
I give thanks to God for what I have in my account(s),
In my home,
In my business,
In my warehouse.
I thank God for all that I have and
I declare that there will be no end to my resources,
To my supply and to my glory.
All my accounts are bursting forth with new monies.
God is my source,
And I receive new channels,
New channels of supply,
New channels of inflow,
New channels of distribution.
I speak in the morning,
And I testify in the evening.

My gates are open!
All channels are open!
New channels are open!
They are open continually.
They shall not be shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations.
Today, unexpected channels open for me.
There is water from the rock.
There is light from the darkness.
I expect the unexpected today.
Today, I have new customers.
Today, I have new businesses.
Today, I have new orders.
Today, I have new contacts.
Today, I have new partners.
Today, I have new channels.
They are coming from everywhere,
And as they come, I have the wisdom to retain them.

Today and Everyday,
The doors of my businesses,
And my platforms,
And all my channels are open.
The abundance of the sea,
The wealth of the nations,
Are converted to me.
People are coming.
Money is coming.
I have miraculous supply.
There is an overflow of favour and abundance for me today.
The Lord is my source.
The Lord is my shepherd.
Christ is my source.
Christ is my sufficiency.
Christ is supply.
I am plugged into God’s unending, and miraculous supply.

I am sealed of God!
The mark of God is on me.
I am authorized!
To go anywhere.
To go everywhere.
To receive anything.
I am authorized!
I am certified!
I am perfect.
I am God’s agent.
I am endorsed!
I am certified!
I am excellent.
I am the best.
God’s endorsement is taking me far.
His endorsement is opening doors for me.
His endorsement is giving me promotion and favour.
I am protected!
The seal of protection is on me.
Therefore, no harm will come to me.
I am exempted from evil, from death, from darkness.

The Lord is my source.
I do not look to man.
I do not look to the government.
I do not look to my job.
God is my source.
He is my supply, my strength, my help, and my keeper.
I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I walk in continuous victory.
I walk in unending success and perpetual victory.
My path is as the shining light,
That shines brighter and brighter,
Unto the perfect day

I am in fellowship with The Father,
I am in communion with The Father.
I am in companionship with Him.
I am in partnership with Him.
I am in participation with Him.
I experience prosperity, transportation,
Translation by the power of the Spirit of God.
I am in another place.
I am in another place.
Physically, geographically, financially,
Materially, socially, in all aspects.
Through my fellowship with the Spirit of God,
I am transported even today and even now.
I expect the unexpected today.

©CELZ5 2022

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