Colossians 1: 27
Romans 8: 30
2 Corinthians 4: 7A
2 Corinthians 3: 18 AMPC
Psalm 87:3
Proverbs 4: 18
Psalm 92: 12-15 AMPC

MESSAGE FOR THE DAY👇 (available on PCDL)
Join the ongoing 21 Days Exposé on Meditation and Declaration.
(Participation Link : https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/md2022/celagosz5)

Christ in me, the hope of glory!
Christ is in me!
He lives in me.
Christ is in me!
Christ in me is my confidence of divine health.
Christ in me is my assurance of prosperity.
Christ in me is my assurance of success.
Christ in me is my assurance of victory and dominion.
I have been brought into the glory life.
He has glorified me.
He has called me to glory and virtue.
Christ in me, is my confidence and my assurance of glory.
I have been brought into the glory life.

I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing splendor.
I live a life of ever-increasing beauty.
I live a life of ever-increasing brilliance.
I continue to produce results
I continue to shine.
I continue upwards and forwards.
My path is as the shining light,
That shines brighter and brighter,
Unto the perfect day.
It is upwards and forwards.
There is no expiry date,
There is no retirement,
From the glory life.
Of my glory and my increase and my success,
And my results, there is no end.
It is from one level of glory to another.

Christ in me, the hope of glory!
The totality of the character,
And nature of The Lord Jesus,
All that He represents

  • His life, His power, His wisdom, His majesty, His glory and His grace –
    are in me.
    I am “Christ in me” conscious.
    Christ, the anointed One and His anointing,
    remain in me.
    All that the anointing represents
  • the power, the life, the glory, the wisdom, the righteousness and the grace –
    are expressed in and through me!
    Christ in me is my confidence for the glorious,
    Prosperous and victorious life

Christ in me makes me bold!
Greater is He that is in me,
Than He that is in the world.
Christ in me gives me confident assurance.
Christ in me gives me joy unspeakable,
And full of glory.
I am in Christ and Christ is in me.
He has predestinated me.
He has called me.
He has justified me.
He has glorified me.

The Holy Spirit lives in me.
He reveals God’s glory and blessings to me.
I am the glory of God!
I reign in righteousness.
I experience peace, prosperity, joy, and divine health.
I experience a glorious fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
I am more than a man.
I am a divine being,
Because Christ lives in me.
The glory of God is revealed in me always.
I am a member of His body,
Of His flesh and of His bones!
Christ in me, the assurance of glory!
Christ is in me.
He lives in me.
I’ve been granted the grace and the ability in Christ,
To reign and rule over all circumstances!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Christ in me is my assurance of a life of continuous victory,
Unending success and perpetual glory.

I flourish like the palm tree.
Prosperous and ever fruitful.
Everything and everywhere around me is green.
There is no dryness or death in path.
Agelessness is at work in me.
I am stately.
I am upright.
I am useful.
I bring forth my fruits continually.
I am productive.
I grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
I am majestic.
I am stable.
I am durable.
I am long-lasting.
I am incorruptible.
I am imperishable.
I have the life of God in me.
I am not of them that perish.
I am planted in the house of the Lord.
I flourish in the courts of my God.
I am growing in grace and increasing in glory.
I am growing in grace and increasing in glory.
I am growing in grace and increasing in glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing splendor.
My fruits are long-lasting.
My results are enduring.
They stand the test of time.
I am vibrant all the time.
I produce results in season and out of season.
I am ever fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.

I am the glory of God!
I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing splendor.
My life is from glory to glory,
From faith to faith,
From grace to grace.
My path is as the shining light,
That shines brighter and brighter,
Unto the perfect day.
I walk in the ever-brightening light of God’s favour.
My path glows with light.
The longer I live, the brighter I shine.
It is upwards and forwards continually

I am a life-giving spirit.
I was predestined by God,
To be conformed to the image of His son.
I was predestined by God,
To a life of divine glory.
I am called of God.
I am justified!
I am glorified!!!
I am called of God.
I am justified!
I am glorified!!!
I have been brought into a life of beauty and excellence.
I am called to His eternal glory.
I am strong.
I am firm.
I am steadfast.
His divine power has given me,
All things that pertain unto life and godliness.
I am called to glory and virtue.
I live a life of glory and power.
I have been glorified,
Not with a lesser glory,
But with the same glory that Jesus has.
He gave me the same glory that The Father gave him.
I am crowned with glory and honor.
My life is for glory and beauty.
My life is for excellence and honour.
My life is excellent and full of glory.
I’m crowned with righteousness and with honour.
The pleasure of the Lord is prospering through me.
Christ is exalted in my life today and evermore.

Christ in me the hope of glory!
The glory is in me now!
The mystery of Christianity and the glory thereof is Christ in me
The glory of God is resident in my spirit.
I am a God-carrying vessel.
My presence anywhere,
Means the glory of God,
Has been manifested in that place.
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit.
The glory and righteousness of God,
Are fully resident in my spirit
My inward man is renewed day by day.
My inner strength is growing day by day,
From glory to glory,
From faith to faith,
From strength to strength.
I have a far more exceeding
And eternal weight of glory.
I do not look at the things that are seen.
I look at the unseen.
I do not look at my outward body.
I look at the glory in my spirit.
I see the unseen.
I see unseen realities.
The things that are seen are temporal.
The unseen realities are eternal.
I impact my world with the presence of God.
I impact my world with the glory of God.
I spread the bounties of His beauty, perfection, and grace.
To everything and everyone around me.
From the inner recesses of my spirit,
I bring forth blessings to improve my world.

I bless the nations of the world.
I bless the nations with peace.
I bless the nations with prosperity.
I declare that the glory of God is manifested in the nations,
In ever-increasing measure.
I declare that the leaders of nations have courage and direction.
I declare that the Gospel of Christ,
Has free course and is glorified in every nation.
I declare that China is open to the gospel.
I declare peace in Iran,
In Russia,
In Ukraine.
I cancel every work of the wicked one,
To destabilize nations and cause confusion.

Where men are cast down,
I declare, there is lifting up.
Every nation,
Every city,
Every town,
Every village,
Every street
Is open to the Gospel.
The word of the Lord is growing,
And multiplying,
And expanding,
And enlarging,
And progressing.
The word of the Lord is glorified!
In every nation of the word.
The nations belong to God!
We leave no nation for the devil.

This year, this month, and this day,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my declaration,
The clouds of my meditation,
They are full and they are emptying down
In answers,
In solutions,
In testimonies,
And in glory.

Today, September 28th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, September 28th, 2022,
I take my daily provision.
Today, September 28th, 2022,
I take my daily supply.
Whatsoever is needed for today, I receive it.
I lambano it.
I take it today.
Today, September 28th, 2022,
I take my daily benefits.
I have miraculous supply.
I walk in abundance.
For God is my source.
The Maker of Heaven and Earth is my source.
Therefore, I lack nothing.
I have all the resources,
All the money,
All the materials,
All the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts,
All the connections,
That I need.
There is abundance everywhere.
That which is required for today,
I receive now.
There is abundance everywhere.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the fruit of my righteousness.
I bless all that I have and
I declare that there will be no end to my resources,
To my supply and to my glory.
All my accounts are bursting forth with new monies.
God is my source and
I have all channels and new channels open to receive.
I speak in the morning,
And I testify in the evening.

My gates are open!
All channels are open!
New channels are open!
They are open continually.
They shall not be shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations.
Today, unexpected channels are open.
There is water from the rock.
There is light from the darkness.
I expect the unexpected today.
Today, I have new customers.
Today, I have new businesses.
Today, I have new orders.
Today, I have new contacts.
Today, I have new partners.
Today, I have new channels.
They are coming from everywhere,
And as they come, I have the wisdom to retain them.

Today and Everyday,
The doors of my businesses and my platforms and all my channels are open.
The abundance of the sea,
The wealth of the nations,
Are converted to me.
People are coming.
Money is coming.
I have miraculous supply.
There is an overflow of favour and abundance for me today.
The Lord is my source.
The Lord is my shepherd.
Christ is my source.
Christ is my sufficiency.
Christ is supply.
I have access to wealth untold.
I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I am plugged into God’s unending, and miraculous supply.

I am sealed of God!
The mark of God is on me.
I am authorized!
To go anywhere.
To go everywhere.
To do anything.
To do everything
I am certified!
I am perfect.
I am the best.
I am excellent.
I am endorsed!
God has endorsed me.
He has declared me the best.
His endorsement is taking me far.
His endorsement is opening doors for me.
His endorsement is putting me ahead.
The grace that produces promotion and power,
Rests on me as God’s endorsement.
I am protected!
The seal of protection is on me.
No harm will come to me.
I am exempted from evil, from death, from darkness.

The Lord is with me.
The Lord is my God.
God is my source.
I do not look to man.
I do not look to the government.
I do not look to my job.
God is my source.
The Lord is my supply.
The Lord is my strength.
The Lord is my help.
The Lord is my keeper.

Christ in me the hope of glory!
Christ in me the hope of glory!
I walk in continuous victory, in unending success and in perpetual glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing glory,
Ever-increasing splendor,
Ever-increasing beauty,
Ever-increasing brilliance.
My path is as the shining light,
That shines brighter and brighter,
Unto the perfect day

I am the glory of God.
Men are beholding my glory.
I manifest the glory of God.
Glorious things are spoken of me.
The glory of God is in my help, in my prosperity, in my well-being.
I walk in the glory.

Glorious things are spoken of you.
You are the one to start speaking those glorious things.
God has already glorified you, so walk in that glory.

©CELZ5 2022

1 thought on “30 DAYS OF RAIN – SEASON 2 – DAY 3”

  1. This marvelous confessions and declarations had really blessed my life today and always,its a great privilege to be part of loveworld nation.

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