Monday, 17th April 2023

Authority in the Name of Jesus
(Available on the PCDL)


This is my month of lights.
The word is a light unto my feet.
And a light unto my path.
I have divine direction.
I am led by the Spirit of God.
I know what to do.
I know how to do what to do.
I know where to go.
And I know how to get there.
I am a child of light.
I am burning and shining for the Lord.
I am effective.
I have the capacity to perform.
I am emitting energy,
To effect changes in the realm of the Spirit.

The LORD is my shepherd.
I shall and I cannot be in want.
I lack nothing.
I have no sense of need.
I have everything I will ever require.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul.
The Lord leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
He leads me along the right paths.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
For the Lord, my God is with me.
His rod and His staff,
They comfort me.
The Lord has prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
He has anointed my head with oil.
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy follow me,
All the days of my life.
I dwell in the house of the LORD for ever and ever.

THE LORD is my Shepherd.
He feeds, guides, protects, and shields me.
I shall not lack.
He makes me lie down in fresh, tender green pastures.
He leads me beside the still and restful waters.
He refreshes and restores my life.
The Lord, my God, leads me in the paths of righteousness,
The Paths of uprightness and right standing with Him.
The Lord loves me passionately.
He is committed to my well-being and my prosperity.
Though I walk through the deep,
Sunless valley of the shadow of death,
I will not fear evil,
I will not dread evil,
Because The Lord is with me.
His rod is with me to protect me.
His staff is with me to guide me.
I am comforted on every side.
Thank you, Lord,
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You have anointed my head with oil,
My brimming cup runs over.
Surely! Only goodness, mercy, and your unfailing love,
Attend to me,
All the days of my life.
The house of the Lord,
And His abiding presence are my dwelling place.

Because the Lord is my Shepherd,
I have everything that I need!
Because the Lord is my Shepherd,
I have everything that I need!
He lets me rest in lush-green grass,
And leads me beside the quiet and peaceful streams.
He gives me new strength.
He helps me to do what honours him the most,
Guiding me along the right paths.
No matter the challenges I face in this life,
I will not be afraid,
Because The Lord my God is with me,
Guarding and guiding me all the way.
When men say there is casting down,
I am lifted.
I can never be cast down.
I can never be downcast.
The Lord prepares a feast for me,
In the presence of my enemies.
I am the envy of nations.
Blessings overflow in my life.
His goodness and unfailing kindness,
Are ever with me,
And I dwell in the abiding presence of the Lord,
All the days of my life.

I live in the Supply Zone.
His divine power has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness,
Through the knowledge of him that has called me to glory and virtue.
I live a life of glory and virtue.
I live an excellent life of glory and dominion,
Righteousness and superabundance.
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
I dwell in the supply zone.
I dwell in surplus.
The Lord makes me to lie down in green pastures.
This is my abode — the place of never-ending,
Superabundant wealth.
I have no consciousness of want, of need and of lack.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I’m an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
That means, I own the world.
Everything The Father owns belongs to me,
Because I’m His heir.
I was born into an incorruptible, inexhaustible inheritance.
I live in the zone of continual abundant supply.

The Lord has made all grace,
Every favour and earthly blessing,
Come to me in abundance.
I am always, in all circumstances,
Whatever the need, self-sufficient.
I possess more than enough.
I require no aid or support.
I’m furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
The eyes of my understanding have been enlightened,
To know the hope of His calling,
And the unfathomable riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
I can never be broke.
I was born into wealth untold.
This is where I function.
This is the life Christ has given me!

I’m set on a preordained path of righteousness.
Predestination is at work in me.
I do not go anywhere by chance.
I do not meet anyone by chance.
My life has a purpose with God.
He leads me by His Spirit,
In the path that He has set for me.
In His path, is everything that I require,
To fulfil all that the Lord has called me to do.
By His Spirit, I meet those He has planned for me to meet.
I have favour everywhere I go.
Everything I touch turns to success.
I thank God for my beautiful life in Christ.
I’m living a life of purpose,
Walking in paths which God prearranged for me,
Living the good life which He planned before the world began.
I manifest His righteousness and glory to my world.

Christ leads me in the paths of righteousness.
I walk in the paths of righteousness.
In my path, there are no accidents.
In my path, there is no coincidence.
I am synchronized with God’s plans, purposes, and provisions.
Everything is prearranged by God.

I declare – The Lord is my refuge!
I declare – The Lord is my fortress!
The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.
No harm, no evil can befall me.
He has placed and formed a protective shield around me,
which the enemy cannot penetrate.
I am not afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Because The LORD is my God.
He is my refuge,
Even the Highest, is my habitation.
I have no fear!
I am bold, as a Lion
I make my boost in the Lord.

This is my due season.
This is my season of harvest.
This is my set time for favour.
God’s word in my mouth is as the rain that comes down from heaven and waters the earth, causing it to produce a harvest.
The word of God is working, in my health,
In my body,
In my business,
In my ministry,
In my finances.
The word accomplishes the purpose for which I send it.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.

I declare that right now,
I have, I receive, and I function in a great, supernatural, and abundant harvest.
I have the codes for supernatural harvest.
My harvest is overtaking my sowing.
Blessing upon blessing.
Grace upon grace.
Harvest upon harvest.
Everywhere I turn, there are blessings!

My seeds of money,
Soul winning,
Are yielding right now,
An abundance of finances,
Answers and
There is abundance everywhere.

I have the codes for supernatural peace.
I am free from agitating passions.
I am free from fear,
I am free from moral conflicts.
I am free from every disturbance.
I dwell in safety.
I dwell in peace.
I declare there is great peace in our nation, Nigeria.
The sword shall not pass through our land.
Violence shall not overtake our nation,
The (wild) beasts will not inhabit our nation.
War is eliminated from our nation in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And now, we bless the nations of the world with peace, prosperity, righteousness, salvation, and favour.
And we declare the nations receive leadership that will fulfill God’s plan and purposes for this time.
We declare that men and women everywhere, in all nations, around the world, see and experience the goodness of the Lord.

I have the codes for supernatural victory,
Victory, over all enemies, and contrary circumstances.
I have overcome the world.
I have overcome every adversary and every adversity.
I am victorious,
Over circumstances,
Over Satan and the demons of hell.
I have overcome the world.
My faith prevails in every circumstance.
And I come forth with a testimony.

I have the codes for supernatural favour.
The Lord looks upon me with favour.
And leans toward me with regard.
I am surrounded with favour as a force field.
I am surrounded with goodwill, kindness, pleasure, grace, and blessings.
This year, 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
This month, April 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
Today, April 17th, 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
They are gravitating towards me,
Favour is locating me for good.
Everywhere I turn,
I experience favour!
I experience help!
I experience support!

I have the codes for supernatural proliferation.
I am fruitful.
I am productive.
I am very prolific.
Every number associated with me is proliferating, increasing, and multiplying.
My cell membership is multiplying,
My souls in the house of God are multiplying.
My jobs, my businesses, my partnership, and everything around and about me
Is proliferating to the glory of God!

In Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5,
We have the codes for supernatural proliferation.
The Lord has increased our numbers.
We are multiplying.
We are multiplying in grace,
We are multiplying in impact,
We are multiplying in finances,
We are multiplying in membership,
We are spreading.
We are increasing all over the Island,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Our cells are increasing.
Our churches are increasing.
Our members are increasing.
Our numbers are increasing.
Our finances are increasing.
We are proliferating in the name of the Lord Jesus.

I have the codes for supernatural wealth.
I walk in the blessing of Abraham.
God has prearranged and made ready for me a good life.
A beautiful life, an abundant life.
I multiply effortlessly.
Multiplication, expansion, excellence, and greatness,
Are at work in me.
I am an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ.
All things are mine.
Greatness is mine.
Greatness is my portion.
Greatness is my heritage.
Greatness is my life.
I’m ever conscious of the presence of God.
I’m ever conscious of the indwelling Christ.
I am always in the presence of God.
In Him I live.
In Him I move.
In Him I have my being.

Christ lives in me,
Therefore, I soar higher and higher.
Christ lives in me; therefore, my life is glorified,
My body is vitalized.
No sickness, no disease, no infirmity, no death can stay in my body.
I function in divine, perfect health.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account, in my store, in my shop, in my business.
I thank You for everything,
And I declare by the power of the Holy Ghost that my resources are multiplied!
My finances are multiplied!
My businesses are multiplied!
My contacts are multiplied!
My inventory is multiplied!
My clients, my customers are multiplied!
My platforms are multiplied!
They are not shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I’m the seed of Abraham.
My light shines brighter and brighter,
I go from glory to glory,
From success to success,
From victory to victory,
By the power of the Holy Ghost.

Of my prosperity, my greatness, my influence,
My impact, my achievements, there shall be no end.
There is no expiry date to my ever-increasing glory, my lifting, my success, and my promotion has no terminal point.
I am an absolute success in life.
The word of God in my mouth is effective and powerful,
Causing even the barren ground to produce fruits,
And bring forth a harvest.

In these 30 days, there will be rain!
Rain of testimonies!
Rain of money!
Rain of answers!
Rain of supplies!
Rain of results!
There will be changes.
There will be advancement.
There will be increase.
There will be a harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen & Amen!!!!

I live in the supply zone.
Yes, the Lord is my shepherd,
He leads me to do what honours Him the most.
I am guided, led and synchronized by the Spirit.
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.
Amen and Amen.

©CELZ5 2023

2 thoughts on “30 DAYS OF RAIN —SEASON 3 —WITH THE CEO — DAY 17 — PSALM 23”

  1. Efe Felix Atate

    Hallelujah! Glory to God Almighty. Rain of Blessings for me every where! I live and walk in His Glory. It’s harvest time for me.

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