Day 12 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 3) – Wednesday, 12th April 2023

Listen to this message today,
Increase in Grace


  • Romans 5:17 KJV

I have received abundance of grace,
And of the gift of righteousness.
I reign as a King in life by the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am kinging in life.
I have received God’s abundant provision of grace,
I have received the gift of righteousness.
I am reigning in life.
I reign over sin and I reign over death.
I have dominion over all things.
I reign in the realm of life.
I am a Child of Grace.
I am growing in Grace.
And in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I openly acknowledge and celebrate the Grace of God in my Life.
I recognize the Grace of God in my life.
I’m a child of Grace.
I’m blessed and highly favored.

God’s grace in my life,
Takes me to higher heights.
Causing me to have supernatural, unexplained results.
That completely outclass my contemporaries.
The knowledge of God’s word in my heart,
Causes me to walk in an overflow of Grace.
And that Grace Produces Favour.
That Grace Produces Beauty.
That Grace Produces Goodwill.
That Grace Produces Loveliness.
That Grace Produces Perfections.
That Grace Produces Glory and ability in my life.

I am righteousness conscious.
Righteousness gives me dominion.
Guilt, condemnation, fear and inferiority are eliminated from my life.
I live above Satan and his accusations.
I have boldness and confidence to pray to the Father and expect answers.
I am unafraid and I’m unashamed before the Lord,
Because I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world,
Instead, I reign and I rule over them.
I’m a king and I reign in righteousness.
I’m superior to Satan, his demons and any circumstance.
By the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ,
The whole world is subdued before me.
I have the mastery over circumstances, demons, and their manipulations.
The angels of God minister in my behalf, even now,
For I have received an overflow of God’s grace.
I am made a champion in this life.


I have received grace to reign and rule as a king.
I exercise dominion over circumstances, the devil and his cohorts.
And right now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
I break the influence of Satan in any situation or circumstance that concerns me,
I break the influence of Satan over the nations,
Over the people and their leaders.
All around the world!
Christ reigns in the nations!
His righteousness fills the earth,
And mantles the hearts of men,
For all souls belong to Him.

I am of God.
I belong to God.
I hail from God.
My origin is from God.
Therefore, I have overcome the world.
I have defeated Satan and the cohorts of darkness,
Because Greater is He that is in me,
Than He that is in the world.
He who lives in me is greater, mightier, stronger, wiser,
Than he that is in the world.
I refuse to fear.
I refuse to fear.
I refuse to be afraid of anything and anyone in this world,
Because He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.
The one who lives in me is greater than the one who lives in the world.

I am not an ordinary being.
I am not an ordinary being.
I am like the Lord, Jesus.
As he is, so am I in this world.
I hail from God,
I came forth from God,
I am born of God,
And I belong to God.
I already have the victory over Satan, death, hell, and the world.
The Spirit who lives in me,
Is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.
I am fearless.
I have no sense of lack.
I live in absolute mastery and dominion over all things.
I have the divine nature,
The nature of righteousness,
The nature of eternal life,
I have the same life as Christ.
The same Spirit,
The same Holy Spirit that worked in Jesus is at work in me today,
Not another Spirit,
The very same Spirit that worked in Christ,
Is at work in me today.
Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.
I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world.
It makes no difference the challenges or difficulties that come my way,
I am a victor,
Because I am born of God.


Divinity is at work in me.
As He is, so am I in this world.
I’m not ordinary.
I have the life of God in every fibre of my being,
In every bone of my body,
In every cell of my blood.
I’m what God says I am!
I can do all things by His strength and ability at work in me.
Blessed be God!
I have the victory.
I have the victory.
I have overcome the world, its systems, economies, and economics.
I am galloping in a perpetual victory parade.
Through me, the knowledge of Christ spreads everywhere.
My triumphs of faith,
Effuse the exquisite fragrance of His glory in every place.

Greater is He that is in me,
Than he that is in the world.
Therefore, sickness cannot stay in my body.
I have the life of God in me,
From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.
I live and walk in supernatural, divine and perfect health.
There is nothing in me that should not be there.
There is nothing that should be in me, that isn’t there.
All the systems of my body are functioning optimally and in good health.
My head,
My eyes,
My heart,
My lungs,
My kidneys,
My liver,
All the organs and systems of my body are functioning optimally.
Eternal life is at work me.
I am not a mere, ordinary human person!
I am a divine being!
I have got Zoé!
I am a carrier of divine life,
I am a carrier of the divine nature.
I am complete in Him.
All of divinity resides in me.
I am an Associate of the God-kind.
A partaker of the divine nature.
I am filled with God,
I am full of God,
I am replete with God.
Nothing else needs to be in me to make me divine.
Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no part of my life.
I can never be sick.
I am born, not of blood,
Nor of the will of the flesh,
Nor of the will of man, but I am born of God.
The same life,
The transcendent life that makes it impossible for divinity to be corrupted or defeated is what I have in me.
Nothing happens to me,
Nothing happens to me,
I am the one happening,
I am making things happen.
I am triumphant always and in all circumstances.
I walk in dominion every day of my life.
I have and walk in the consciousness of the divine essence.
I rule over sickness,
I rule over disease,
I rule over death,
I rule over the elements of this world.
I celebrate my oneness with Christ today and always.

I declare, the doors of the nations,
Remain open to the Gospel.
The Gospel has free course and is glorified in every nation of the world.
A great door for effective work, is opened in the nations.
I pour forth righteousness on the nations.
And the earth brings forth salvation.
I bless the nations with peace, prosperity, and progress.

This is my due season,
This is a favourable time,
A favourable condition, for me to act.
It is my season of open doors.
God’s word in my mouth is as the rain that comes from heaven and waters the earth, causing it to produce a harvest.
The word of God is working, producing, in my health,
In my body,
In my business,
In my ministry.
The word accomplishes the purpose for which I send it.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.

And I declare that right now,
I have, receive, and function in a great, supernatural, and abundant harvest.
I have the codes for supernatural harvest.
My harvest overtakes my sowing.
Blessing upon blessing.
Grace upon grace.
Harvest upon harvest.
Everywhere I turn, there are blessings!
Whatever I lay my hands on, prospers.

My seeds of money,
Soul winning,
Are yielding right now,
An abundance of finances,
Answers and
There is abundance everywhere.
I see my harvest, and I lay hold on it.

I have the codes for supernatural peace.
I am free from agitating passions.
I am free from moral conflicts.
I am free from every disturbance.
I dwell in safety.
I dwell in peace.
The Lord grants peace in our land.
I declare there is great peace in Nigeria.

The sword shall not pass through our land.
Violence shall not overtake our nation,
The (wild) beasts will not inhabit our nation.
War is eliminated from our nation.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

And now, we bless the nations of the world with peace.
Salvation, and favour.
And we declare the nations receive the leadership that will fulfil God’s plans and purposes for this time.
We declare that men and women everywhere, all around the world, experience and see the goodness of the Lord.

I have the codes for supernatural victory,
Victory, over all enemies, and contrary circumstances.
I have overcome the world.
I have overcome all contrary circumstances,
I have overcome every adversity and adversary.
I am victorious,
Over circumstances,
Situations and adversities,
Over Satan and the demons of hell.
I have overcome the world.
My faith prevails in every circumstance.
And I come forth with a testimony.

I have the codes for supernatural favour.
The Lord has looked upon me with favour.
And leans toward me with regard.
I am blessed and highly favoured.
I am surrounded with favour as a force field.
I am surrounded with favour,
Grace and
I am surrounded with help and support.

This year, 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
This month, April 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
Today, April 12th, 2023, unusual and unexplained favours are happening to me.
They are gravitating toward me,
Locating me for good.
Everywhere I turn,
I experience favour!
I experience help,
I experience support.

I have the codes for supernatural proliferation.
I am fruitful.
I am productive.
I am very prolific.
Every number associated with me is proliferating, increasing, and multiplying.
My cell membership is increasing.
My souls in the house of God are multiplying.
My jobs, my businesses, my partnership, and everything about me,
Is proliferating to the glory of God!


In Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5,
We have the codes for supernatural proliferation.
The Lord has increased our numbers.
We are multiplying.
We are spreading ,
We increasing all over the Island,
In the name of our Lord Jesus.
Our cells are increasing.
Our churches are increasing.
Our numbers are increasing.

I have the codes for supernatural wealth.
I walk in the blessing of Abraham.
I multiply effortlessly.
Multiplication, expansion, excellence and greatness,
Are at work in me.
I am an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ.
All things are mine.
Greatness is my portion.
Greatness is my heritage.
Greatness is my life.
I am ever conscious of the presence of God.
I am ever conscious of the indwelling Christ.
The Holy Spirit lives in me and I live in Him.
I am always in the presence of God.

Christ lives in me,
Therefore, I soar higher and higher.
Christ lives in me, therefore, my life is glorified and my body is vitalized.
No sickness, no disease, no infirmity, no death can stay in my body.
I function in perfect divine health.
Christ lives in me, therefore I can never be defeated.


Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account, in my store, in my shop, in my business.
I thank You for everything,
And I declare by the power of the Holy Ghost that they are multiplied.
My finances are multiplied,
My businesses are multiplied,
My contacts are multiplied,
My inventory is multiplied,
My clients are multiplied,
My customers are multiplied,
My platforms are multiplied,
They are not shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.
I’m the seed of Abraham.
My light shines brighter and brighter,
From glory to glory,
From success to success,
From victory to victory,
By the power of the Holy Ghost.

Of my ever-increasing glory, my prosperity, my greatness, my influence,
My impact and my achievement, there shall be no end.
There’s no terminal point for my glory, for my lifting, for my success, for my promotion.
I am an absolute success in life.
The word of God in my mouth is effective.
Causing even the barren ground to produce fruits,
And bring forth a harvest.

And in these 30 days, there will be rain.
Rain of testimonies, rain of answers, rain of results.
There will be changes, there will be advancement, there will be increase,
There will be a harvest, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am a king.
I am reigning in life.
Don’t be a victim,
Don’t push the panic button.
Choose to reign,
Choose to take charge,
Choose to win.

©CELZ5 2023



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