TOPIC: Living in the Victory of Christ

LISTEN TO: 7 Factors for a Victorious Life

Matthew 28:18-19 KJV
Hebrews 2:14-15 KJV
1 John 3:8 KJV
Colossians 2:15 KJV
Colossians 1:12-13 KJV
1 John 5:4 KJV
I John 4:4 KJV
John 16:33 KJV
2 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
Ephesians 1:19-23 NIV
Philippians 2:9-11 KJV

I live in the victory and dominion of Christ.
I am born of God,
Therefore, I have overcome the world and its hatred, unbelief,
Wickedness, deception, economies, and economics.
I am victorious forever in the Name of Jesus!
All power was given to Christ in heaven and in earth.
For my good.
So today,
I have power to rule over circumstances,
I have power to win,
I have power to multiply.
Everything is subject to me, because I live in His Name.
His name belongs to me.
When I speak in His Name,
My words carry the same power and authority,
As though Jesus Himself were the one speaking.
His Name has power everywhere and over everything.
It has power over governments,
Power over devils, principalities, and powers.
In the name of Jesus, I have all things,
And I bring all things into subjection in His name.
I use the name of Jesus every day, and everywhere.
His name is the solution to every problem.
It makes no difference the circumstance, the situation,
In the name of the Lord Jesus, I have overcome.
Everything is subject to me,
In His name, I can never be defeated.
I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, defeat.
I refuse to give in or submit to anything contrary to my divine heritage in Christ Jesus.
I will not frustrate the grace of God,
I maintain my confession of the Word.
I am strong in faith, giving glory to God,
Because the Greater one lives in me.
I have dominion over Satan and the powers of darkness.
I walk the path of success, victory and triumph,
Because I function and do all things, in the Name of Jesus.
My life is for glory,
My life is for excellence,
I live victoriously,
I dominate life’s situations and circumstances.
I refuse to allow the devil run rampage in my environment.
I use the authority in Christ against the devil,
And he has no choice but to flee.

Father, I thank you for the privilege and authority to use the Name of Jesus,
The Name that is above all names.
At the Name of Jesus, every knee bows, demons tremble,
Chains are broken,
Doors are open,
Mountains crumble.
In the name of Jesus,
In the power and authority of that Name,
I go forth today in victory,
Reigning and ruling over circumstances.
The Name never fails.
The Name of Jesus never fails.
I live my life in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
In all situations,
In all circumstances,
I proclaim, I announce, I declare, the Lordship of Jesus.
I live as His representative.
I live every day with the consciousness,
Of the power, the glory, dominion of His Name.

My life is an unending stream of blessings,
And the supernatural.
I have no consciousness of need,
Because the power and the glory,
Of the name of Jesus,
Makes all things right with me.
In the Name of Jesus, I live above the circumstances,
And the perils of this world.

Father, I thank you,
For the power and blessing,
Of living in the Name of Jesus.
I live triumphantly,
In perpetual peace, prosperity,
Health, success and greatness,
To the glory of the Father.
I walk in dominion over Satan and the princes of darkness
Because I’m seated with Christ in glory, dominion and power.
I reign and rule over the circumstances and elements of this world,
The world is under my dominion,
I reign and rule in Christ,
I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless,
I live; yet not I,
But Christ lives in me.
And the life I now live,
I live by the faith of the Son of God!
I’m free from sin.
I’m free from death.

I am a partaker of the divine nature!
I’m fearless!
Death has been paralyzed,
Completely defeated by Jesus!
When Jesus defeated death,
I was in Him,
I’ve triumphed over death and the grave!
Righteousness has given me dominion.
Righteousness has eliminated guilt,
Condemnation, inferiority,
And placed me above Satan and his lies.
I have the boldness and confidence,
To pray to God and expect answers.
I’m unblameable, unreprovable in his sight.
I have peace with God, through my Lord Jesus Christ.
I have mastery over circumstances,
Demons and their manipulations.
The angels of God minister on my behalf even now.
I’ve received overflowing grace and the gift of righteousness.
I’m a champion for life.
I walk in dominion and reign over circumstances,
I reign and rule as a king in life.
(Speak in tongues)!

Jesus is Lord,
The whole world belongs to him,
His name is named upon the nations,
And his righteousness reigns in the hearts of men.
Father thank you, for the courage, the boldness, confidence and firmness that your word infuses in my spirit.
I walk in victory and dominion today.

This is my time to overtake,
I have strength for overtaking,
And I overtake by the power of the Holy Ghost!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

This month of October and the rest of the year,
I accomplish and exceed all my goals, all my targets,
By divine acceleration,
By divine speed,
By divine transportation,
By divine strength,
I am transported,
Beyond time, space and circumstances.
I’m not limited by time, location or any deadline,
I am transported.
I am in another place.
I have arrived in the place of accomplishment.
Every goal, target, dream and mandate is accomplished and exceeded.
I have no aborted dreams.
I have no unmet targets,
I have no unaccomplished goals,
I have no unfulfilled visions.
I’m in the place of strength.
I’m in the place of achievement.

I thank God for that little cloud,
And I hear the sound of abundant rain.
I invoke the blessing,
The power of multiplication upon my money,
My goods and everything that I have.
I thank God for what I have in my house,
For what I have in my hands,
For what I have in my bank accounts,
And I invoke the blessing and the power of God upon what I have.
It will continue to multiply,
To meet the need with more left over,
What I have is all I need.
Supernatural, unexpected, unimaginable, unexplainable,
Unfathomable, doors are open to me right now.
Angels are working on my behalf.
To assist me,
To help me,
To bring me aid,
I’m helped from Zion,
Things are happening so fast,
One thing fast on the heels of another,
Blessings everywhere.

In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
We bless the nations with peace, stability, and security.
We declare an end to all wars,
We speak peace to Russia.
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak peace to the UK.
We speak peace to Iran.
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
We declare peace, security, and stability in Nigeria.
Every work of darkness is brought to nothing.
We frustrate the plans of the enemy in our nation Nigeria,
We cancel their works,
We cut them off in the name of Jesus.
We declare that the Angels of God, perambulate Nigeria,
Bringing peace, security, and stability.
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations,
We rain down righteousness and peace,
And we declare that salvation springs up.
All over the world,
There’s a mighty harvest of souls.

This month, this year and this day,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my meditation,
The clouds of my declaration,
They are full and emptying down,
In multiplied answers,
In multiplied testimonies,
With increased grace, acceleration, and speed.

Today, October 28th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, October 28th, 2022
I take my daily provision.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it,
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
I’m independent of my job and my salary to do the things that I need to do,
My business is not my source.
I am the source of my business,
My business is not my source,
My family is not my source.
My friends are not my source.
My neighbours are not my source.
I am independent of anyone and anything.
I am self-sufficient in Christ sufficiency,
I have multiplied and limitless supply.
I have multiplied resources, channels, monies, information, contacts, ideas and, everything I require,
For success, completion, and fruition.

I see the glory of God everywhere,
There is abundance everywhere.
Today, new channels are opened to me.
My customers are multiplied.
My jobs are multiplied.
My partners are multiplied.
My businesses are multiplied.
My platforms are multiplied.
My channels, my doors, my bank accounts, they are not shut day or night,
They are continually open,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
The Heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of nature responds to me.
Every circumstance responds to me,
In the name of Jesus.
Money responds to me.
Materials respond to me.
They respond to my voice, and they multiply.
I see the glory of God.
In every area of my life,
In my body, in my health, in my finances,
In my ministry, in my going in, in my coming out,
I see the glory of God.

I am full of joy!
I rejoice always!
I refuse to be anxious or worried but I give all praise and glory to God!
My heart is not troubled.
I have joy that no man, no devil, and no circumstance can take away.
And with joy I draw water from the wells of salvation.
I draw out blessing, victories, testimonies, health, wealth, honour,
In the name of Jesus.
It makes no difference what troubles I may face,
It makes no difference what I see, hear, or feel,
My victory is assured!
I am what God says I am!
I have what God says I have!
I can do what God says I can do!
I live in the victory and dominion of Christ!
Glory to God!
Speak in tongues!

© CELZ5 2022

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