I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God’s Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy.

I’m a God-carrier, the home of His presence; I could never fail or be defeated, because the greater One lives in me. I impact my world with His divine presence today, and saturate my environment with His glory and righteousness.

My life is the outworking of the Word. When I talk, it’s the Word; when I act, it’s the Word; I live out the Word in my daily walk. The Christian walk is my life; that’s the expression of my person. I’m divine; born to reign and rule in this world! My life is the testimony of God’s grace, glory and greatness. I’m blessed and the dispenser of God’s blessings and goodness.

I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence in Jesus Name! Amen!

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