Scriptures for Meditation – Blessed and Highly Favoured

  • PSALM 102:13 KJV
  • PSALM 5:12 KJV
  • GENESIS 39:20-23 KJV
  • EXODUS 3:21 KJV, NIV
  • EXODUS 12:35-36 NIV

I am Blessed and Highly Favoured in Christ
I am specially honoured
I am graced
I am blessed beyond measure
I am blessed of the Lord
It is not based on my ability or qualification
It is the grace and blessing of God
The Lord himself qualified me
The Lord is my ability
The Lord is my sufficiency
I am blessed and highly favoured

Everything I do prospers
When men say, there is casting down
I declare there is lifting up
I am lifted
I see upliftment only
I experience upliftment only
I experience progress everyday
I experience advancement
I excel
Because I am sponsored and favored by the Spirit of God
My steps are ordered of the Lord
I am piloted by grace
I am growing
I am spreading
I am increasing
I am moving forward
Upward and forward only; that is the course of my life

I experience favour everywhere I go
Doors are open unto me
Great and Effective Doors
Are open unto me
Great and glorious opportunities
That cannot be humanly explained
Come to me
The Lord has made every grace
Every favour
And earthly blessing
Come to me in super abundance
I am always and under all circumstances
And whatever the need,
I possess more than enough
I need no aid or support
I am furnished in abundance
For every good work and charitable donation
My barns are filled with plenty
My presses burst forth with new wine

I am blessed
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings
In Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus
I was chosen from the foundations
Of the world
To be holy and blameless
Before Him in love
I am Holy
I am unblameable
I am unreprovable
In His Sight
Predestination is at work in me
I am set on the course that I must follow
I am accepted
I am blessed and highly favored in Christ Jesus
I have peace with God
Christ is my wisdom
I have understanding
My heart is flooded with light
This is the set time for my favour
This is the set time for my promotion
This is the set time for my honor
I am blessed and highly favored

I am born of the word
The Word of God is my life
I am blessed and highly favoured
I am compassed about with favour as a shield
I am divinely favoured
I am positioned for the glorious life
Grace has put me ahead
Favour has located me
I can never be disadvantaged
I increase in beauty, honour and influence
I live and walk with the consciousness
Of divine favour
I am special
I am different
I am blessed and highly favoured
The rules don’t apply to me
Because I’m special
I’m blessed
I’m highly favoured

Through me, blessings are dispersed to those in my world
Because I bring them favour
I delight always in the law of the Lord
And In His word, do I meditate day and night
I am like the tree planted by the rivers of water
I bring forth my fruit in due season
My leaves do not wither
Whatsoever I do, prospers
This is my season
This is my set time
The Light of the Lord is risen upon me
I am shining
I’m special
I’m different
The rules don’t apply to me
Because I’m blessed and highly favoured
The limitations don’t restrict me
Because I’m blessed and highly favoured

My hands are blessed
Whatever I lay my hands upon to do is blessed
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
God sees, walks, talks and blesses through me
My hands are His hands
My feet are His feet
He blesses through me
As I stretch forth my hands and I bless others
I release blessings
Hopes are restored
Burdens are lifted
Sicknesses and diseases are healed
Destinies are changed
By the power of the Holy Spirit
And by the favour that I release
I am blessed to be a blessing
I am a package of solution to my world
God’s grace is at work in me to bless and to lift others
I’m special
I’m different
The rules don’t apply to me
The policies don’t apply to me
The statistics don’t apply to me
I’m blessed and highly favored

I am ever fruitful and productive
I bring my fruits to perfection
All my projects, and my assignments
Come to maturity and completion
I start well
I finish strong
No aborted dreams
No aborted ideas
No aborted plans
Np aborted projects
No aborted babies
No miscarriages
I am a fruitful vine
Bearing fruits to perfection
Carrying my projects to completion
Carrying my projects to perfection
In everything I do,
The Holy Spirit helps me to deliver
Completion and perfection
I stand firm like a flourishing tree
Planted by God’s design
Deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss
I produce fruits in season and out of season
Never dry, never fainting
Ever blessed, ever prosperous, ever favoured
The rules don’t apply to me
I’m blessed and highly favoured

I live a life of ever-increasing faith
I live a life of ever-increasing grace
I have ever-increasing knowledge
I demonstrate ever-increasing love
I have ever-increasing vision
I carry out ever-increasing ministry
I live a life of ever-increasing glory
I’m special and highly favoured
The rules don’t apply to me
I live above the rules
I live in divine blessings

I am persistently productive
Growing luxuriantly
Producing significant attainments
By the power of the Holy Spirit
Being confident of this very thing
That he who has begun the good and great work in me
Will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ
For I know the thoughts that the Lord thinks towards me
His thoughts are thoughts of good
Thoughts of peace
Thoughts of prosperity
Thoughts of progress
To bring me to the expected end
I’m special
God has made me special
I’m different
I’m not like everybody else
There’s something about me
I’m special, I’m different
I’m not like everybody else
The rules don’t apply to me
The limitations don’t restrict me
Because I’m blessed and highly favoured

His divine power
Has given unto me
All things that pertain to life and godliness
I live a life of glory and virtue
All things are mine
I am a partaker of the divine nature
And an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ
I am a new creature
So blessed
I’m special, I’m different
There’s something about me
I’m blessed and highly favoured
The rules don’t apply to me
I’m special, I’m different
There’s something about me
I’m blessed and highly favoured

The world belongs to me
I refuse to beg
I am the advantage
I am the seed of Abraham
I am a blessing to my world
I am a blessing to this world
I bless my world with the unsearchable riches of Christ and His Gospel that I bear

Christ is my Wisdom
Christ is my Righteousness
Christ is my Sanctification
Christ is my riddance
I am Blessed and Highly Favoured
I’m special, I’m different
There’s something about me
The rules don’t apply to me

I walk in the paths of righteousness
I don’t go anywhere by chance
In my path of Life, there is no death
In my path of life, there is no stranger
God leads me in the paths of righteousness
Wisdom leads me in the paths of righteousness.
Nothing happens to me by chance
Predestination is at work in me.
Favour is working for me
I am the favoured of the Lord
I’m favoured big
Doors are open before me
Favour surrounds me
Everywhere I go; favour opens doors.
I am graced and highly favoured
I am blessed and highly favoured

I’ve got grace working in me
I’ve got grace working for me
This grace,
Brings me acceptability
This grace,
Gives me the advantage
This grace,
Brings me favour,
Fills me with Joy
Grace is working in my life.
Lifting me
I’m functioning at a high level
Where anything can happen
Anything is possible
The rules are suspended for my sake
I’m special, I’m blessed and highly favoured
Every rule and limitation
Is lifted for my sake
Good and great things are happening in my life
Anything can happen for me and it is happening for me

I am effective
I am efficient
I do it right
I break all records
Set new ones
And break them again

The word of God is my life and sustenance,
and has made me fruitful in every good work.
I live in divine health,
I live in super abundance
I live in continual victory and prosperity.
All things are working together for my good
In the name of Jesus
I disallow demonic activities in my life
In my family, in my environment, in my nation.
The power of the evil one is broken

I am led by the Spirit of God
I am guided by the Holy Spirit
I am synchronized with the Spirit of God
And I function in God’s plans and purposes for me

I’m moving from grace to grace,
from faith to faith
and from glory to glory.
I am blessed and I am a blessing
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency
My ability,
My power and my sufficiency are of God
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency
I am excellent
I have all round excellence
And all round results
Eternal life
Produces in me

  • Agelessness
  • Fearlessness
  • Deathlessness
  • Wantlessness

The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead
Dwells in me
He vitalizes my body
I have passed from death to life
From mortality to immortality
I am now a life-giving Spirit

I declare, that today,
Men everywhere
Are experiencing
The goodness of the Lord
For the earth is filled
For my nation is filled (call the name of your nation)
With the goodness of the Lord
There are treasures everywhere
And men are discovering these treasures

The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness
I am so big
You can’t miss me
Christ is made unto me wisdom
I have the deepest of understanding
The largest of hearts
There is nothing beyond me
There is nothing I cannot handle
I experience luxuriant growth,
Significant attainments
And persistent productivity.
I have divine access to people,
To places
To industries
To wealth
I have access to the treasures of darkness
Wealth unknown
I have access
Christ is my riddance,
He rids me of errors
And brings me out of trouble.
I am the excellent
I am the noble
I am the glorious
The Lord delights in me.

I’m full of faith
I’m full of power
And I’m doing wonders
The Lord is my refuge
And my fortress,
I live in divine protection
In my going out and my coming in
I’m protected

My power,
My ability,
My sufficiency, are of God
I am self-sufficient,
In Christ’s sufficiency
Everything I need to be, I am
Everything I need to have, I have
Everything I need to do, I can.
I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency

All my prayers,
My faith,
My expectations,
My declarations,
Are pouring down
In answers
In testimonies
In solutions
In divine encounters
In favour
In accomplishment
In success
In advancement
In growth
In development
In improvements
In ideas
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

I’m special, I’m different
The rules are suspended for my sake
Every limitation is lifted for my sake
I am blessed and highly favoured
Rules are re-written for me
I’m blessed and highly favoured

Every rule is suspended for your sake
Every rule of man
Every rule is suspended for your sake
In your own blessing, others will find their blessing
You are special
You are different
You are unique
God has blessed and highly favoured you

Everywhere you go today,
See yourself as special
You’re not like everybody else
You don’t have to follow the path of others. No!
If the Lord has to make another path for you, that path is open!
You’re special, you’re different , you’re unique
You’re blessed and highly favoured
Today is the set time to favour you
August 31st, 2022, is your set time for favour!
Be bold to say,
“I’m not subject to the rules of this world!”
You’re special and not subject to the rules!

LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE TODAY (available on pcdl)
The Call of Blessings

© CELZ5 2022

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