JOIN: The ongoing 18-Day Exposé on Peace.
(Participation Link: https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeonpeace/celagosz5)

1 Samuel 30:8 KJV
1 Kings 18:44-46 KJV
Deuteronomy 28:2 KJV
Amos 9:13 KJV, MSG

Christ is my peace.
Christ is my peace.
This is my month of peace.
I am the custodian of peace.
I am the custodian of God’s peace.
And I dispense peace to everyone around me.
I dispense peace to circumstances and to situations.
I dispense peace to the nations of the world.
I dispense peace to my city,
Peace to my nation.
My peace is multiplied.
My peace is multiplied.
Great is my peace, because I love the word of God,
And nothing and no one shall offend me.
The peace of God is multiplied in my heart and in my life.
I have perfect wellbeing.
I have all spiritual prosperity.
I am free from fear.
I am free from agitation.
I am free from conflict.
Great is my peace.
Great is my rest.
Great is my prosperity.
Great is my well-being.

This is my time,
My set time to overtake.
I have received supernatural strength,
Supernatural speed,
Supernatural ability from The Lord.
Things are happening so fast for me.
Things are happening so fast for me.
I am singled out for the blessing.
I am singled out for help.
I am singled out for promotion.
I am singled out for acceleration.
One thing happening fast on the heels of the other.
Great things are happening so fast with speed,
So fast for me!
Happening so much for me to keep up.
On left hand, there are blessings.
On right hand, there are blessings.
In front of me, there are blessings.
Blessings everywhere.
Supernatural blessings!
Help everywhere!
Supernatural help!
Prosperity everywhere!
Supernatural Prosperity!
Everything is happening at once!
Everything is happening at once, with speed in rapid succession.
Everywhere I look, blessings!
Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and the hills.
The blessing of the Lord has overtaken me.
The blessing of the Lord has overshadowed me.
I have such abundance!
My harvest has overtaken my sowing!
My harvest has overtaken my sowing!
My harvest has overtaken my sowing!
I have abundance everywhere!
I have harvest everywhere!

The grace of God,
Has propelled me forward.
I move with divine speed.
I move with divine acceleration.
I move with divine transportation.
I outrun horses.
I outrun chariots.
I outrun the systems of this world.
I outrun every limitation.
I have divine speed.
I am moving very fast.
I am moving fast, with the speed of the Spirit.
I outrun my competitors.
I outrun my industry.
I outrun inflation.
I’m faster than inflation.
I grow faster than inflation.
I’m faster than the exchange rates
I live above the economic systems of this world
I have divine speed, divine acceleration, divine transportation.

I live in the timeless zone.
I live in the Ageless zone.
I live in the Deathless zone.
I live in the Fearless zone.
I live in the Wantless zone.

My power,
My ability,
And my sufficiency are of God.
I am self-sufficient,
In Christ’s sufficiency.
There’s nothing missing.
There’s nothing lacking.
There’s nothing broken.
There’s nothing damaged in me.
The Lord has beautified my life.
He has beautified me with salvation.
He has beautified me with grace.
He has beautified me with dignity.
He has beautified me with beauty.
He has beautified me with SPEED!
I have divine speed and divine acceleration
I have taken over!
And I have OVERTAKEN!!!!

This is my time to overtake.
This month of October and the rest of the year,
I accomplish by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I accomplish far more than the first nine months of this year.
This month of October and the rest of the year,
I accomplish by the power of the Holy Spirit,
I accomplish far more than the first nine months of this year.
I accomplish all my goals, all my targets,
I exceed all my goals, all my targets,
By divine acceleration,
By divine speed,
By divine help,
By divine transportation.
Glory! Glory! Glory!
I am transported,
Beyond time,
Beyond space,
Beyond circumstances,
I’m not limited by time.
I’m not limited by location.
I am transported to another place,
By the transportation of the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
I am at another level.
I am in the place of accomplishment.
All my goals, targets, dreams are accomplished and exceeded.
I have no aborted dreams.
I have no unmet goals.
I have no unaccomplished targets.
I have no unfulfilled visions.
I am in the place of achievement.
I am in the place of attainment.
I rejoice!
Glory to God!
I rejoice!
I rejoice!
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!

I thank God, for the multiplication,
For the progress,
For the success,
For the achievements,
For the victories,
And the testimonies, that I have seen this year.
I thank God for the little cloud,
I thank God for the little cloud,
And I hear the sound of abundant rain.
Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
I thank God for the little cloud,
I thank God for what I have in my bank account,
I thank God for what I have in my hands,
I thank God for what I have in my house,
And I bless all that I have, Glory to God!
I invoke the power of multiplication upon all that is available to me.
What I have is all I need,
And my resources continue to multiply in an unending way,
They continue to multiply until the project is completed.
Until the work is done,
Until the testimony is mature.
My resources will have no end.
Glory to God!

I invoke the blessing,
The power of multiplication upon my money,
Upon my goods, upon everything that I have.
They will continue to multiply,
They will continue to multiply,
To meet the need with more left over.
I declare that of the goodness of God,
Of my progress, my success, my achievements,
My victories, my testimonies, there is no end
I release words of blessing,
I release words of prosperity,
I release words of power,
Upon my business,
Upon my finances,
Upon all my resources and they will multiply.

I overtake by the power of the Holy Ghost!
I dominate by the power of the Holy Spirit!
I accomplish by the power of the Holy Ghost!
Supernatural, unexpected, unimaginable, unexplainable, unfathomable doors are open to me right now.
Angels are working on my behalf.
Glory to God!
New angels have been dispatched to help me, to bring me aid.
I am helped from Zion!
Things are happening so fast and in unimaginable and unexplained ways!

In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
I bless the nations with peace, stability, and security.
We declare peace.
We declare an end to all wars,
We speak peace to Russia.
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak peace to the UK.
We speak peace to Iran in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
We frustrate the plans of the enemy in our nation, Nigeria.
We speak peace,
We speak security,
We speak stability,
In Nigeria,
We declare the Angels of God, perambulate this Nation and bring peace, security and stability.
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations,
And we rain down righteousness and peace on the nations of the world,
And salvation springs up.
All over the world,
Men and women are turning back to God,
They are running back to God,
They are coming back to their senses and receiving the salvation that we offer.
All over the world, there is a mighty harvest of souls, in the name of Jesus.

This year, this month, and this day.
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my meditation,
The clouds of my declaration,
They are full and they are emptying down,
In multiplied answers,
In multiplied testimonies,
In multiplied solutions,
Multiplied favours,
Increased grace,
Multiplied miracles,
Speed and

Today, October 24th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, October 24th, 2022
I take my daily provision.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it,
He is my source.
My job is not my source.
I’m independent of my job, to do the things that i need to do.
My job is not my source,
My business is not my source.
My family is not my source.
My friends are not my source.
My neighbours are not my source.
I am independent of any one and any circumstance,
I am self-sufficient in Christ sufficiency,
God Almighty is my source.
So I have multiplied and limitless supply.
Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.

All channels are opened to me,
Multiplied channels to receive divine supply,
Everything I require, is available to me in abundance and by free course.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
I have multiplied resources,
Multiplied channels,
Multiplied monies,
Multiplied materials,
I have all the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts and
All that I require,
For success, completion and fruition,

There is abundance everywhere.
There is abundance everywhere,
I see abundance.
I believe and I see the glory of God.
I see the glory of God in my finances,
I see the glory of God in my business,
I see the glory of God in my job,
I see the glory of God in my family,
I see the glory of God in my health.
I see the glory of God, everywhere and others are seeing it too.

Today, new channels are opened to me.
Multiplied channels of supply,
Multiplied channels of inflow,
Multiplied channels of distribution,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, my customers are multiplied.
My jobs are multiplied.
My contacts are multiplied.
My partners are multiplied.
My businesses are multiplied.
My platforms are multiplied.
My channels and my connections are multiplied.
My doors are not shut day or night,
They are continually open,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
I am blessed and highly favoured.
I believe and therefore I see the glory of God.
I see unprecedented, unimaginable,
Multiplied miracles and testimonies of divine supply.
Everything around me multiplies.
Everything around me increases.
Everything around me grows.
There is no damage,
There is no waste,
There is no loss.
The Heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of nature responds to me.
Every circumstance responds to me.
Money hears the sound of my voice, and it responds.
Materials respond to me.
They respond to me, and they multiply
I see the glory of God.
In every area of my life and others are seeing it too.

My faith is working and producing results.
My stubborn, resilient, resistant and persistent faith,
Is producing results.
I stand my ground.
I stand on the word.
I do not stagger but,
I rejoice and I give glory to God.
I believe and,
I see the glory of God.
I see miracles,
I see testimonies,
I hear and I see abundant rain.
It is raining! Hallelujah!
It is raining!
God is for me and it is raining.
It’s raining testimonies,
It’s raining miracles,
It’s raining finances.
Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Christ is my environment.
Christ is my atmosphere.
I carry my own atmosphere of peace, of joy, of love.
I am shielded.
I am protected from the economies of this world.
From the systems of this world.
I live by a different set of rules.

God is for me!
Therefore, no one and nothing can stand against me successfully.
There is nothing beyond me.
There is nothing I cannot handle.
I am of good cheer!
I have overcome the world!
I am more than a conqueror!
In all these things I am more than a conqueror!
Through Him that loved me.
I am persuaded,
I know,
I am convinced and confident,
That neither death,
Nor life,
Nor angels,
Nor principalities,
Nor powers,
Nor things present,
Nor things to come,
Nor height,
Nor depth,
Nor any other creature,
Shall be able to separate me (mention your name)
From the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
God is for me! Who can be against me.

I am the excellent
I am the noble.
I am the glorious.
And the Lord delights in me.
I am full of faith.
I am full of power.
I am doing wonders.
My faith is working and producing results.
Things are happening so fast for me.
My harvest has overtaken my sowing!
I am singled out for the blessing.
I am singled out for help.
I am singled out for promotion.
I am singled out for acceleration.
One thing fast on the heels of the other.
Everything is happening at once!
By divine speed!
By divine acceleration!
By divine transportation!
I am transported by the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
I am at another level.
I am in the place of accomplishment, achievement, and attainment!!!
Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory to God!
Speak in tongues.

Oh hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory!
Shout Glory wherever you are.
Praise the Lord forevermore.
Yes! The overtaking is here!
Glory to God!

© CELZ5 2022

7 thoughts on “30 DAYS OF RAIN – SEASON 2 – DAY 21”

  1. Evangelist Leticia Brown

    I love this ooooo
    Only by making this affirmation i am feeling extremely excited. Thank you I’m really blessed.

  2. Awesomeness. I am complete in THE WORD. What an amazingly great and glorious way walk over situations and circumstances. I AM BLESSED AND THANK YOU KINDLY MY GREATLY ESTEEMED PASTOR MA. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MA.

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