JOIN: The ongoing 18-Day Exposé on Peace.
(Participation Link: https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeonpeace/celagosz5)

– ISAIAH 40:28-31 AMPC

My strength is renewed.
My strength is multiplied.
My strength abounds.
I can face anything.
I can bear anything.
I can stand up to anything.
I’m equal to the task.
Through Him who strengthens me.
Who infuses me with inner strength.
I can face any situation.
I can outlast any situation.
I can outlast any pressure,
I can take the pressure,
Yes, I can take the pressure because I am strengthened.
Glory to God!
I can overcome the resistance because I am strengthened.
Glory be to God forevermore!

Christ is my peace.
Christ is my peace.
This is my month of peace.
I am the custodian of peace.
And I dispense peace to everyone around me.
I dispense peace to circumstances and situations.
I dispense peace to the nations of the world.
I dispense peace to my city,
To my nation.
My peace is multiplied.
My peace is multiplied.
Great is my peace, because I love the word of God,
And nothing and no one shall offend me.
The peace of God is multiplied in my heart,
In my life,
In my body,
In my home,
In my finances and,
In every circumstance of my life.
I have perfect wellbeing.
I have all spiritual prosperity.
I’m free from fear.
I’m free from agitation.
I’m free from conflict.
Great is my peace.
Great is my rest.
Great is my prosperity.
Great is my well-being.

My God is the everlasting God,
He is The Lord,
Creator of the ends of the earth,
Who does not faint or grow weary.
There is no searching of His understanding.
The Lord gives power to the faint and weary,
And to him who has no might,
He increases strength.

The Lord has given me power and strength.
I have power now.
I have strength now.
I am empowered now.
I am strengthened now.
I am abounding in strength.
My strength is renewed like the eagles.
My strength is multiplied.
I am refreshed.
I can do all things through,
Christ who gives me strength.
I run and I am not weary.
I walk and I do not faint.
I mount up with wings as eagles.
When I come up against any situations or any challenge,
I simply mount up.
As the eagles climbs the air and mounts up,
So I mount up above challenges,
I mount up above situations.
The challenges in the world,
Have become my stepping-stones.
The challenges in the world,
Have become my testimonies.
The challenges in the world,
Announce me to the world as God’s chosen one.
I am a proof producer of God’s word,
Demonstrating the efficacy, the reality, the effectiveness and the integrity of the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit is my strengthener.
I exchange my strength for His strength.
I exchange my strength for His strength.
I soar like the eagle.
I have strength for all things,
Through Christ Who empowers me.
I’m ready for anything,
I’m equal to anything,
Through Him,
Who infuses inner strength into me.
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
I can do everything God asks me to do,
With the help of Christ,
Who gives me strength and power.
I never get worn out.
I never get weak,
I never get exhausted.
I never give up.
I never give-in.

I never faint or become exhausted,
Because daily, I wait upon the Lord,
My strength is renewed daily.
My vision is renewed daily.
I have energy for all things.
There is nothing beyond me.
There is nothing I cannot handle.
I am vitalized.
I am invigorated.
I am energized.
I am refreshed.
I am strengthened from within.
I am fortified.
I am rejuvenated.
I have the motivation, the impetus to deliver and exceed all my dreams and targets.

Like my Father, God,
I do not need to come and go.
I last.
I stand.
I outstand, outrun, outlast and outshine any situation or circumstance.
At the end of it all, I remain standing.
At the end of it all, I am the winner.
At the end of it all, I remain shining.
I do not get tired.
I do not need to pause and catch my breath.
I do not fade out.
I do not stumble and fall.
My path is as the shining light.
I shine brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and I keep shining until the perfect day.
I spread my wings and soar like an eagle,
Over every storm,
Over every turbulence,
Over every challenge,
I mount up and I soar.
I run and I don’t get tired,
I walk and I don’t lag behind.

My God, the everlasting God,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Does not faint, neither is he weary.
He gives power to the faint,
To them that have no might, he increases strength.
He multiplies strength.
“Though the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall:”
But I (put your name), Glory to God!
I wait upon the Lord,
Therefore, my strength is renewed.
I mount up with wings as eagles
I run, and am not wearied
I walk, and don’t faint.

God’s grace is sufficient, abundant for me.
My strength is made perfect.
I will never burn out,
I will never wear out.
He renews my strength everyday.
My power, my ability, my sufficiency are of God.
My strength is renewed.
I’m constantly refreshed and rejuvenated by the Spirit of God.
I’m on fire, burning for the Lord!
Fervent in spirit,
Serving the Lord.
I am inspired and I am inspiring.
I am always full of joy.
I am strong in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am competent and ready for every good work.

I live in God’s presence now.
I’ve been translated from death to life!
In my path, there is no death,
In my path, there is no darkness,
I live by the law of the Spirit of life,
And in that realm, life dominates.
I’m a fruitful branch of a fruitful Vine,
I produce durable fruits.
Fruits that remain,
Fruits that stand the test of time.
Whatever I do prospers,
Because the blessing of God is on me and on all I do.
I make progress from glory to glory,
From grace to grace,
From strength to strength.
I live a victorious, prosperous and ever-glorious life in Christ.

The Holy Spirit lives in me in all His fullness,
I am God’s headquarters.
I have strength for the journey.
I have strength for the fight.
I have strength for the times.
I have strength for all things.
I am full of power.
I am full of grace.
I am full of glory.
I am full of faith.
I am doing wonders.
I am the excellent.
I am the noble.
I am the glorious.
And the Lord delights in me.
The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness!
He is my ability and the strength of my life.
I am perfected in Him.
I exude His righteousness, peace, joy and excellence.

This is my time to overtake.
Glory to God!
I have strength for overtaking.
This month of October and the rest of the year,
I accomplish by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I have strength for accomplishment.
I accomplish more than the first nine months of this year.
I accomplish by the power of the Holy Spirit,
For the rest of the year.
I am strengthened for accomplishment.
I am strengthened and positioned to accomplish far more than the first nine months of this year.
I am strengthened to accomplish and exceed all my goals, all my targets,
By divine acceleration,
By divine speed,
By divine transportation,
By divine strength,
I am transported,
Beyond time,
Beyond space,
Beyond circumstance,
I’m not limited by time.
I’m not limited by location.
I am transported to another place,
By the transportation of the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
I am at another level.
I have arrived at the place of accomplishment.
Every goal, target, dream is accomplished and exceeded.
I have no aborted dreams.
I have no unmet goals.
I have no unaccomplished targets.
I have no unfulfilled visions.
I am in the place of strength.
I am in the place of achievement.
I am in the place of attainment.

I thank God for the little cloud,
And I hear the sound of abundant rain.
I invoke the blessing,
The power of multiplication upon my money,
Upon my goods, upon everything that I have.
I thank God for what I have in my house,
For what I have in my hands,
For what I have in my bank account,
And I invoke the blessings and the power of God upon what I have.
It will continue to multiply,
They will continue to multiply,
To meet the need with more left over,
What I have is all I need,
Glory to God!

I declare that of the goodness of God,
Of my progress, my success, my achievements,
My victories, my testimonies, there is no end.
I release words of blessing,
I release words of prosperity,
I release words of power,
Upon my business,
Upon my finances,
Upon all my resources and they will multiply.

I overtake by the power of the Holy Ghost!
I dominate,
I excel,
I accelerate,
By the power of the Holy Spirit!
I accomplish and exceed by the power of the Holy Ghost!
Supernatural, unexpected, unimaginable, unexplainable, unfathomable doors are open to me right now.
Angels are working on my behalf.
Glory to God!
New angels have been dispatched to assist me, to help me, to bring me aid.
I am helped from Zion!
Glory to God!
Things are happening so fast and in unimaginable and unexplained ways!
Glory to God.
Oh Hallelujah!
One thing after another,
Blessings everywhere.
Oh Glory to God!

In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
I bless the nations with peace, stability and security.
We declare peace.
We declare an end to all wars,
We speak peace to Russia.
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak peace to the UK.
We speak peace to Iran
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
We declare peace, stability and security in Nigeria.
Every work of darkness is brought to nothing in our nation, in the name of Jesus.
We frustrate the plans of the enemy in our nation Nigeria,
We speak peace,
We declare the Angels of God, perambulate Nigeria,
Bringing peace,
Bringing security,
Bringing stability,
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations,
And we rain down righteousness and peace upon the nations,
And salvation springs up.
All over the world,
There’s a mighty harvest of souls,
In the name of Jesus.

This month, this day, this year,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my meditation,
The clouds of my declaration,
They are full and emptying down,
In multiplied answers,
Multiplied testimonies,
Multiplied solutions,
With increased grace, acceleration and speed.

Today, October 25th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, October 25th, 2022
I take my daily provision.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it,
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
I’m independent of my job to do the things that I need to do,
My business is not my source.
I am the source of my business,
My business is not my source,
My family is not my source.
My friends are not my source.
My neighbours are not my source.
I am independent of any one and anything.
I am self-sufficient in Christ sufficiency,
God Almighty is my source.
So I have multiplied and limitless supply.
Today, I have seed to sow,
And bread to eat.

The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
I have multiplied resources,
Multiplied channels,
Multiplied monies,
Multiplied resources,
I have all the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts and
Everything I require,
For success, completion and fruition,
There is abundance everywhere.
I believe and therefore I see the glory of God.
Today, new channels are opened to me.
Today, new channels are opened to me.
Today, my customers are multiplied.
My jobs are multiplied.
My contacts are multiplied.
My partners are multiplied.
My businesses are multiplied.
My platforms are multiplied.
My channels and my connections are multiplied.
My doors are not shut day or night,
They are continually open,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
The Heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of nature responds to me.
Every circumstance responds to me.
Money hears the sound of my voice, and it responds.
Materials respond to me.
They respond and they multiply
I see the glory of God.
In every area of my life.
I see the glory of God in my finances,
In my body, in my business, in my job, in my ministry,
And others are seeing it too.

My faith is working and producing results.
My stubborn, resilient, resistant, and persistent faith,
Is producing results.
I stand on the word.
I do not stagger but,
I rejoice and give glory to God.
I see miracles,
I see testimonies,
I hear and I see abundant rain.
It is raining! Hallelujah!

Christ is my environment.
Christ is my atmosphere.
I carry my own atmosphere of peace, of joy, of love.
I am protected from the economies and systems of this world.
I live by a different set of rules.
God is for me!
Therefore, no one and nothing can stand against me successfully.
In all these things,
My faith is working and producing results.
I am more than a conqueror!
Things are happening so fast for me.
My harvest has overtaken my sowing!

My strength is renewed like the eagles.
My strength is multiplied.
I am refreshed, rejuvenated.
I can do all things through,
Christ who strengthens me.
I mount up with wings as the eagle.
I outstand, outrun, outlast, and outshine any situation or circumstance.
Glory, Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!
Speak in tongues!

© CELZ5 2022

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