TOPIC: The Miracle of Multiplication by Words

JOIN: The ongoing 18-Day Exposé on Peace.
(Participation Link: https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeonpeace/celagosz5)

1 Kings 17: 1-16 KJV
2 Kings 4: 1-6 KJV
2 Kings 4: 22, 44 KJV
Matthew 14: 15-21 KJV
Matthew 14: 21 NIV
Matthew 15: 32-38 NIV
1 Kings 18: 41-44 KJV

I hear the sound of abundant rain.
I hear the sound of abundant rain.
Glory to God!
Thank you, Lord, for the progress that I have seen this year,
Thank you, Father, for my little cloud,
And it will not stop.
I hear the sound of abundant rain and it will not stop.
The barrel of oil will not seize,
It will not stop.
This testimony is multiplied.
It will become several testimonies.
It will become more.
I will testify,
And I will testify again.
I will testify,
And I will testify again.
My testimonies are multiplied.

This is my month of peace.
I am the custodian of peace.
I am the custodian of God’s peace.
I dispense peace to everyone around me.
I dispense peace to circumstances and to situations.
I dispense peace to the nations of the world.
I dispense peace to my city.
To my nation.
My peace is multiplied.
Great is my peace, because I love the Lord,
And nothing and no one shall offend me.
The peace of God is multiplied in my heart and in my life.
I have perfect wellbeing.
I have all spiritual prosperity.
I am free from fear, from agitation and from conflict.
Great is my peace,
Great is my rest,
Great is my prosperity,
Great is my well-being.

Today, I work miracles.
Miracles of multiplication,
By the power of words.
My heart is full.
My heart is full of thanks.
My heart is full of thanks today.
I give thanks and praise to God,
For His word,
For His power,
For His grace,
And favour in my life.
I thank God for blessing me in all things,
And in all ways.
I thank God for blessing me in all things,
And in all ways.
I am blessed.
I thank God for my life today.
I thank God for what I have in my hands.
For what I have in my house,
For what I have in my account.
I give thanks to God.
I thank God,
Because what I have is all I need.
I thank God,
Because what I have is all I need.
I thank God,
That I have something of value.
I have something that is blessed.
I have something that will multiply.

I thank God,
For every step that I have taken this year so far.
I thank God for the progress that I have seen in my job,
In my work,
In my business,
In my finances.
I thank God,
For the little cloud of testimony that I have so far.
I thank God,
That I am in the position that I am in today.
I am ready.
I believe,
And I see the glory of God.
The word says,
In everything, give thanks.
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I thank God for my health.
I thank God for my finances.
I thank God for my family.
I thank God for every situation and circumstance before me,
Because they are working out for my good.

I speak blessings.
I speak blessings in everything.
I speak blessings over my family.
I speak blessings over my work.
I speak blessings over my projects.
Blessings of increase.
Blessings of prosperity.
Blessings of multiplication.
I speak prosperity over my job,
Over my finances.
I speak blessings over my health,
My ministry,
And all that concerns me.
Blessings of multiplication are at work in me.
I thank you Lord for your grace,
Your power,
And love that are manifested in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
I am a divine being.
I live a supernatural life.
I live a miraculous life.
I live by a different set of rules.
Natural laws and rules are suspended for my sake.
Divine life is at work in everything I come in contact with.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And I impact life to everything around me.
I release words of life.
I release words of prosperity,
Words of help,
Words of blessings,
To every creature,
Everything in my world.
I speak words of life,
I invoke the blessings of multiplication in everything connected with me.
I release objects, animate and inanimate,
I release them into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
And they multiply,
They grow,
They increase.
My money multiply in the name of Jesus.
My resources multiply.
What I have multiplies.
I release blessings of multiplication,
Into everything in my world.
Nothing gets damaged.
Nothing gets wasted.
Nothing diminishes.
Everything replenishes.

As I release them into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
Everything in and around me is always new,
And full of beauty.
Everything around me multiplies,
Nothing around me gets damaged or wasted,
Because life is working in and through me.
I invoke the power of multiplication.
I invoke the power of increase.
I invoke the power of fruitfulness.
I invoke the power of productivity,
Into my finances,
My business,
And in every area of my life.
I am growing,
Everything around me is growing and multiplying.
I have more than enough to complete my project,
To complete the assignment.
More than enough, with abundance left over.
I bless what I have.
I bless the progress I have seen,
In the name of Jesus.

Everything I have multiplies.
As I distribute, it multiplies.
As I distribute, it is replenished.
I have more than enough,
I have more than enough,
What I have is all I need.
I have more than enough,
With much more left over.
After my project, I will have much more left over.
The money will not dry up.
The resources will not be used up.
They will never run out.
My prosperity is unending.
It flows like a river,
Constantly coming in.
The blessing of God,
The blessing of multiplication,
Is at work in me and in everything around me.

Everything in life is subject to me,
Because I have the authority of Christ.
All of creation,
All of nature, animate and inanimate,
Everything in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth,
Is subject to Jesus, therefore is subject to me,
Because as He is, so am I in this world.
The rocks, the winds, the trees, water, fish, angels, demons, money,
All are in His dominion and charge,
And therefore, under my dominion.
All things are commanded to hear and obey Jesus,
Therefore, all things hear and obey me.
My words have power.
Whatsoever I say, comes to pass.
I speak wisdom,
Divine wisdom.
And I declare that what I have by the wisdom of God is all that I need.
It will multiply.
It will never run dry.
It will continue, as I take out of it, it will be replenished.
The power of multiplication is at work in me.
The supernatural is an everyday occurrence for me,
Because I manifest eternal life.

Right now, I thank God and I bless God for what he has given to me.
I bless what is in my bank account.
I bless what is in my hands.
I bless what is in my house.
I bless my possessions.
I bless my job.
I bless my business.
I bless my ministry.
I bless my family.
I bless all that is connected to me.
They are preserved.
And right now, I command them to multiply in the name Jesus.
The power and blessing of multiplication,
Is working in me and working for me now.
The money in my hands multiplies.
The resources at my site they multiply.
The goods in the warehouse, they multiply.
Everything in my house multiplies.
My money multiplies.
All numbers connected to me multiply even now.
Every number connected to me multiplies.
My performance multiplies,
My result multiplies,
My sales multiply,
My partnership multiplies,
My cell members multiply,
My church members multiply,
My cell meetings multiply,
All my numbers multiply.
I am fruitful and productive.
Every number connected with me is increased in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

My life is a life of favour multiplied upon favour,
Blessing multiplied upon blessing,
Grace multiplied upon grace,
Gift multiplied upon gift.
While I am still enjoying the harvest,
New ones are arriving.
Everything about me multiplies.
Everything about me grows.
The blessing of God upon my life is such that,
There is not enough room to contain the favour,
The grace,
The wealth,
The productivity,
The harvest,
The multiplication,
Wave upon wave,
Blessing upon blessing,
Constantly coming in.
There is no interruption to my blessing.
There is no interruption to my prosperity.
There is no end to my prosperity.

Today, I experience
Multiplied blessings,
Multiplied favour,
Multiplied promotion,
Promotion on every side,
Promotion in everything,
Promotion everywhere.
I experience multiplied Increase,
Multiplied provision,
Multiplied benefits,
Multiplied bonuses,
Multiplied gifts.
Nations give to me.
My gates are open continually.
My platforms are open.
My bank accounts are open.
My businesses are open.
My prosperity is like a river.
It is unending.
My blessing is like the wave of the sea.
One after the other,
Constantly coming in.
There is no interruption to my prosperity.
There is no interruption to my miraculous supply.
I release life through my words.
My words are unlimited and eternal.
I speak life to everything that concerns me.
I declare great grace upon my family, my job, ministry, and finances.
Glory to God!

The grace of God is multiplied in my life, every day.
That grace, that attracts the right people,
And resources in line with God’s purpose in my life.
I experience quantum leaps in grace.
I am basking in higher levels of God’s glory.
The Lord has made every favour and earthly blessing,
Come to me in abundance,
So that I am always,
And under all circumstances,
And whatever the need,
I’m Self-sufficient,
Possessing more than enough.
I require no aid or support.
I am furnished in abundance for every good work,
And charitable donation.

In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
I bless the nations with peace, stability, and security.
We declare peace.
We declare an end to all wars,
We speak peace to Russia.
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak calmness in the UK.
We speak peace to Iran in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations,
And we rain down righteousness and peace on the nations of the world,
And salvation springs up.

This year, this month, and this day.
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my meditations,
The clouds of my declarations,
They are full and emptying down,
In multiplied answers,
In multiplied testimonies,
In multiplied solutions,
In multiplied favours,
In increased grace,
In multiplied miracles.
I am transported by the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
Levels have changed.

Today October 19th, 2022,
I take my daily provisions.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
I have multiplied and miraculous supply.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it,
He is my source.
My job is not my source.
My business is not my source.
The government is not my source.
My family is not my source.
My friend is not my source.
My neighbour is not my source.
They are not my source.
God Almighty is my source
And I have multiplied and limitless supply.

All channels are opened to me,
Multiplied channels to receive divine supply,
Everything I require, is available to me in abundance and by free course.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
I have multiplied resources,
Multiplied monies,
Multiplied materials,
All the information,
All the ideas,
Multiplied contacts,
All that I require
For success,
For completion,
For fruition,
Is available to me.
I walk in superabundance.
There is abundance everywhere.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today I have bread to eat.
I thank God, for the multiplication,
The progress,
The success,
The achievements,
The victories and
Testimonies, that I have seen this year.
And I declare that of
The multiplication,
The progress,
The success,
The achievements,
The victories,
The testimonies in my life,
There is no end!
Today, new channels are opened to me,
Multiplied channels of supply,
Multiplied channels of inflow,
Multiplied channels of distribution,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, my customers are multiplied.
My orders are multiplied.
My jobs are multiplied.
My contacts are multiplied.
My partners are multiplied.
My businesses are multiplied.
My connections are multiplied.
My platforms are multiplied.
They are not shut day or night,
They are continually open,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
I am blessed and highly favoured.
I believe and therefore I see the glory of God.
I see unprecedented, unimaginable,
Multiplied miracles and testimonies of divine supply.
Everything around me multiplies.
Everything around me grows.
The Heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of nature responds to me.
Every circumstance responds to me.
Money responds to me.
Materials respond to me.
I see the glory of God.

My faith is working and producing results.
My faith, my stubborn, resilient, resistant, persistent faith,
Is producing results.
I stand my ground.
I believe and I see the glory of God.
I see miracles,
I see testimonies,
I hear and I see abundance of rain.
Glory to God!

Speak in tongues.

Thank You Father God for miracles of multiplication.
Thank You Lord because what we have is all that we need.
Yes, this is all that we need.
And it is blessed.
It is blessed!
It is blessed!
It is blessed in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Shout glory wherever you are.
Glory! Hallelujah!
Yes, the testimony is yours.
If you believe, you will see the glory of God.
© CELZ5 2022

6 thoughts on “30 DAYS OF RAIN – SEASON 2 – DAY 18”


    This is so reliving that , so motivational , thanks so much , may the ALMIGHTY GOD bless you abundantly please , thanks

  2. Thank You Jesus
    There is peace in life now
    Peace in business
    Peaces in health
    Peace in finance
    Multiply grace upon my life now…….Oh Glory Lord Jesus……Amen.

  3. Adagbonyin Jacinta

    Glorryyyyy alleluia ooooooo hahahaha.. multiplication galore…..I am unstoppable…,all I have is all I need…. thanks a lot for this…. I am so so grateful.

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