- JOHN 14:16-17 AMPC
- 1 JOHN 2:20 KJV
- 1 JOHN 2:27 KJV
- JOB 26:13 KJV
- ACTS 1:8 KJV, WT
- ROMANS 8:10-11 KJV
- ISAIAH 48:17 KJV
This is my month of peace.
This is my month of peace.
Great is my peace, because I love the Word of God,
And nothing and no one shall offend me.
The peace of God is multiplied in my heart and in my life.
I have perfect wellbeing.
I have all spiritual prosperity.
I am free from fear.
I am free of agitating passion.
I am free from moral conflicts.
I speak peace to every circumstance,
Perfect peace to every situation.
I speak peace to the nations of the world.
I speak peace to my nation and to my city.
Great is my peace,
Great is my rest,
Great is my prosperity,
Great is my well-being,
The Holy Spirit is my Comforter.
The Holy Spirit is my Counsellor.
He is my strategist.
He is my Helper,
Therefore, I am a wonder to many.
I am a surprise to many,
Because the Holy Spirit helps me.
The Holy Spirit is my Intercessor.
The Holy Spirit is my Advocate.
The Holy Spirit is my Strengthener.
The Holy Spirit is my Standby.
The Holy Spirit guides me.
He leads me.
He shows me things to come.
He puts me ahead of my time.
He shows me the future.
He searches the mind of God.
He searches the mind of God to discover things that are of benefit to me,
And He reveals them to me.
The Holy Spirit gives me understanding.
Glory to God!
I have understanding.
I am of quick understanding,
Because of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has brought the anointing into my life.
He teaches me all things.
He guides me always.
He causes me to do right.
The Holy Spirit has beautified my life.
He brings colour into my life.
I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life.
I am daily vitalized, refreshed, renewed, and restored by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has given me understanding.
He helps me to understand the word of God from my spirit.
I have an understanding mind.
And through this understanding,
I bear witness of the Lord Jesus in my world today.
I have understanding.
I’m no longer in the dark.
I have the light of life.
No matter where I am, where I go or what I do,
I have an understanding mind.
I have an understanding heart.
I am able to discern all things.
The Holy Spirit is my secret to understanding.
The Holy Spirit has brought the anointing into my life.
I am anointed.
I am anointed.
The anointing is upon everything I do.
Through the anointing, I am separated.
Through the anointing, I am distinguished.
Through the anointing, I am empowered to prosper.
Everything I touch, prospers.
Everything I do, prospers.
I have supernatural abilities that cannot be explained.
I am full of power.
Everything I do is excellent.
I am anointed and blessed of God.
I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and,
To do things that ordinary men cannot do.
I am a wonder and surprise to many.
The Holy Spirit guides and leads me in everything I do.
He lives in me.
He gives life to me.
He anoints my spirit and my mind.
He gives me understanding and beautifies my spirit.
I am divinely energized from within.
I can do all things through the anointing which strengthens me.
Through the help of the Holy Spirit,
I have been anointed to do the impossible.
I am as a wonder to many.
I do the impossible.
I am a surprise to many.
He has filled my spirit with the unction of God.
I have received the dynamic ability,
(The same kind of power that God uses and exert is what I have received)
To effect changes.
I rule and conquer my world for Jesus.
I am never disadvantaged.
I am never disadvantaged.
I am not subject to circumstances.
I triumph over situations and circumstances.
I have the life of God in me.
I am a partaker of His divine nature.
I have eternal life now.
I am one with him.
I am the offspring of God.
I can change any situation or circumstance.
I’m born again.
I am an associate of the Godkind,
Born again and filled with the Spirit of God.
The Holy Spirit is my teacher.
He teaches me from within.
He teaches and guides in the way that I should go.
I am set on the course that I must follow.
The Holy Spirit has made me wise, so I am wise.
He has made me wiser than my teachers.
I have more understanding than my teachers,
Because the word of God is my meditation.
I understand more than the elders,
Because I keep His precepts.
The Holy Spirit has made me wiser,
Than the wise men of this world.
Christ is my wisdom.
Christ is my wisdom.
I am sagacious.
I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension.
The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life.
He teaches me from within,
And instructs me on what to do.
To make profit,
To make progress,
To make gain.
He teaches me about my profession.
He teaches me about my business.
He teaches me about academics.
He teaches me how to handle my family.
He teaches me how to raise my kids.
He teaches me anything and everything.
Glory to God!
The Holy Spirit is my teacher and inward guide,
And I take advantage of His presence in my life today.
I have supernatural understanding.
I can never be found wanting.
The Holy Spirit teaches me all things in the word.
He teaches me all things about life.
I am wise.
I am intelligent.
I am smart.
I am bold.
I am clever.
I have insight.
I have foresight.
I am discerning.
I exhibit sound judgment.
I have direction.
I always know what to do.
Glory to God!
And I always have successful outcomes.
The Holy Spirit teaches me to make profit.
The Holy Spirit teaches me to produce wealth.
I have wisdom for wealth.
I am a wealth creator.
I am rich.
I can never be broke in my life.
All grace and earthly favour have been directed towards me.
Glory to God!
The Holy Spirit teaches me how to stay in wealth.
The Holy Spirit teaches me how to stay in health.
I live in perfect and divine health.
Glory to God!
He teaches me to care for my body.
I live a healthy and excellent life.
I am rich.
I am excellent.
I am powerful and influential,
Because I have the Holy Ghost on the inside.
He illuminates my mind and teaches me.
Wondrous things from the Word.
The Holy Spirit is my guide.
He guides me into all truth.
He guides me in the affairs of life.
He guides me into all reality.
I’m blessed.
I’m excellent.
I do excellent things.
The Spirit of excellence dwells in me.
So, I am a wonder and a surprise to many.
I experience supernatural peace,
Prosperity and development in every area of my life.
The Holy Spirit causes me to do right.
The Holy Spirit gives me the ability and the capacity to know God’s Will and to do God’s will.
I am willing to do and I am able to do,
Great things from God’s word,
Because of the Holy Spirit who lives in me.
Everything I do turns into success.
I am blessed and highly favoured.
The Holy Spirit brings colour into my life.
My life is colourful.
My life is beautiful.
The Holy Spirit expresses himself in me.
He brings beauty, sweet attractiveness, and favour into my life.
My life is full of beauty.
My life is full of joy.
The Holy Spirit is the beauty of my life.
I am beautiful.
He has brought beauty into my life.
I’m full of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Spirit brings beauty into my heart and life.
He has given me beauty for ashes.
He has given me beauty for shame.
I am blessed and highly favoured.
My life is colourful.
My life is beautiful.
I am a wonder.
I am a surprise to my generation.
I am unique and special.
I am graced in overflowing measure.
The Holy Spirit vitalizes my body.
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me,
And He perambulates my body,
Vitalizing every cell of my body,
Every fibre of my being,
Every bone,
Every tissue,
Every organ.
My body is vitalized.
My body has received eternal life.
My body has received eternal life.
My life is not the life of blood.
I live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He vitalizes my body continually.
He strengthens my body continually.
He energizes my body continually.
I can never be sick.
I will never be sick.
I can never be afflicted.
Only beauty, grace, and colour is manifested in my life,
My spirit,
My soul and in
My body.
I can never be broke, because the Spirit of God teaches me to make profit.
In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
I decree peace.
I bless the world with peace, stability, and security.
Together, we rain down peace and righteousness on the nations of the world.
We declare peace and end to all wars.
We speak peace to Russia,
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak peace to Iraq in the name of our Lord Jesus.
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
From the north to the south, to the east and to the west.
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations.
This year, this month, and this day.
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my declarations,
The clouds of my meditations,
They are full.
They are full and they are emptying down.
In answers,
In solutions,
In testimonies,
In favours,
In miracles,
In progress,
In advancement.
I am transported by the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
I am in another place.
Today October 13th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today October 13th, 2022,
I take my daily provisions.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
I have miraculous supply.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that’s in it,
Is my source.
My job is not my source.
My business is not my source.
The government is not my source.
My family is not my source.
My friend is not my source.
My neighbour is not my source.
God is my source!
Therefore, I have limitless supply.
All channels are opened to me, to receive divine supply,
To receive from God Almighty who is my source.
Everything I require, I have.
The Lord is my shepherd,
Therefore, I lack nothing.
I have all the resources,
All the monies,
All the materials,
All the information,
All the ideas,
All the contacts,
All the connections,
That I require for success,
For completion,
And for fruition.
I walk in superabundance.
There is abundance everywhere around me.
Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
I thank God and I bless all that the Lord has given me.
I thank God and I bless all that the Lord has given me.
I thank and I bless God and I give thanks for what I have.
I give thanks for the progress, for the success, for the achievements.
For the victories that I have seen this year,
And I declare that of the goodness of the Lord in my life,
There will be no end!
Today, new channels are opened to me,
New channels of supply.
New channels of inflow,
New channels of distribution are open for me.
My gates are open,
They are open continually.
My platforms are open.
My bank accounts are open.
My businesses are open.
Today, I receive new orders.
Today, I receive new customers.
Today, I receive new contacts.
Today, I receive new partners.
Today, I receive new connections.
My businesses are open.
They are not shut day or night,
Receiving wealth, deliveries of wealth from the nations.
I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
I expect, I declare, and I decree,
Unimaginable miracles and testimonies.
I am strong.
I am financially strong.
I am mentally strong.
I am physically strong.
I am emotionally strong.
I am strong in grace.
All things work together for my good.
The Lord has perfected that which concerns me.
I am a citizen of God’s own country.
Therefore, my economy, my way of life is not of this world.
I live the life of the Kingdom here on earth.
I am a member of God’s own family.
I have an identity.
I have a name.
I have an inheritance as a member of God’s own family.
I belong to God’s household.
He provides for me,
He takes care of me.
Because I am a member of His household, I have access to grace.
I have an all – access pass!
I can go anywhere.
I can do anything.
I can get into place,
Into any business,
Into any nation,
No man forbidding me.
I am in a state of God’s favour.
I am in a place of the highest privileges.
I am as bold as a lion.
I refuse to fear.
I have boldness in the day of crises.
I am not afraid of sudden fear,
Nor of the desolation of the wicked when it comes.
I am courageous.
I do not have the spirit of fear,
But of love, power, and a sound mind.
I have received the Spirit of God that makes me to call God my Father.
Fear is disabled in me.
I refuse to fear, I am not susceptible to fear.
I am not susceptible to worry.
I am not afraid of sudden fear.
The Lord is my confidence.
He will not let my foot be taken.
The Holy Spirit teaches me and guides me.
He causes me to produce works of righteousness,
Excellence and perfection.
The Holy Spirit gives me rest and peace.
He restores, refreshes, and renews me.
He has turned the wilderness into a fruitful field.
I am productive and I am fruitful.
Every day, my productivity increases.
I am excellent, I am perfect, I am exceptional.
I am a wonder and a surprise to many.
Through my fellowship with the Holy Spirit,
I have an understanding.
I have been anointed by the Holy Spirit.
Everything I do prospers.
He teaches me all things.
He guides me always.
He causes me to do right.
The Holy Spirit has brought colour into my life.
I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life.
Hallelujah! Glory to God!
Thank You Holy Spirit.
Thank You Holy Spirit.
I have received power.
I can change anything.
My life is beautified.
I am a wonder. I am a surprise to many.
Thank God for the presence of the Holy Spirit, always in your life.
He is your constant inward teacher, counsellor,
Strengthener, standby, intercessor and advocate.
We are so helped and blessed of God.
Praise God forever more.
© CELZ5 2022