Ephesians 1: 13
John 6: 27 (AMPC)
Ephesians 2: 10
Revelations 7: 1 – 3
1 Peter 2: 9
Exodus 12: 21 – 27
1 Corinthians 5: 7

MESSAGE FOR THE DAY👇 (available on PCDL)
Join the ongoing 21 Days Exposé on Meditation and Declaration.
(Participation Link: https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/md2022/celagosz5)

I am sealed!
I am sealed!
I am sealed!
With the Holy Spirit of promise.
The Lord has sealed me.
The Lord has stamped me.
He has given me the earnest of the Spirit in my heart.
I am sealed by God.
I am stamped by God.
His mark of ownership is upon me.
I belong to God.
His mark, His seal of ownership is upon me.
I belong to God.
His mark of authenticity is upon me.
I am certified of the Lord.
I am genuine.
I am authentic.
I am complete.
I am perfect.
His seal of authenticity is upon me.

His seal, His mark of security is on me.
I am exempted from destruction.
I am exempted from evil.
My salvation has been consummated.
I have The Lord’s approval.
I have The Lord’s endorsement.
I have The Lord’s authority.
I have The Lord’s protection.
I am authorized!
I am certified!
I am endorsed!
I am protected!
By the seal of God,
That is upon me.
I am authorized!
I am certified!
I am endorsed!
I am protected!
By the seal of God,
That is upon me.

It makes no difference what is happening in the world,
I refuse to fear.
I refuse to panic.
I refuse to give up,
Because I am sealed,
I am protected.
I am authorized,
I am certified,
I am endorsed by Almighty God.
There is a decree,
That I should not be hurt like others.
There is a decree,
That separates me,
From destruction,
From darkness,
From plagues,
From pestilence.
There is a decree upon me,
Being the sealed of God,
That I am separated from every evil work.

I am sealed of God!
I am separated.
I have received the mark of God,
The stamp of God,
The signet of God.
I am a partaker of His indestructible life.
I am a partaker of His indomitable life.
I am a partaker of His imperishable life.
His glory and His righteousness are revealed in me today.
I have God’s indelible seal on me.
This is a guarantee of my protection,
Of my security,
Of my endorsement,
Of my certification,
Of my authorization.

I am sealed of God,
I am His workmanship,
Created in Christ Jesus,
Unto good works,
Which God had pre-ordained that I should walk in them.
I am God’s own handiwork,
I am His Masterpiece!
I am perfect.
I am complete.
I am recreated in Christ Jesus,
In perfection,
In glory,
In beauty.
I am born-again, born anew,
To do those good works,
Which God predestined, planned beforehand for me to do.
I take paths,
Which God had prepared before time,
For me to walk in.
I am living the good life,
Which The Lord had prearranged,
And made ready for me to live.
It is God himself that has made me.
I am perfect.
I am complete.
I have a new life in Christ Jesus!

I am sealed of God!
I am a chosen race.
I am sealed of God!
I am a chosen generation.
I am a choice breed.
I am sealed of God!
I am a royal priesthood.
I am sealed of God!
I am a dedicated nation.
I am sealed of God!
I am God’s own purchased, special person.
His mark of ownership is upon me.
I am His prized possession.
I am His very own and special possession.
I set forth the praises of God.
I set forth His wonderful deeds.
I set forth His magnificent deeds.
I set forth His amazing deeds.
I set forth His delightful deeds, His marvelous deeds.
I show others the goodness of God.
I display His virtues and perfections.
I display His excellencies.
I display His precision.
I display His accomplishments.
I am certified to shine!
I am certified to win.
I am certified to display the glory of God.

I am sealed of God!
Therefore, I am severed from perishing.
I am sealed of God!
Therefore, I am protected.
I dwell in the secret place of The Most High.
The things that hurt others, cannot touch me,
Because the seal of God, The Holy Spirit is upon me.
I am sealed,
Because I believe in Jesus Christ.
I refuse to fear.
I am full of faith.
God so loved the world.
That he gave his only begotten son.
That whoever believes in him should not perish.
God so loved me (call your name),
That He gave His only begotten son for me.
I believe in Jesus Christ!
Therefore, I cannot perish.
I do not perish.
I will not perish.
I have been separated from those things that perish and are destroyed.
I cannot suffer.
I cannot be distressed.
I cannot be sick.
I cannot die.
I cannot decrease.
I am imperishable.
I am indestructible.
I am inextinguishable.
I cannot be erased.
I cannot be cancelled.
I am sealed by the Holy Ghost.
His seal on me is indelible.
I am a true child of God.
I am an authentic child of God.
I am certified.
I am authorized and
I am endorsed of God.
God endorses me.

I am sealed unto everlasting glory.
I am sealed unto the good life.
I am sealed unto joy, unto peace.
I am sealed unto excellent health.
I am sealed unto prosperity and abundance.
I have eternal life.
I am sealed unto Agelessness.
I am sealed unto Deathlessness.
I am sealed unto Wantlessness.
I am sealed unto Fearlessness.

I am sealed by the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.
I take advantage of the presence and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit guides me.
The Holy Spirit is my Helper.
The Holy Spirit is my Counsellor, my Adviser, my Strategist.
The Holy Spirit is my Strengthener, I am strengthened.
The Holy Spirit is my Comforter.
The Holy Spirit is my Advocate, He speaks for me.
He is my endorsement.
The Holy Spirit is my Standby.
I will never fail.
He props me up.
He is the glory and the lifter of my head.
The Holy Spirit is my Intercessor.
I reign in life as a champion by the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is my seal and my guarantee,
That I forever belong to God.
His seal on me remains eternally.
I am purchased with the precious blood of the Lamb.

The Lord’s mark of security is on me.
I am protected.
Satan cannot touch me.
I am protected.
I am separated.
I am set apart.
The hand of the Lord rests upon me.
A thousand may fall at my side,
Ten thousand at my right hand,
But it shall not come near me.
No evil shall befall me.
No plague can come near me,
Near my family,
Near my business,
Near my loved ones.
Near my job,
Near my work,
Near my finances.
No plague can come near my dwelling place,
Because I am sealed of God.
The seal of the Lord separates me from danger.
I am preserved.
In the realm of the spirit, I am marked,
And I am preserved from danger,
From hardship,
From inflation,
From depression,
From sickness,
From casting down.
I am preserved and I am protected
By the power of the Holy Spirit.
His glory is seen in me.
No plan of the adversary can work against me,
Because the seal of God is on me.

I am sealed of God!
Therefore, I am separated from the perils of the world.
I am separated from the plagues in the world.
I am separated from epidemics.
I am separated from pestilences.
I am separated from sickness and disease.
I live in divine perfect health.
I am separated from evil.
I am separated from darkness.
I am a child of light.
I am authorized!
I am certified!
I am endorsed and
I am protected!
Because the seal of God is on me.

I dwell in the light.
I am separated from poverty and from lack.
I live in supernatural, abundant supply.
I have the seal of the Holy Spirit.
I am protected and preserved from harm.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
Even so, I am surrounded with divine protection.
His divine power has granted me,
All that I require for life and godliness.
No weapon fashioned against me can ever prosper,
Because I dwell in Christ.
I am sealed of God!
I am certified!
I am authorized!
I am endorsed and
I am protected!
I am as mount Zion, which cannot be removed.
I cannot be moved!
I am unshakeable!

I dwell in the secret place of The Most High.
I abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
The Lord is my Refuge.
The Lord is my Fortress; my God in Him I trust.
He has sealed me and delivered me from the snare of the fowler,
From the noisome pestilence.
Under His wings do I trust.
His Word is my shield and buckler.
I am sealed of God!
Therefore, I am not afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day.

I am sealed of God!
Therefore, I walk in divine wisdom.
I walk in the joy, the peace, the grace, and the pleasures of the Spirit of God.
Today, the wisdom of God is functioning in me.
I excel in good judgement.
I have the right ideas.
I make the right decisions.
I listen to the voice of wisdom.
I say and do the right things,
At the right times,
And for the right purpose.
I walk in the light, God’s marvelous light.
I am more than a conqueror.
I rule and reign in life through Christ.
I have overcome the world and its deception,
And its failure, its Hatred, corruption, decadence and limitation.

I am sealed of God!
I am a member of His end-time army.
The word of The Lord burns in my heart,
And propels me to preach the Gospel,
To spread His righteousness
To everyone in my world.
I will not be quiet.
I will speak the word.
I will bear divine truths to my world.
I stand firm in the truth.
I am separated from errors,
Because I am sealed by the Spirit of Truth.
I am bearing fruits of righteousness.
I am impacting my world with the blessings of the gospel of peace.
I live a life of blessings.
I am in fellowship with The Father.
I am a partaker of His, grace, glory, and His righteousness.
I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today.

I bless the nations of the world.
I bless the nations with peace.
I bless the nations with prosperity.
I bless the leaders of nations with courage and direction.
The word of the Lord is in their mouths.
I declare that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Has free course and is glorified in every nation of the world.
Where men have said, they are cast down,
I declare that there is lifting up.
Every nation,
Every city,
Every town,
Every village,
Every street
Is open to the Gospel.
The word of the Lord is growing,
And multiplying,
And expanding,
And enlarging,
And progressing,
The word of the Lord is excelling and prevailing
In every nation of the word.
The name of the Lord Jesus is glorified.
The nations belong to God!
We leave no nation for the devil.

This year, the clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my declaration,
The clouds of my meditation,
They are full and emptying down
In answers,
In solutions,
In testimonies,
In glory.

Today is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, September 26th, 2022,
I take my daily provision.
Today, September 26th, 2022,
I take my daily supply.
Today, September 26th, 2022,
I take my daily benefits.
I have miraculous supply.
I walk in abundance.
There is abundance everywhere around me.
I have miracle monies.
Today, I have seed to sow,
And bread to eat.
Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the fruits of my righteousness.
My barns are filled with plenty.
My presses burst forth with new wine.
All my accounts are bursting forth with new monies.
I speak in the morning,
And I testify in the evening,
My gates are open!
They are open continually.
They shall not be shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations.
Today, I have new customers.
Today, I have new businesses.
Today, I have new orders.
Today, I have new contacts.
Today, I have new partners.

Today and Everyday,
The doors of my businesses and platforms are open.
The abundance of the sea,
The wealth of the nations,
Are converted to me.
People are coming.
Money is coming.
I have miraculous supply.
There is an overflow of favour and abundance for me today.
The Lord is my shepherd,
Therefore, I have miraculous supply.
Christ is my source and my sufficiency.
The Lord is my miraculous supply.
I have access to wealth untold.
I have access to wealth unknown.
I have access to hidden riches of secret places,
Wealth yet unknown,
The wealth and the treasures of the future.
I am plugged into God’s unending, and miraculous supply.

I am sealed of God!
The mark of God is on me.
I am authorized!
I am certified!
I am endorsed and
I am protected!
I am marked for glory.
I am marked for beauty.
I am marked for honor.
I am marked for the good life.
I am marked for signs and wonders,
For exaltation, for excellence.
I am separated unto good works.
The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my guide.
The Word of God is in my mouth.
I am doing wonders.

The grace of God is multiplied in my life.
I am certified!
I am authorized!
I can go anywhere.
I can do anything because I am authorized.
I am certified genuine.
I am certified perfect.
I am certified complete.
I am certified!
I am endorsed of God!
God endorses me.
I am the best!
I am perfect!
I am excellent!
I am the best!
His favour is on me!
The grace that produces promotion and power,
Rests upon me for I am endorsed of God.
His endorsement is taking me far.
His endorsement is opening doors for me.
His endorsement is putting me ahead.
His endorsement is bringing me to the high places.
I am endorsed of God.
I am protected!
His seal of protection is upon me.
No harm will come upon me.
I am exempted from evil, from death, from darkness.

Say it ever so often today:
I’m certified! But don’t just say, I am certified, talk about the meaning of being certified.

  • I am authentic.
  • I am genuine.
  • I am the real deal.
  • I am the best.
  • God’s certification is on me.
    Do you know what is it means to be certified?
    Certification gives you some level of accreditation, some access that you could not have gotten before.
    What about being endorsed?
    What about being authorized?
    What about being protected?
    Affirm God’s word today!

©CELZ5 2022

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