“I have the life of God in me;
I live in agelessness,
I live in wantlessness,’
I live in deathlessness
and I live in fearlessness,

The life of God is in me.
Because I have the son of God
I have received the son of God
And he that hath the son of God
Hath eternal life
Therefore, I have eternal life.

His divine power
Has given unto me
All things that pertain unto life and godliness
I live in the ageless zone

My life is one of endless development
From Faith to Faith
From Grace to Grace
And from Glory to Glory
I live an endless, Incorruptible, and indestructible life.

I have been born into God’s realm
I have been born into eternity
Christ is my life
Christ is my environment
I am not of this world
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I have the life of God in me
In My spirit
In my soul
And in my body

I am vitalized through and through
Spirit, soul and body
I am vitalized
By the power and the effect of righteousness
And the fullness of the God-life
That I have received through the Gospel

I am walking in the reality
Of my divine heritage in Christ,
I am Conscious of His grace
And His awesome presence in my life

God has not given me a spirit of fear
But of power, of love and a sound mind
I have a sound mind
I’m full of love
Perfect love casts out fear
Therefore, there is no fear in me
And I refuse to fear
I’m full of light
There is no darkness in me
Satan has nothing in me
There is no fear in me
There is no discouragement in me
There is no bitterness in me
There is no darkness in me
I am full of Light
Therefore, there is no fear in me
It is the one that has no light,
That has cause to fear
There is no darkness in me
Therefore, I have no cause to fear

Greater is He that is in me
Than he that is in the world.
Nothing in this world
Can destroy me
Because I’m born of God
And the greater one lives in me.
Nothing in this world
Has the ability to hurt me
I have overcome the world!
I’m untouchable
No weapon that is fashioned against me
Shall prosper
I am untouchable
Because of righteousness and eternal life
That are at work in me
I am untouchable
No evil can befall me
No plague can come near my dwelling
No sickness, No virus, No bacteria
Can come near me
I am shielded from the misfortunes
And mishaps of life
There is a shield around me
I am shielded
I am protected
I am preserved
From the misfortunes and mishaps of life
Those things that affect the natural man
Cannot penetrate that shield
Because I say that the Lord, is my Refuge
My fortress, My God
In Him do I trust
I speak Protection
I say He is my Refuge
I declare my protection
I declare my preservation
I declare that there’s a shield around me
And no fiery dart of the wicked
Can penetrate that shield

I’m bold and very courageous!
I’m strong and bold and very courageous
The word of God is producing in me
That which it talks about.
I rise above every limiting system of the world
I am born of God
Therefore, I have overcome
The limitations, The structures
The strategies, the potentialities and the abilities of this world
I have overcome them
I’m strong and of good courage
I am divinely protected
The angels of God encamp around me
I dwell in safety
I am safety

Those that are with me
Are more than those that are against me
Those that are with me are Angels.
Present with me right now are Angels.
And they are stronger and greater than those against me
My faith is the victory that overcomes the world
The word of God is my life
The word of God is my rock
The word of God is the solid ground on which I stand
I’m not moved by what I hear with my physical ears
I’m not moved by what I feel around me or in my body
I’m not moved by what i see with my physical eyes
I live by the word
The word of God
Is more real to me
Than anything that I feel, see, hear or experience
God’s word is more real to me

I’m a tree by the stream
Prosperous and ever fruitful.
Agelessness is at work in me
I’m ever fruitful
Ever productive
I bring forth my fruits continually
I bring forth new fruits every month
I’m prosperous and ever fruitful

I have an extraordinary capacity
To contemplate, think, envision
And to see endless possibilities
I have the mind of Christ
I have a different kind of imagination
My imagination has been impacted by eternal life
So I have the capacity
To envision, To Contemplate,
To think and To see
Endless possibilities
My mind does not limit me
Because my mind is not a natural mind
My mind is open by the spirit
To see, to capture
To envisage, to contemplate
And to see endless possibilities

No situation
No difficulty
Can deter me
I have been set on a perpetual unending journey of advancement,
I have been set on a perpetual unending journey of Upliftment and promotion
Glory to God!

In my way is life
In my pathway, there is no death.
I have the life of God in me.
I have it as my possession
I have it now as my nature
I have the life and the nature of God
I have the life and the nature of deity
The life of heavenly origin
A life that is above this world
Is what I possess

That same Spirit; the Precious Holy Spirit
That raised up our Lord Jesus from the dead
Dwells in me,
The same Spirit
Not another spirit
Not an angel
Not a substitute
The very same Spirit
That raised up Jesus from the dead
Jesus was in the grave
Jesus went to hell,
His body had been broken
His body had been beaten
His body was damaged
But the Spirit of God
Raised Him from dead
And that same Spirit dwells in me
How can I be sick?
How can my body be damaged?
How can there be any failure in my body?
When the same Spirit
That raised up Jesus from the dead
Dwells in me
He does not come and go
He dwells in me always
Even now, He is in me
And He gives life to my body
He energizes,
He vitalizes,
He rejuvenates,
He invigorates and quickens
My physical body

Therefore, sickness, disease and infirmity
Have no place in my body
Because all mortality
Is swallowed up by immortality in my body
Sickness, disease and infirmity
Have no place in my body
I have transcended
From mortality to immortality
I have passed from death to life
I’m not trying to pass
I’m not hoping to pass
I have passed from death to life

There is no failure in my life.
There is no failure in my body systems
No heart failure
No kidney failure
No lung failure
No liver failure
All the organs and systems of my body
Are functioning in perfection
Perfect soundness in my body
Because I have eternal life
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
Has made me free from death
Has rid me from death
And the law of sin
I am absolutely death-free
Because the law of life is operational in me
I walk in life
I walk in health
And As a child of God
I dispense divine life
To my world
Everything I lay my hands on to do prospers
Because the law of life that is at work in me causes it to be so
Every word I speak
Carries eternal life
Everything I touch
Carries eternal life
Because of the law of life that is at work in me
Divinity dwells in me
I live the transcendent, supernatural, superhuman, divine life!
Glory to God!

The Lord is my shepherd
My shepherd is the Lord
I lack nothing
Because the Lord Is my shepherd
I have everything I need or require
I lack nothing
I have been brought into wantlessness, agelessness, deathlessness and fearlessness
The Lord leads me in the path of righteousness
There is a path of righteousness
There is a path that leads to death
That is not my path
But there is a path
That leads to righteousness
That is my path
And I am led by the Lord
Who is my shepherd

For His name’s sake
His loving hand of correction
And His staff lead me in the path of success and glory
I have no fear of the future
My path is as the path of the just
My path is a shining light
That shines
Brighter and brighter
Unto the perfect day
The Lord who is my shepherd
Leads me in a perpetual victory parade
The Lord is gracious unto me
The Lord is kind to me
God’s goodness and mercy are at work in me
Following me,
Guiding me
All the days of my life
Including today, August 16th 2022
Goodness and mercy follow me today
I walk in goodness
Good things await me today
As I step into today, August 16th 2022
I experience goodness
I experience mercy
That is my portion
That is what attends to me

I am the one that the Lord has blessed.
I am that field that the Lord has blessed.
I am set apart for greatness, for prosperity and for victory.
God is not a man that He should lie.
Neither the son of man, that He should change His mind
The Lord has blessed me and Ye! I am blessed.
Ye! I am blessed
I have success everywhere
I have Progress everywhere
I have Victory everywhere
I have Triumph everywhere
I have Achievements everywhere
I have Blessings everywhere
I have Supply everywhere
I have Prosperity everywhere
I have Salvation everywhere
Everyday and Everywhere
I have prosperity
Everyday and Everywhere
I have victory
Everyday and Everywhere
I have Testimonies
Everyday and Everywhere
I have supply
Everyday and Everywhere
I have favour
Everyday and Everywhere

The joy of the Lord is my strength
And with joy do I draw water out of the wells of salvation.
I draw forth peace
I draw forth prosperity
I draw forth progress
I pour forth salvation over the nations of the world
The nations are delivered
I pour forth salvation over the nations of the world
I pour forth peace over the nations of the world
I pour forth righteousness over the nations of the world
As I speak, the Heavens hear me
The earth hears me
My speech falls on the nations of the world
I shower the nations with peace
I shower the nations with security
I speak healing to the nations
I speak preservation to the nations
I speak security to their leaders
I pour forth righteousness
Therefore, righteousness and salvation pour forth unto the earth

The Lord my God is with me as a mighty one.
The shout of a King is in our midst.
Members of Lagos zone 5
The shout of a king is in our midst
My horn has thou exalted like the horn of an unicorn.
I am the righteous.
I flourish like the Palm Tree.
I grow like the cedar in Lebanon.
I am planted in the house of the Lord.
I flourish in the courts of my God
I am fruitful and productive.
I bring forth fruit in season and out of season
Everything about me is green
Everywhere around me is green
The land is green
The land is subdued before me.
The Lord my God is my strength and shield
He is my rock.

No weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper.
Every tongue
Whether electronic tongues,
Whether media tongues
Whether tongues from the pit of hell
Whether tongues from the realm of darkness
Whether tongues from anywhere
It shall not prosper
So long as it rises against me,
It shall not prosper
And every tongue that rises against me in judgment I refute.

I rise up as a great lion.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I have the life of God in me,
I cannot be sick.

I am a Soulwinner.
I am an ambassador for Christ Jesus
The word of God is in my mouth
I share the word of God abundantly
My mouth is a fountain of fresh water
My mouth is a fountain of sweet water
My mouth is a fountain of living water
I share the gospel everywhere;
No man forbidding me.
I spread the divine fragrance of God’s love
I am the aroma of God to everyone I meet
As I go out today, everyone senses the sweet fragrance of God around me
As I come in, they sense that the blessed one has come
They welcome me as a blessed one
They sense that the blessings of God have come
Everywhere I go, I spread the divine fragrance of God’s love.
Everyday and today, I lead men to Christ.
As I lead people to Christ, they remain in the house
My cell is multiplying,
My cell is expanding and excelling
My church is multiplying, expanding and excelling
There is growth in my church
Kings are coming to my church
They are coming in their tens
They are coming in their hundreds
They are coming in their thousands
Every cell is full
Every Church is full
Lagos Zone 5 is multiplying
And expanding
And excelling
On the island and all over the world
Code Rabah is activated in my life
The work of the ministry is prospering, growing, expanding and spreading through me.

Everything about me is affected and impacted by the Spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus.
There is growth in our zone
There is growth in Lagos zoZonene 5
Lagos Zone 5 is growing
In influence
In numbers
In wealth
In capacity
In leaders
We are growing
We are excelling
We are dominating our environment
Every leader, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Every Pastor, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Every Deacon, Every Deaconess, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Every worker in Lagos Zone 5, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Every member in Lagos Zone 5, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Every Partner in Lagos zone 5, is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might

I am a cloud carrying water
Out of my belly flows rivers of living water
I am raining blessings,
I am raining righteousness,
I am raining salvation.
On the Nations of the world
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my prayers,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my declarations,
The clouds of my meditations are crystalizing and pouring down
They are distilling and pouring down
Even now, Even today, August 16th 2022
It is raining
It is raining answers,
It’s raining testimonies,
It’s raining results,
It’s raining evident progress,
It’s raining advancement
It’s raining promotions
to the glory of God.

I am mightily helped of God;
I am helped in the city;
I am helped in the field
I am helped in my business;
I am helped in my job
I am helped in my academics
I am helped in my home;
I am helped as I go out and I am helped as I come in.
I am helped with people;
God helps me with people
I am helped with resources;
I am helped with ideas;
I am helped with innovation;
I am helped with favour
I am helped with opportunities
I am helped with open doors
I am mightily helped.

The Lord is my strength,
The Lord is my helper,
The Lord is my standby.
I have everything I need;
I walk in all sufficiency.
Nothing missing, nothing lacking,
I am complete in Him.
I’m reigning,
I’m in control of every circumstance.
I’m not a victim, I am a victor.
With my words, I decree a thing and it’s established for me.
I establish Glory
I establish Grace
I establish opportunities today
I call them into being today in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Everything about me is blessed
My family is blessed because of me
My business is blessed because of me
My nation is blessed because of me
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the word.
I have all sufficiency in all things.
in the name of Jesus Christ.
The wisdom of God, is at work in me
The wisdom of God, inspires me
The wisdom of God, is manifested in me
It is heard in my words
It is seen in my actions
And expressed in everything I bring out
The wisdom of God is set forth today
I set forth the virtues and perfections of God
I set forth His wisdom
I set forth His righteousness
I set forth His Grace
In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.
Praise the Lord!

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