Scriptures for Meditation: Isaiah 60: 1-22

I arise and shine
I show forth the glory of God
I am radiant with the glory of God
Kings are come
to the brightness of my rising,
Men are coming from the north,
They are coming from the south,
They are coming from the east,
They are coming from the west,
To behold the glory of God
That is manifest in my life.
The abundance of the sea
The wealth of the people
Is converted to me.
Kings minister to me.
Their governments and their policies favour me,
They promote my course.
Nations and kingdoms
And institutions serve me.
All Authorities
All Policies
All laws
Work for my sake.

My gates are open;
They are open continually
They shall not be shut day or night
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations
I receive deliveries of wealth from all nations
The forces of the gentiles come to me
The wealth of the nations come unto me.
Everyday, men deliver to me, the wealth of the nations
The Lord has favoured me with wealth,
As I continually promote His righteous course.
I remain ever relevant
In beautifying the place of His sanctuary.
Through me,
The place of His feet
Is made glorious.
I’m a big time giver,
I am a big time partner,
I am a top partner in the LoveWorld nation
I am a major sponsor of the gospel of Jesus Christ
I am an eternal Excellency,
The joy of many generations.
I am a wonder to my generation.
I am a wonder to my world.
The sun, the moon and the physical light
Are not my light
For the Lord Himself
is my everlasting light
and He does not fail.
The Lord is my everlasting light
He bathes me in splendor
And He has made me a light

In this Year,
In this month,
In this week,
In this day,
a small one has become a thousand
and a little one, a mighty nation.
Everything that has to do with me
is growing,
is multiplying,
is progressing,
is moving forward.
Is enlarging
Is expanding
Is increasing
The Lord has increased my greatness
I am a strong nation

My life knows only one direction;
upward and forward only
My work knows only one direction
upward and forward only.
My business knows only one direction
Upward and forward only
This is the trajectory of my life
Upward and forward only

The Lord has increased my greatness
I’m shining
In this time, I have become a strong nation
And I am equal to a thousand people
I am able!
I am up to the task.
I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency
I am sufficient for every assignment.
The Lord has magnified me
The Lord has enlarged me
The Lord has expanded me
The Lord has increased my greatness
in this time,
in this very year,
In this month,
In this day,
He has magnified me.
It is my season,
it is my time,
I am spreading;
I am moving forward
The anointing and the grace for spreading
The mimshack anointing for spreading is working for me
I am the seed of Abraham
The Lord has made me great
Greatness is working for me.
I’m making progress,
I’m moving forward
through the Word of God
in this year,
in this month,
in this day,
The word of the Lord is fulfilled in my life.

I arise and I shine
I’m shining
The glory of the Lord is radiating through me
The glory of God is seen in my life
The Lord has glorified me
The Lord has magnified me
Men are coming to my light
Kings are coming to the brightness of my rising
I see souls coming
Men are coming
Women are coming
Children are coming
The rich are coming
The poor are coming
They are coming to my cell group
They are coming to my church
They are coming to my office
They are coming to my website
They are coming to my business platforms
They are coming by the power of the Holy Ghost
I am shining
By the power of the Holy Ghost
Nothing can stop me
Nothing can hinder me
This is my season
This is my time
I am distinguished and distinct
As The city of the Lord
The Zion of the Holy One of Israel
And out of Zion, the perfection of beauty
God hath Shined

For bronze, I receive gold
For iron, I receive silver
For wood, I receive bronze
For stones, I receive iron
I lay up gold as dust
Unending wealth
I lay up gold as dust
Everywhere around me is green
I flourish on every side.
I am programmed for greatness
I am programmed for extraordinary success
I carry my own atmosphere
By the Holy Ghost
I live in God’s atmosphere
I live in God’s supernatural environment
I’m in God’s environment
I think differently
I talk differently
Because I’m in God’s environment
My administration
My economy
Is from above
I live in the economy of Heaven
I live in the economy of the kingdom of God
I am not subjected to the economy and system of this world
I live in God
And God lives in me
I am not of this world
I am a citizen of heaven
The light of God shines in my life
And His glory is seen in me
I have the indestructible, undefeatable, incorruptible life of God

The Lord has magnified me
In the sight of others
He has magnified me
In the sight of the world
They look at me and see the glory of God
I walk in the light of God
I walk by the power of the Holy Ghost
I walk in the word of God
I manifest the victory of Christ

Greater is He that is in me
than He that is in the world
I am a chosen generation
A Royal priesthood
A Holy Nation
A peculiar person
I show forth the praises of him
I show forth the virtues,
The perfections, the beauty and the glory
Of Him, That has called me out of darkness
Into His marvellous light
The Lord has magnified me
The Lord has made me great
He has increased my greatness
I’m a strong nation
The Lord has magnified me
The Lord has increased my greatness
I am a strong nation

The Lord has made me a wonder to my generation
The Lord has made me a wonder to my world
The Lord has made me a wonder in my nation
The Lord has made me a wonder in my City
The Lord has made me a wonder in my Continent
I am the seed of Abraham
Greatness is in my Spirit
The Lord has made me great and therefore I am GREAT!
I’m a Great Nation
I’m a Great Person
The Lord has increased my greatness
Today, the Lord has magnified me
And increased my Greatness

Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world
The Lord has made me great
It is the Lord that has made me great
Therefore I am GREAT!
The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness
The Lord has magnified me
From Glory to glory
From grace to grace
From faith to faith
From progress to progress
The Lord has made me GREAT!
I am that great nation

My path is as shining light
That shines more and more
Unto the perfect day
The blessings of the Lord rests upon me and upon my house
The blessings of the Lord rests upon me
And Upon my business
The blessings of the Lord rests upon me
And upon my office
Everywhere I go,
I carry the blessing of the Lord
Everyone, I come in contact with
Is blessed because of me
Everywhere I go,
I spread the aroma of God’s grace and goodness.

The Lord has increased my greatness
I am comforted on every side
I am the seed of Abraham
I am great
And of my increase and my greatness
There is no expiry date!
My greatness is perpetual
My greatness is unto eternity
Even now, The Lord has increased my greatness and magnified me

He causes me to wax greater
Move forward
To Advance in leaps and bounds
My greatness is unlimited
And great grace for prosperity
And superabundance is directed towards me
Wealth and Riches are in my house
My righteousness endures forever
As I sow in the Gospel,
The Lord blesses me
I wax great
I move forward
I grow
And I become very great
My seeds are multiplied
And I receive today, in this day,
abundant harvests of my seeds that I have sown
Today, I receive harvest,
Of my seeds that I have sown
Seed time and Harvest
Shall never cease

Today, this week
I receive harvests
An avalanche of miracles
I receive harvests
of divine favours
Riches and Honor come from God
It is in His power to make great
And to give strength
Therefore, new Doors are open unto me
I am promoted
Nothing and no one can dishonor me
The Lord has glorified me with himself
He has made me great
And no one can reverse it
The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness
My reputation, my honour
is Christ

The greatness,
The power,
The victory,
The majesty and
The kingdom are mine
Because The Lord has conferred these on me
My life is excellent and full of glory
I am crowned with honor and greatness
The Pleasure of the Lord is prospering through me
I give no room to distractions and detractors
My only desire is to please the Lord always

I live a life of greatness
Of dominion
Of Excellence
Of Divine perfect health
And unending victories
Christ in me; the hope of glory
I have already overcome Satan,
the world and its failing systems
Because Greater is He that is in me
Than He that is in the world
I’m healthy
I’m strong
I’m sound
There is no room for sickness, disease or infirmity in my body.
I am filled with all the fullness of God
I dispense the verities of the Kingdom everywhere I go
I declare,
The blessing of God is upon my nation (call the name of your nation)
There is peace in this nation
There is prosperity in this nation
There is progress in this nation
There is peace within our borders
Violence is no longer heard in our land
There is no destruction within our borders
The wisdom of God is at work in our leaders
The Lord gives us leaders that He has chosen
For our good and not our destruction

Today, I bless the nations of the world
And their leaders.
Thank you Lord
Because today, is the day of salvation and grace.
Therefore the dominion of Satan
over men, women and children
In the nations of world is broken.
I declare that the gospel has free course
And is glorified in every nation.
I declare,
That there is a harvest of souls
Among leaders of nations
And men everywhere are experiencing
The goodness of the Lord
For The earth is filled
with the goodness of the Lord
There are treasures everywhere.

I have the deepest of understanding
And the largest of hearts
Christ is made unto me wisdom
I have the deepest of understanding
And the largest of hearts
There is nothing beyond me
There is nothing I cannot handle

Today and Everyday
I experience luxuriant growth,
I have significant attainments
and I have persistent productivity.
Christ is my riddance,
He rids me of errors
and brings me out of trouble.
I am the excellent
I am the noble
I am the glorious
God delights in me.
I’m full of faith
I’m full of power
I’m doing wonders
The grace of God
is propelling me forward
The Lord is my refuge
and my fortress,
My God
in whom I completely rely
I live in the Ageless zone,
I live in the Deathless zone,
I live in the Fearless zone
I live in the Wantless zone
I’m supernaturally supplied
I’m the seed of Abraham.
My power,
My ability,
My sufficiency, are of God
I am self-sufficient
In Christ’s sufficiency
I am complete in Him
Nothing is missing
Nothing is lacking
Nothing is wanting
Nothing is broken
Everything I need to be, I am
Everything I need to have, I have
Everything I need to do, I can
I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency

The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness
All my prayers,
and meditations
Are crystalizing
And pouring down,
Raining down now
Today, they are raining down,
in solutions
in divine encounters
in favours
in accomplishments
in successes
in advancement
in growth
in development
in improvements
in ideas
in innovations
in open doors
In opportunities
in Jesus name.
Amen and amen!

The Lord has magnified me
I have become a strong nation
I have been multiplied
I have been expanded
The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness
I’m a strong nation
The Lord has magnified me
And increased my greatness

The Lord has hasten it in His time
This is the day of my Magnification
This is the day of my expansion
This is the day of my greatness
A little one shall become a thousand
A small one a mighty nation
The Lord has increased my greatness
And magnified me
My greatness is increased

You will see it,
That the Lord has made a distinction between you and the world
For while there’s darkness for them
For you, it is Light
The Lord has magnified you
And increased your greatness

Isaiah 60

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