I give thanks unto you Lord,
I sing praises unto your Holy Name
For thou O Lord has made me glad through your works.
I triumph in the works of your hands
O Lord! How great are thy works and thy thoughts are very deep.
You O Lord, art Most High forever more.
I proclaim your unfailing love in the morning,
I proclaim your faithfulness in the evening,
I sing for joy
Because of what you have done.
O Lord,
What great works you do!
You have anointed me and ordained me.
To flourish like palm trees
And grow strong
Like the cedars of Lebanon.
I am planted in the house of the Lord
I flourish in the courts of my God.
In every season,
I produce fruit;
I remain vital and green.
I flourish on every side,
I am thriving
I am prospering
I am expanding
I flourish on every side
My time is now
I flourish like the palm tree;
I’m stately
I’m upright
I’m useful
I’m fruitful
I’m majestic
I’m stable
I’m durable and incorruptible.
I’m like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
And I produce of His faithfulness
Of His integrity
I produce excellent results
I’m fruitful and productive!
In my path,
There’s life,
There’s success,
There’s victory,
And There’s wealth,
In Jesus’ Name.
I am evergreen
I grow luxuriantly,
I flourish on every side,
I flourish like the Palm Tree
That thrives in the desert
That thrives in the heat
That thrives in all situations
I bring forth fruit
In all situations
I prosper
I thrive
I reach significant height
Regardless of the circumstance
My life is evergreen
My roots go down deep
I spread on every side.
I spread in my business
I spread in my finances
I spread in ministry
I spread in influence
I spread in impact
I spread on every side
I rise up like an edifice
I grow upward and forward
The Lord is with me,
There’s no stopping me
My horn has been exalted like the horn of an unicorn,
I’m moving forward and making progress.
I have significant achievements
I have historical achievements
Things that are yet to be done,
I am achieving them
Significant Achievements
News-making Achievements
Earth-shaking Achievements
Record-breaking Achievements
Record-setting Achievements
Impossible Achievements
I attain higher heights.
I attain distinctions of significant proportion
God is doing marvellous things through me.
Great things are happening for me and through me.
Nothing can stop me.
I am Persistently Productive
I thrive in every and any situation
I am ordained to be productive
I am fruitful and productive
I am perpetually productive
Of my productivity,
Of my prosperity
Of my Achievements
There is no expiry date
I am a perpetual victor
I am a persistent victor
I have persistent productivity
The weather,
The economy,
The country
Or the physical circumstances
Do not count.
My life is evergreen
My economy is not of this world
My economy is not of this nation
I live by Heaven’s economy
I carry my own atmosphere;
I carry the atmosphere of the Holy Ghost.
I grow faster than inflation
I grow faster than the exchange rate
I grow faster than inflation
I am like a palm tree
Firmly planted
And fed by streams of water
I live a successful life
I am fruitful in every season
My leaves do not wither;
And whatever I do,
Prospers and comes to maturity.
I have no aborted dreams
I have no failed projects
I’ve been chosen,
I have been ordained,
I have been commissioned
I have been appointed
To bring forth lasting results
Therefore I bring forth fruit
I bring forth more fruit
I bring forth much fruit
And my fruits remain
The Bible says,
“So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed”
I grow luxuriantly and I prevail
Because I’m a child of the word
The seed of the word
Remains in me
Therefore I grow
I grow luxuriantly
And I prevail
Out of my innermost being,
I bring forth good things.
My life is for glory and beauty;
And in my path,
There is no death
In my path
There is no failure
In my path
There’s life,
There’s success,
There’s victory,
And There’s wealth.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus,
Holy and sanctified unto God
I’m strengthened
I’m fortified
I’m energized for victory,
I’m energized for success
I’m energized for excellence
The power of God
Is working in me
Producing exceedingly, abundantly
Far above all that I can ask or imagine
I’m ordained unto a life of fruitfulness
I’m ordained unto a life of productivity
I’m ordained unto an extraordinary life of productivity and excellence
I am flourishing in the courts of the Lord, bringing Him honour.
I continually bear abundant fruits
In righteousness.
I live a life of splendour,
I live a life of grace
I’m growing in grace
I live a life of prosperity and greatness
I am established in God’s righteousness
I’m not moved by natural circumstances
That exists in the world around me
God’s word is my life
God’s word is my confidence
God’s word is my success
By which I function
In my Job
In my Finances
In my health
In my family
In my business
And everything that concerns me
I’m aware of God’s bountiful provisions
All my needs
Are supplied according to His riches in glory
By Christ Jesus
I am enjoying divine supply
I am excelling and making progress on every side,
And my faith is prevailing over circumstances,
As I walk in the fullness of Your blessings.
I am an offspring of the Word;
I’m an heir of God
And a joint heir with Christ
My mouth is full of blessings
Therefore, I speak blessing
In all the nations of the world
I rain down righteousness
On the nations of the world
The nations are delivered from deception
The nations are delivered from foolishness
And brought in to wisdom and truth
The righteousness of God
Prevails in the nations of the world
Righteousness rains from above
And the nations of the earth bring forth salvation
And praise and glory to God
The righteousness of God
Prevails in the nations of the world
And the leaders are walking in the wisdom of God.
I have a perfect and balanced life;
I’m prospering spiritually,
I’m prospering physically
I’m prospering materially.
By the Spirit of God that dwells in me,
I’m fruitful in every good work.
He makes all things beautiful,
And has given me extraordinary capacity
To contemplate,
To think,
To envision
And see endless possibilities.
I bring forth riches and wealth from within me.
No matter what happens,
I’ll always be on top,
Because everything I require for absolute victory
And supernatural prosperity is in my spirit.
I’m a tree planted by the waters
That does not cease to produce fruit.
Money keeps flowing to me by free course from all directions. Glory!
Today, Money flows to me by free course from all directions
I am a victor,
I always have the resources to prosecute my visions
The angel of wealth and the angel of money are working on my behalf.
Money comes to me now
In superabundance
I am a king
I rule and reign victoriously at all times and in all situations
No amount of money is too big for me to handle,
The Lord has blessed me with great financial capacity.
I give relevance to my money,
Making use of it in the House of God.
I am a great sponsor of the Gospel,
Through me, The message is reaching far and distant lands through my finances. Hallelujah!
My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness.
I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence,
Where there is no sickness,
No death,
No disease,
No infirmity,
No failure.
That same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead dwells in me.
That same Spirit
Not another spirit
Not an angel
Not a substitute
But that same Spirit that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead
Dwells in me
Therefore, my body is vitalized
My body is inundated
With health
With strength
With ability
No disease
No infirmity
No growth
No tumor
Can stay in this body
I have passed from death to life
I have passed from mortality to immortality
I manifest God’s glory,
I manifest God’s virtues,
I manifest God’s excellence,
I manifest God’s greatness
To my world,
Bringing glory
To the Name of the Lord Jesus continually.
I’m a success
I win always
I’m above only, and never beneath
Wisdom is at work in me
To bless my world
The Spirit of God has brought me
Into the realms of divine prosperity,
Divine increase,
Divine promotions,
Divine success.
I am renewed,
I am refreshed,
And well-positioned
For the glorious life in Christ.
I’ve overcome the world,
I’ve overcome satan,
And the forces of hell
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms
I thread upon serpents and scorpions
And over all the ability of the adversary
I am powered and inspired by the Word
To think the right thoughts,
Speak the right words,
I receive the results of the Word in my life today.
I am flourishing
I have luxuriant growth
I have Significant Attainments
I have persistent productivity
My life
My career
My job
My business
My ministry
Is at the point of historical significance
What has never been done before
Is seen in me
And I have persistent productivity
I’m continually productive
I’m continually successful
I’m perpetually successful
There is no expiry date
to my growth
To my Significant Attainments
To my Luxuriant growth
To my Persistent productivity
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my prayers,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my declarations,
The clouds of my meditations
They are crystalizing and pouring down
In answers,
In testimonies,
In results,
In progress,
In advancement
In achievements
In promotions
My goals and my dreams
They are pouring down
In luxuriant growth
In significant attainments
In persistent productivity
Today, August 25th,
I am growing luxuriantly
I am making significant attainments
I am Persistently Productive
I am the Excellent
I am the Noble
I am the Glorious
In whom the Lord delights
I’m full of faith
I’m full of power
And I am doing wonders
Christ is my riddance
I am plucked out of trouble
I have an excellent spirit and I bear excellent fruits
I display the virtues and perfections of Christ Jesus
The grace of God is working for me and working in me
The Lord is my refuge and my fortress
A thousand may fall at my side
Ten thousand at my righthand
But it shall not come near me
I have eternal life
I live in the ageless zone
I live in the deathless zone
The Lord is my shepherd
Therefore, I live in the wantless zone
I am distinguished
I am separated
I am lifted
I flourish like a Palm Tree
I am majestic
I am upright
I win in all seasons
I’m forever fruitful and productive.
I’m growing luxuriantly
I have significant attainments even today
I am persistently productive
Today, Men are rushing to do me good
They are seeking me out
To do me good
Opportunities, ideas and innovations
are gravitating towards me
Because greater is He that lives in me
Than he that is in the world
The work of the ministry
Is growing,
And spreading through us
In Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5
Every member
Of Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5
Is flourishing in all things,
In every way and every day.
We are growing luxuriantly
We are achieving significant attainments and we are persistently productive.
We are flourishing,
we are thriving!!!
Speak in tongues and see yourself flourishing in your life,
in your ministry and in your business
See luxuriant growth,
See yourself having significant attainments in this year,
historical attainments,
targets that have never been met before, you are meeting and surpassing them, projects that have not been completed, you are completing them with excellence, see yourself persistently productive regardless of what is going on around you.
The weather,
The economic climate,
nothing affects you negatively.
You are a tree planted by rivers of water bringing forth fruits,
You are not careful
Or anxious in the year of drought!
See it right now as you speak in tongues, See yourself going out today with the consciousness that you are flourishing.
Luxuriant growth,
Significant attainments,
Persistent productivity
Luxuriant growth In your business,
Significant Attainments in your work,
Your ministry and every area of your life
Persistent productivity
in all seasons,
in all times
In all situations.
So it is in the name of Jesus
Everything you do will thrive
Everything you do will prosper, succeed
The word is working in you what it talks about
As you give voice to the word,
As you meditate on Psalm 92,
You are experiencing luxuriant growth, significant attainments
and persistent productivity.
Nothing can keep you down,
regardless of the environment,
You are flourishing
You are Thriving
You are booming
You are productive and prosperous in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Hallelujah!
You are ready for today
Productivity is in your mouth
Success is in your mouth
You’re going to see it, you are going to talk it and that is your portion.
Conditioning Your Spirit For Excellence
©CELZ5 2022