Genesis 12: 1-3
Numbers 23: 6-10
Galatians 3: 29
Numbers 23: 18-26
Numbers 24: 1-9

This is my month of harvest.
I am an effective Executive Assistant,
To the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective soul winner.
It is harvest time,
And I am gathering fruit unto life eternal.
I win souls everywhere.
I plant cells everywhere,
And I give lavishly into the work of God.
The systems of this world cannot hold me back.
As I give, God’s blessings turn to me in abundance.
My giving promotes me.
I am gracious.
And I excel in the grace of giving.

I am a great nation.
I am blessed.
I am blessed with abundant increase of favours.
I am distinguished.
I am a blessing.
I continually dispense good to those around me,
To others through my partnership in the LoveWorld Nation.
Those who bless me are blessed.
Through me, all the families of the earth are blessed,
Through my partnership in the LoveWorld Nation,
This gospel goes to the ends of the earth,
Many are healed,
Many are saved,
Many are changed,
The dead are raised,
Through my partnership, the peoples of the earth,
The nations of the world,
Receive blessings.

I belong to Christ.
I am the seed of Abraham,
I am the offspring of Papa Abraham.
I am a joint heir with Christ.
I am an heir according to the promise,
All of God’s promises belong to me.

I am the one that the Lord has blessed.
I live on the mountain top.
I see from the mountain top.
I am set apart from the nations.
I am set apart from the systems of this world.
I live in a different atmosphere,
Christ is my environment.
My economic atmosphere is regulated from heaven.
All nations shall see and know that I am the one that the Lord has blessed.
I am the one that the Lord has favoured.
Favour is mine.
Prosperity is mine.
Excellent health is mine.
My blessings are innumerable.
I live above numbers.
I live above figures.

I am set apart from the nations.
I am distinguished,
I am lifted beyond the realms of ordinary men.
God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor the son of man that He should repent,
What he has said, He has done.
What He has spoken, He has made good.

I am the blessed of the Lord,
And nothing and no one can reverse it.
Nothing and no one can trouble me,
There is no misfortune on my path,
There is no trouble on my path,
There is no accident on my path,
There is no mischief on my path,
No curse can take hold in my life,
No curse can touch me,
I am blessed of God,
For the Lord, my God is with me
The shout of a King is on my lips
(Shout Now)
I have the strength of a Unicorn.
There is no enchantment against me,
There is no divination against me,
No spell or incantations can affect me!
It is said of me:
I have testimonies everywhere.

Upwards and forward ONLY,
That is the story of my life,
Upwards and forward ONLY,
That is the trajectory of my life.
I rise up as a lion,
I will not lie down till I wrought all my victories.
I arise in my partnership,
I arise in my giving,
I conquer figures,
I am giving in the millions,
I am giving in the tens of millions,
And I am giving in the hundreds of millions.
I am giving in billions.
I conquer figures.
(Call the figure you want to give right now and declare that you have conquered it, declare that you have given it.
Call the figures right now and speak in other tongues.)

How beautiful and attractive my life is!
Joy fills my life and home!
Like green valleys I spread out,
Like fruitful gardens by the riverside,
Like aloes planted by the Lord himself,
Beautiful life I have.
Like cedars beside the waters.
I am blessed with abundance of water,
My seeds have abundant water,
Therefore, my leaves are green, germinating,
And coming to maturity.
The Kingdom of God is exalted through me.
The Kingdom of God is exalted through my giving.

I pour water out of my own buckets,
I have my own sources of rich blessings and plenty.
I dwell by many waters.
I am wealthy.
I am prosperous.
I have abundance everywhere.
I have plenty everywhere.
I have wealth everywhere,
And through me,
Through my partnership,
The kingdom of God is moving forward,
Making progress,
And advancing with speed.
I am a source and support to my man of God.
Wealth flows from my house,
Abundance flows from my house,
My seed spreads life everywhere.

The Lord has made all grace,
Every favour and earthly blessing come to me in abundance.
I am always in all circumstances,
Whatever the need,
I am self-sufficient,
Possessing more than enough,
I require no aid, support, or assistance from anyone or anywhere.
I am furnished in abundance for every good work,
And every Partnership.
I am encompassed with favour as a shield.
I have favour everywhere.
I am blessed with opportunities.
I am blessed with help,
I am blessed with wealth.
My gates are open,
They are open continually,
They are not shut day or night,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations.
The forces of the gentiles come to me.
The wealth of the nations come to me.
Today and Every day,
Men deliver to me the wealth of the nations.
The abundance of the sea,
The wealth of the people,
Is converted to me,
Kings serve me,
Laws and governments work for my advantage.
The Lord has increased my greatness,
And comforted me on every side.

My name is coming up right now,
For blessings,
For favour,
For promotion,
For increase,
For provision,
For awards,
For rewards,
For bonuses,
For benefits.
I am loaded with gifts.
My prosperity is like a river.
Like a flowing flooded river.
My blessing is like the wave of the sea.
One after the other,
Constantly coming in.
There is no interruption to my prosperity,
I have divine access to the wealth of the future.
The wealth unknown is revealed to me.

My seeds of partnership,
My seeds in my church,
In my zone
In my Cell,
All these seeds are blessed and they are coming to maturity now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I have a hundredfold return on all my giving.
All my seeds are coming to harvest,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
My hundredfold return is in my account,
And I draw from that harvest of accumulated blessings,
Accumulated wealth.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth blessings.
I command you to come now,
In this time,
In this season,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

This is the time for my seeds to spring forth.
And they are springing forth.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
I receive a hundredfold return on my giving,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive supernatural financial testimonies.
I receive supernatural financial harvests.
My seeds are coming to a hundredfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
My capacity for giving is expanded a hundred times,
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a hundred times,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I’m a big-time Gospel financier.

I call forth money to come now,
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
From the north,
The south, the east, and the west,
I call in my hundredfold return,
Hundred times of my seeds come to me now,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I see the harvest!
I receive the harvest!
I call in the harvest!
There is abundance everywhere,
There is harvest everywhere,
Financial testimonies everywhere,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I have what I want.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I am blessed.
And I am a blessing.
I am not subdued by figures.
My blessings are beyond calculations,
A hundredfold increase is the least of my harvest ,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
This is my season of harvest,
I have seed to sow.
God is giving me big seed to sow,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
The Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my money seeds.
I bless my material seeds,
I bless my tithes.
I bless my first fruits.
I bless my partnership.
I bless my contributions and my giving in the house of God.
In my church,
In my zone,
In my cell,
In the ministry,
All the seeds that I have given:
All my offerings
My partnerships,
My contributions.
All my giving,
From November till date,
I bless every one of those seeds.
None of my seeds is forgotten,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
None of my seeds is wasted,
I speak to my seeds,
My financial seeds
I speak to my offerings,
I speak to my partnerships,
My partnership with the Healing School,
My partnerships with Project Live Saver,
My partnership with the Rhapsody of Realities,
My partnerships with the LoveWorld Networks,
My partnerships with the Inner City Mission
My partnerships with the LTM and Radio
My partnerships with Ministry Programs
All my giving,
All my contributions,
In my cell
In my church
All my giving,
I declare a hundredfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I command the seeds to multiply and produce a hundredfold harvest, now in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
For what I have in my bank account,
I thank You for what I have,
In my house,
In my store,
In my warehouse,
In my shops,
On my platforms,
I declare that they are multiplied.
My resources are multiplied, a hundredfold.
My capacity, my financial capacity, is multiplied, a hundredfold.
My giving capacity is multiplied, a hundredfold
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My resources are multiplied.
They are multiplying,
They are expanding.
They are increasing,
I am abundantly supplied.
Miraculously supplied.
I live in the supply zone.
I am a tree planted by the rivers of water,
Directly connected to divine supply.

I am divinely connected to God’s supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I live in the rich zone.
I am enriched in all things.
I am rich in all things and in every way.
I am rich in money,
I am rich in resources,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in knowledge,
I am rich in grace,
I am rich in favour,
I am rich in wisdom,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in contacts,
I am rich in assets,
I am rich in all things and in every way.

In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of harvest,
I receive a hundredfold on my seeds,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I receive a hundredfold of money,
I receive a hundredfold of lands,
I receive a hundredfold of houses,
I receive a hundredfold of assets,
A hundredfold return on my giving,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive a hundredfold increase in capacity,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

I receive, I endorse, and I walk in my harvest.
Today, September 26th, 2023,
I receive, and I walk in my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
(Speak in other tongues)



  1. Diamond Anthonia Melchzedek

    ROSE OF SHARON 7 movies shall enter gospel auto pilot winning souls continent by continent because I am the one THE LORD has prospered,I live in CHRIST environment

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