JEREMIAH 17: 7-8

I am not anxious,
I am not full of care,
I trust in God.
I trust in His word.
And I demonstrate that trust.
I trust in the Lord.
My mind is stayed on the Lord.
I declare that, I am not anxious or full of fear in the year of drought.
I declare that the Lord is my hope.
I declare that the Lord is my confidence,
And I will sail through this year in a blaze of glory.

This is my month of harvest.
I am an effective Executive Assistant,
To the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador for Christ.
I am an effective soul winner.
It is harvest time,
And I gather fruit unto life eternal .
I win souls everywhere.
I plant cells everywhere,
And I give lavishly into God’s work.
The systems of this world cannot hold me back.
As I give, God’s blessings turn to me in abundance.
My giving promotes me.
I am gracious.
And I excel in the grace of giving.

My mind is in perfect peace; shalom, shalom,
Peace with prosperity,
The gates are open unto me.
My mind is in perfect peace; shalom, shalom,
Peace with prosperity,
My mind is stayed on the Lord,
My trust is in the Lord.
My thoughts are on the Lord.
My meditation is on the word of God.
The Lord is my everlasting strength.
The Lord keeps me completely and perfectly whole.
No devourer can come near me.
No devourer can come near my money.
I dwell in shalom, shalom,
In perfect peace with wholeness and security.
I am secure in the Lord.
My money is secure,
My wealth is secure,
My business is secure,
My job is secure,
I am secure in the Lord.

I am blessed because I trust in the Lord.
The Lord is my hope and my confidence.
I am as a tree planted by the water,
I spread out my roots by the river.
My hope, trust, and confidence are in and on the word of God.
I do not see when heat comes,
I do not see when inflation comes,
I do not see when recession comes,
I do not see when challenges come,
I do not see when hardship comes,
I do not see when economic depression comes,
I do not see when difficulties come,
I do not see when adversity comes,
My leaf is always green.
My life is evergreen.
My life is ever-productive.
I am fruitful and productive always.
I am not careful in the year of drought.
I am not careful in the time of scarcity.
I have no consciousness of lack or want.
And I do not cease from yielding fruit.

My trust is in The Lord.
The Lord is my hope and my confidence.
I am a tree planted by the waters.
I spread out my roots by the river.
I do not see when heat comes,
because I am translated above,
the experience of mere human beings.
My leaf is always green.
I am not careful,
I am not anxious in the time of scarcity.
There is no anxiety in my life.
I am full of faith,
Because my trust is in the word of God.
I am not disturbed in the time of inflation or recession.
When men say they are cast down,
I declare I am lifted!
When men are cast down,
I declare I am lifted!
I declare there is lifting,
There is promotion,
There is elevation for me in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
I do not cease from yielding fruit.
I do not cease from making progress,
I do not cease in advancement.

I am fruitful and productive,
Regardless of the seasons that affect others.
I am translated,
Transported beyond the realms of ordinary human experience.
I do not see death.
I do not see heat.
I do not see sickness.
I do not see poverty.
I do not see lack,
Because I am transported by the word of God.
I am fruitful,
I am productive,
I am ever fruitful.
I am ever productive.
I produce fruit,
I make profit.
I have increase in and out of season.
I am evergreen.
I am ever profitable.
I am ever effective.
I am ever successful.
I am ever prosperous.
My results are for extraordinary success.
I am shielded and protected,
From chance and unfortunate events,
Because my trust is in the Lord.

Every barrier is taken out of my way.
I am transported,
I am moved by divine ordinance.

I experience only progress.
I experience only success.
I experience only advancement.
I experience only profit and prosperity.
I do not see death.
I do not see lack.
I can never be in want or need.
I do not have shortages.
I do not see famine.
I do not see scarcity.
Things are not tight for me.
There is a liberality in my finances.
I do not see poverty.
I do not see drought.
I don’t experience scarcity.
I am translated beyond the human experience.
Every day, I have divine supply.
I see life.
I see supply.
I see plenty.
I see wealth.
I am in a large and wealthy place.
I see abundance.
I see harvest everywhere.
I see excess supply,
I see excess supply.
I see prosperity everywhere.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus,
I see opulence
Generosity everywhere.

I trust in the Lord.
My hope is in the Lord.
I am like a tree planted by the waters,
My roots are spread out by the river,
I do not see when heat comes.
I do not recognise challenges,
I do not recognise inflation, recession, or depression.
The Lord is my Oasis.
My leaves are always green.
My life is always productive.
I am ever fruitful, evergreen.
Everything I do turns into success.
I always have successful and glorious outcomes.

I am fruitful and productive,
Regardless of the seasons that affect others.
I am translated above the seasons and systems of this world.
My trust is in The Lord.
The Lord is my hope and my confidence.
I am planted by the waters.
Connected to the source,
I am connected to the source,
I am directly connected to the source,
I spread out my roots by the river.
I do not see when heat comes,
Because I live above the experience of mere humans.
I live a transcendent life.
My leaves are always green.
I am not worried, careful, or anxious in the time of scarcity.
I am not disturbed in the time of inflation or recession.
When men are cast down,
I declare I am lifted!
I declare there is lifting.
I do not cease from yielding fruits.
I do not cease from making profits.
My profit continues,
My prosperity continues,
I do not cease from continuing results and achievements and promotion and elevation.

I bring forth fruits,
I have results,
I have achievements,
I have profits,
In season and out of season.
I am evergreen.
Ever profitable.
Ever effective.
Ever successful and
Ever prosperous.

My seeds of partnership to the Healing School,
My seeds of partnership to Project LifeSaver,
My seeds of partnership to Rhapsody of Realities,
My seeds of partnership to Ministry Programs,
My seeds of partnership to the LoveWorld Networks,
My seeds of partnership to the Inner-City Missions,
To the Crusade Grounds
To the LoveWorld Television Ministry & Radio,
My seeds of partnership with Zonal, Church or Cell programs and Projects,
All my seeds are blessed in the name of Jesus.
And right now, they are coming to maturity.
All my seeds are coming to harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
This is Harvest time!
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
I call forth money in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth favour,
I call forth Blessings.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Come now.

This is the time for my seeds to spring forth.
And they are springing forth.
I am reaping a mighty harvest in these 30 Days of Rain.
I am experiencing supernatural financial testimonies.
I am experiencing supernatural financial harvests.
I am experiencing supernatural financial results.
My seeds are coming to harvest,
They are coming to fruition.
They are coming into completion.
My capacity for giving is expanded because I am a giver,
My store house of seed is increasing.
I have what it takes,
I’m a big-time Gospel financier.

I call forth money to come to me now,
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
From the north,
The south, the east, and the west, Now
I call in the harvest NOW,
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I see the harvest!
I call in the harvest!
There is abundance everywhere,
There is harvest everywhere,
Financial harvest everywhere,
today and every day,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I have what I want.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I am not subdued by figures.
My blessings are beyond calculations.
My blessings are beyond the figures of men.

I boldly declare I have superabundance
I live in superabundance.
I live in the unending,
And beyond figures, riches of Christ.
I am a big-time giver,
And in this season of harvest, God is giving me big seed to sow.
God is giving me big seed to sow.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
Today, the Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my money seeds.
I bless my material seeds,
I bless my tithes.
I bless my first fruits.
I bless my partnership.
I bless my contributions.
I bless my seeds in the house of God.
In the zone,
In the ministry,
All the seeds that I have given from November into
December into January into February into March into April into May into June into July into August
And September,
I bless everyone of these seeds.
None of them is forgotten,
None of my seeds are wasted,
None of my seeds is forgotten
I speak to these seeds,
My financial seeds
My tithes,
My offerings,
My partnerships,
My givings,
My contributions,
My first fruits
They are multiplying,
They are multiplying,
I command the seeds to multiply and produce a harvest,
now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A supernatural harvest comes to me now
From every side and by free course
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Father, I thank You for what I have
In my hands,
In my bank account,
In my house,
In my warehouse,
In my shops,
On my platforms,
I declare that they are multiplied.
My resources are multiplied
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
They are multiplying,
Ever expanding
Ever multiplying
Ever increasing
Ever extending
In the name of the Lord, Jesus.
I am abundantly supplied
Miraculously supplied.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I live in the rich zone.
I live in the over-above-and-beyond zone.
I am enriched in all things.
I am rich in all things
I am rich in monies,
I am rich in resources,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in contacts,
I am rich in assets,
I am rich in all things.
And I have wisdom with my riches.
In the name of Jesus.

In these 30 days of Rain,
A new thing begins.
Every day is for a new thing,
Every day is for a miracle,
Every day is for a new supply,
Every day is for a new harvest,
And today, I receive, and I walk in my harvest.
Today, September 21st, 2023, I receive a harvest
Today, September 21st, 2023,
I receive my harvest!
I walk in the harvest,
I enjoy the harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
(Speak in other tongues)

Now, remember the scripture we read that God will keep in perfect peace, the one whose mind is stayed on him, whose thought continually turns to the Lord.
Don’t let your thoughts be on negativities or bad news. No, keep your mind on God.
Take out time throughout today, 5 times, to mediate and declare the word.
At 10am, 12:15pm, 4pm, 6pm and 10:15pm.
God bless you.



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