Judges 5:19-21
Mark 9:7
Joshua 10:11-13

This is my month of Insight.
I have wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of God.
My knowledge of God is increased this month.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
The Lord reveals truths and mysteries to me this month.
I am in a season of victory.
I have victory everywhere.
This month will see an end to every struggle or contest,
That I have been involved with,
Because it is my season of victories.
No matter what I am confronted with,
It will turn out for my good,
It will turn out for my promotion,
It will turn out for my exaltation,
I am in a season of victories.
Thank you, Lord!
I am full of joy.
I rejoice in my victories.
The blessings of God fill my nation for the glory of God!

The stars in their courses fought against Sisera,
The sun, the moon, the stars,
All the elements,
All of creation,
Are fighting for me,
All of creation,
Are working for me,
The sun stands still,
The moon stands still,
Time stands still,
All of creation, stand at attention,
To work things out for my glory, my promotion, my benefit, and my advancement.
The sun stands still,
The moon stands still,
Until all my goals and targets for 2023 are achieved and surpassed,
Until all my partnership targets are achieved and surpassed,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Angels are working on my behalf,
Bringing to me,
Everything that is required to achieve my partnership targets,
For the Healing School,
For Project Lifesaver,
For Rhapsody of Realities, Ministry Programs,
LoveWorld USA,
The Inner-City Missions,
LTM & Radio,
Zonal & Local projects,
And all partnership arms in the LoveWorld Nation.

The heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of creation,
All of nature responds to me.
I choose to win,
This is my season of victory.
I have entered into new seasons,
The heavens fight for me,
All of creation fight for me,
I choose to win,
I am winning!
With 3 years’ worth of accomplishments in these 3 months.

The stars in the sky fight on my behalf,
The heavens fight for me,
The stars in their orbits fight for me,
I am more than a conqueror,
Nothing can work against me and succeed,
Because the stars in their courses,
The spiritual forces,
And natural forces of the heavens,
And all life’s circumstances work together for my good!
I fight from above,
Angels are mobilized on my behalf.
I refuse to rely or lean on anything or anyone,
My help comes from the Lord of heaven and earth!
All things work together for my good,
In the mighty name of Jesus.
As I speak in tongues,
As I declare the word,
Angels are mobilized,
Circumstances are shifted for my sake.
Things are being rearranged even now in my favour.
I can never be disadvantaged,
Things are working out for my good,
Nothing and no one can successfully stand against me,
Because I fight from heaven.

The Lord has commanded everything that exists,
Both living and non-living,
Material and spiritual,
To listen to me,
To work together for my good,
When I speak in the name of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The heavens respond to me,
The earth responds to me,
ALL of creation responds to me,
Because they have been commanded to respond to the name of Jesus!
Therefore, right now,
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
I declare that all grace abounds towards me.
I declare that money is coming to me from everywhere,
Resources are coming to me from everywhere,
Everything I require to finish all my partnership projects,
All my goals and targets for the year 2023,
Come to me now by free course unhindered.

Creation hears my voice,
Creation heeds my voice,
Creation responds to my voice,
Creation listens to my voice,
I speak to my seeds in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
I command you to multiply and return to me now in a thousandfold.
I speak to the sun,
I speak to the moon,
I speak to the wind,
I speak to the 4 corners of the earth,
I speak to all of creation,
I command you to cause all the resources,
I command you to direct all the resources,
Required to hit and surpass my partnership targets to come to me NOW!
In the name of the Lord Jesus!!!
Money is coming to me from everywhere!
Resources are coming to me from everywhere!
Finances are coming to me from everywhere!
Favours are coming to me from everywhere!
Wealth is coming to me now from everywhere!

I pluck money from trees,
It falls on me like rain from the sky,
It comes out of the ground to meet me,
As I shake myself, money comes out of me from everywhere,
I produce money from my spirit,
I print it with my mouth,
Money is coming to me from everywhere.
Money is my slave.
Money is my servant.
I don’t go after money.
Money comes to me by free course unhindered.
It comes to me, in a continuous stream,
Never stopping,
Money is locating me from everywhere,
Finances are locating me,
Resources are locating me,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
The resources of the world are transferred to me,
The control of resources
Is transferred to me,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Finances are coming to me in abundance.

Out of the rock comes forth water.
Out of the eater comes forth food.
Out of the strong, comes forth sweetness.
Monies are coming to me now.
Customers are coming to me now.
Miraculous supply now
In the name of the Lord Jesus
The unexpected,
The unimaginable,
Is happening for me right now.
From the most unexpected sources.
I am being remembered right now in several places for good.
My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotions, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, for contracts.
Contracts I didn’t bid for are coming to me right now.
Angels are directing businesses to me right now.
The winds have gone forth,
To gather to me
The kinds of businesses coming to me now,
The kinds of jobs coming to me now,
The kinds of monies coming to me right now,
cannot be humanly explained.
Unusual, unexplained, unexpected,
Benefits, bonuses are coming to me NOW!

Honey is coming out of rock even now for my sake!
I am a money magnet,
Money is constantly attracted to me,
In the mighty name of our Lord, Jesus
Unexplained blessings
Unexplained favours
Divine favours
Divine supply
Miracle supply
Miracle money
Is my experience today.
My barns are filled with plenty.
My presses burst forth with new wine.
All my accounts are loaded with new monies.
All my accounts are loaded with miracle monies.

I outrun horses,
I outrun the world,
I outrun my industry,
I outrun my peers,
I outrun the systems and protocols of this world.
Things are happening so fast for me,
One thing on the heels of another,
Unexplained monies,
Unexplained favours,
Are coming to me in quick succession.
Are coming to me now in quick succession.
Like a flash,
I am moving FAST!
I am soaring HIGH!
The grace for quickness and speed has been granted me.
QUICKNESS is at work in me!
SPEED is at work in me!
My development,
My success,
My progress,
My promotion,
My advancements are so fast.
Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.
I’m quick,
I’m fast,
I move with speed,
Blessing upon blessing,
In rapid succession,
Rapid development,
Rapid promotion,
Rapid prosperity.
Grace heaped upon grace,
Blessing upon blessing,
Favour upon favour,
Supernatural openings, connections, access, and open doors,
Are granted me.
Money heaped upon money,
Wealth heaped upon wealth,
Prosperity, like the wave of the sea,
Like a flowing flooded river,
This is my experience today and every day of these last 3 months of 2023,
I will have the result of at least 3 years because of the speed, productivity, access, and grace that are granted me.

I accomplish great feats,
Bringing glory to God.
That which would have taken 3 years,
In this season of quickness and speed,
I accomplish them AT ONCE,
I accomplish them with speed.
I accomplish with speed,
All my financial targets,
All my partnership targets,
I declare all my financial seeds,
All my material seeds,
In my cell,
In my church,
In my zone and in
The ministry
All my seeds are coming to a harvest NOW!
I receive a thousandfold return with quickness and speed on all my giving,
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth money,
I call forth blessings.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

This is the set time for my seeds to spring forth,
In these 30 Days of Rain,
I receive a thousandfold harvest on my giving,
I have supernatural financial testimonies quickly.
I have supernatural financial harvests quickly.
My capacity for giving is expanded a thousand times.
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a thousand times.
There is abundance everywhere.
There is surplus everywhere.
There is harvest everywhere.
Financial harvest everywhere.

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I’m the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
A thousandfold increase is the least of my harvest.
In this appointed time, I walk in the thousandfold increase.
God is giving me big seed to sow and bread to eat.
Today, the Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
None of my seeds that I have sown is wasted.
None of my seeds is forgotten.
I command all my seeds,
To multiply and produce a thousandfold harvest in God’s appointed time with speed.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account,
In my house,
In my store,
On my platforms,
I thank You that my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
My financial capacity is multiplied a thousand times.
My partnership capacity is multiplied a thousand times.
I walk in surplus.
I am directly connected to divine supply.

I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I am enriched in all things and in every way.
I am rich in grace, grace for quickness, grace for speed.
I am rich in favour, wisdom,
Assets, knowledge, and contacts.
I am rich in all things and in every way.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of victories,
In this month of insight,
With grace for quickness and speed,
I’m flying!
I’m soaring!
I’m transported!
I’m translated!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, October 5th, 2023,
I endorse,
I have,
And I walk in my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
I complete my pledges.
I complete my projects.
I complete my partnership targets,
And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(Speak in other tongues)

Today is a day of victory for you. Everything is working on your behalf; the heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon, the times, the tides, money, everything responds to you, and you will have great testimonies in Jesus Name. Amen.



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