(Light is for illumination, leadership, empowerment, signs, and season)

JOIN: The ongoing 18-Day Exposé on Peace
(Participation Link: https://pastorchrisdigitallibrary.org/exposeonpeace/celagosz5)

1 Thessalonians 5:4-9
Ephesians 5:8- 13
James 1:17
James 8:12
Matthew 5:14-16 AMPC
Daniel 5:8-14 AMPC

Christ is my peace.
This is my month of peace.
I am the custodian of peace.
And I dispense peace to everyone around me.
I dispense peace to circumstances and situations.
I dispense peace to the nations of the world.
I dispense peace to my city,
To my nation.
My peace is multiplied.
Great is my peace, because I love the word of God,
And nothing and no one shall offend me.
The peace of God is multiplied in my heart,
In my life,
In my body,
In my home,
In my finances and,
In every circumstance of my life.
I have perfect wellbeing.
I have all spiritual prosperity.
I’m free from fear.
I’m free from agitation.
I’m free from conflict.
Great is my peace.
Great is my rest.
Great is my prosperity.
Great is my well-being.

I am a child of light.
I am light in the Lord.
I am native-born in the light.
In me is no darkness at all.
I am a child of the day.
I am not of the night,
Nor of darkness.
I do not sleep as others do.
I have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.
I’m watchful and sober.
I work the works of him that sent me while it is day.
I am the light of the world,
I am a city set on a hill.
I cannot be hidden.
I cannot be obscure.
I’m set to shine and I give light to others.
I live and walk as the child of light.
I produce and manifest the fruit,
The effect and the products of the Light,
In all goodness, righteousness and truth.
God’s word is a lamp unto my feet,
And a light unto my path.

I am a child of light.
I am a child of the day.
I shine forth effusively,
Illuminating my world,
Bringing colour, beauty, radiance, clarity into my world,
With glory and virtue.
Through me, the unsaved receive,
The light of the Gospel,
And they are translated from darkness into God’s marvellous light,
And from the power of Satan unto God.
I’m a light.
I’m a light in a dark world.
I shine in the darkness and,
The darkness cannot comprehend, cannot overwhelm me.
My light shines everywhere.
My light shines everywhere.
I am committed to interceding,
For the souls of men around the world,
And the spread of the Gospel,
Knowing that the Gospel is God’s power unto salvation for all men.

I am a child of light.
I bring illumination to my world.
I bring clarity.
I bring solutions.
I bring innovations.
I am ahead of my time.
I see what others don’t see.
I bring answers to questions.
Solutions to problems,
I am sort after,
For the answer,
For the solution,
As Daniel was sort after for answers and solutions,
Even so, I am sort after for answers and solutions.
I cannot be hidden,
Men will go out of their way to seek me out,
To get superior wisdom from my mouth.
I exhibit sound judgment.
My capacity to understand and comprehend has been expanded by the wisdom of God.
Every day, knowledge is increased in me,
Knowledge is impacted to me.
I am a problem-solver,
With clarity, refinement, sound judgment working in me.
I bring solutions to my world,
To my business,
To my industry,
To my field,
To my work,
I am a change – agent.

I have an excellent spirit.
Light, understanding and superior wisdom are found in me.
I am a child of light.
I am a follower of Christ,
Therefore, I do not and cannot walk in darkness.
I am for Leadership and aheadship, and I give direction.
I give guidance to others.
I send out light.
I shine to all nations.
I shine to all those in my world.
God has given me, leadership, aheadship.
I am city set on a hill,
I shine for all the world to see.
I inspire others,
I inspire those around me.
I show others how to live,
What to do,
How to be successful,
Irrespective of the darkness in the world.
The darker the night,
The brighter I shine.
The darker the circumstance,
The brighter my glory.
The darker the situation,
The more radiant and beautiful and glorious is my testimony.

I am a child of light.
I am for empowerment, I am empowered.
I have the capacity to perform.
The energy, divine energy of God is at work in me.
My power,
My ability,
And my sufficiency are of God.
I am empowered for excellence,
I am empowered for global impact,
I am empowered to change the world.
Oh Hallelujah!
I have the ability of God at work in me.
I have the light of God in me.

I am a child of light.
I am for signs and seasons.
I am for signs and wonders.
I bring seasons of peace.
I bring a season of peace to the world.
I bring a season of peace to my nation.
I bring a season of peace to my city.
I bring a season of peace to my family.
I bring a season of peace to my environment.
I bring a season of peace to my office.
I bring a season of love.
I bring a season of victory.
I bring a season of health.
Glory to God!
As I pray, publicize, prepare places and give for the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with our man of God,
I bring a season of health to everyone I meet!!!
I bring a season of health to the nations of the world.

I am the light of the world.
I am for illumination.
I am for leadership.
I am for empowerment.
I am for signs and wonders.
The angels of God are working for me and with me.
New angels have been released to function on my behalf.
I am not alone.
It makes no difference the darkness and the problems in the world,
I am the hope and the solution that the world needs.
The problems, the hardships, the difficulties in the world today,
Are my opportunities to shine,
And manifest the glory of God.

There are no uncertainties, no confusion in my path,
Because Christ is my light, my wisdom, my strength.
I walk in and I fulfil God’s perfect will for my life.
I am established in the path of greatness and excellence forever.
Everywhere I am and in all I do,
My light shines with such intensity that the world sees and glorifies God.
I openly manifest the glory of God in my world,
Dispelling, ousting, expelling darkness,
And all of the works thereof.

I am the light of the world,
A city set on a hill that cannot be hidden!
I walk in miracles,
And glorious manifestations of the supernatural.
I heal the sick,
I cleanse the leapers,
I raise the dead,
I cast out devils.
As I go out today,
I am the solution to the problems of many,
The answer to their questions.
Everything that is not of God,
Be it sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression,
They bow before me in the name of Jesus.

Today, I set forth the wonderful deeds,
And I display the virtues and perfections of Him,
Who called me out of darkness,
Into His marvellous light.
Light, understanding and,
Superior wisdom are found in me.
I was born with the nature of God in my spirit.
I have been born into the Kingdom of light,
Therefore, I shine,
I reign, gloriously in this life by grace,
Through righteousness.
My journey in life is one of glory,
Of triumph,
Success, prosperity and blessed assurance.
Glory to God!

This is my time to overtake.
I have strength for overtaking.
This month of October and the rest of the year,
I accomplish by the Spirit of God.
I have strength for accomplishment.
I accomplish more than the first nine months of this year by the power of the Holy Spirit,
I am strengthened and positioned to accomplish far more than the first nine months of this year.
I am strengthened to accomplish and exceed all my goal, all my targets,
By divine acceleration,
By divine speed,
By divine transportation,
By divine strength,
I am transported,
Beyond time,
Beyond space,
Beyond circumstance,
I’m not limited by time.
I’m not limited by location.
I’m not limited by any deadline,
I am transported to another place,
By the transportation of the Holy Spirit.
I am in another place.
I am at another level.
I have arrived at the place of accomplishment.
Every goal, target, dream is accomplished and exceeded.
I have no aborted dreams.
I have no unmet goals.
I have no unaccomplished targets.
I have no unfulfilled visions.
I am in the place of strength.
I am in the place of achievement.
I am in the place of attainment.

I thank God for that little cloud,
I thank God for that little cloud,
And I hear the sound of abundant rain.
I invoke the blessing,
The power of multiplication upon my money,
Upon my goods, upon everything that I have.
I thank God for what I have in my house,
For what I have in my hands,
For what I have in the bank account,
And I invoke the blessings and the power of God upon what I have.
It will continue to multiply,
It will continue to multiply,
To meet the need with more left over,
What I have is all I need,
Glory to God!

I declare that of the goodness of God,
Of my progress, my success, my achievements,
My victories, my testimonies, there is no end.
I release words of blessing,
I release words of prosperity,
I release words of power,
Upon my business,
Upon my finances,
Upon all my resources and they will multiply.

Everything connected with me is multiplied,
Is growing,
I overtake by the power of the Holy Ghost!
I dominate,
I excel,
I accelerate,
By the power of the Holy Spirit!
I accomplish and exceed by the power of the Holy Spirit,
Supernatural, unexpected, unimaginable, unexplainable,
Unfathomable doors are open to me right now.
Angels are working on my behalf.
New angels have been dispatched to assist me, to help me, to bring me aid.
I am helped from Zion!
Things are happening so fast and in an unexpected unimaginable and unexplained ways!
One thing after another,
Blessings everywhere.

In this month of peace,
I decree peace.
I bless the nations with peace, stability, and security.
We declare peace.
An end to all wars,
We speak peace to Russia.
We speak peace to Ukraine.
We speak peace to the UK.
We speak peace to Iran.
We speak peace to our nation, Nigeria.
We declare peace, stability and security in Nigeria.
Every work of darkness is brought to nothing in this nation.
We frustrate the plans of the enemy in our nation Nigeria,

We declare the Angels of God, perambulate Nigeria,
Bringing peace, security and stability.
We super-impose our clouds of peace over the nations,
And we rain down righteousness and peace upon the nations,
And salvation springs up.
All over the world,
There’s a mighty harvest of souls,
In the name of Jesus.

This month, this year, this day,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my expectation,
The clouds of my meditation,
The clouds of my declaration,
They are full and emptying down,
In multiplied answers,
Multiplied testimonies,
Multiplied solutions,
With increased grace, acceleration and speed.

Today, October 26th, 2022,
Is a day of blessings and benefits.
Today, October 26th, 2022
I take my daily provision.
I take my daily supply.
I take my daily benefits.
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it,
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
I’m independent of my job, of my salary to do the things that I need to do,
My business is not my source.
I am the source of my business,
My business is not my source,
My family is not my source.
My friends are not my source.
My neighbours are not my source.
I am independent of anyone and anything.
I am self-sufficient in Christ sufficiency,
God Almighty is my source.
So, I have multiplied and limitless supply.
Today, I have seed to sow,
And bread to eat.

The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
I have multiplied resources, channels,
Monies,  information,
All the ideas, contacts and
Everything I require,
For success, completion and fruition,
There is abundance everywhere.
I believe and therefore I see the glory of God.
Today, new channels are opened to me.
Today, my customers are multiplied.
My jobs are multiplied.
My contacts are multiplied.
My partners are multiplied.
My businesses are multiplied.
My platforms are multiplied.
My channels are open and multiplied.
My doors are not shut day or night,
They are continually open,
Receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

I have access to hidden riches of secret places.
I call forth water from the rock.
I call forth light from the darkness.
The Heavens respond to me.
The earth responds to me.
All of nature responds to me.
Every circumstance responds to me.
Money responds to me.
Materials respond to me.
They respond to my voice and they multiply.
I see the glory of God.
In every area of my life.
I see the glory of God in my finances,
In my business, in my job, in my ministry,
And others are seeing it too.

Hallelujah! Glory, glory, glory!
Praise be to God forever more

I am a light.
I am a luminary.
I am an illuminator.
I am for leadership.
I am for empowerment.
I am for signs and seasons!
Speak in tongues!

Praise the Lord!
Glory be to God!
Do you know what, read the story of Daniel.
You will understand.
You will see that anywhere you find yourself,
You are God’s answer, You are God’s solution.
And being the light, you will always be given prominence.
© CELZ5 2022

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