I affirm that my life is improved and upgraded by the power of God’s Word. I’m built up, strengthened, and energized by your Word today, as always. I’m complete in Christ, and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit of God has granted me divine insight into the Father’s perfect will in all things. I have an unction from the Holy One! That anointing is working in my body, finances, career, family, and all that concerns me. It sets me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side, to the glory of the Father. Hallelujah! I have an understanding heart; for the eyes of my understanding have been enlightened to know the hope of God’s calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.

I am constantly mindful of God’s indwelling and abiding presence which has made me a victor and a master over circumstances. Fears, worries, darkness, confusion, and uncertainty have no place in me. I take advantage of God’s presence and bask in the glory and transformation that it brings. I am growing stronger by the day, like a cedar in Lebanon, and flourishing like the palm tree! Everywhere I go, I express the virtues and excellence of the Spirit, as God’s Word finds vent through me. Hallelujah!

I am powered by the Spirit of God; therefore, when men are cast down, I am lifted! I am the seed of Abraham; I am imbued with wisdom from above to affect lives positively all over the world. As an heir of prosperity, I live to bless others and lift them out of the thraldom of lack through the power of God’s Spirit that’s at work in me. I walk in super-abundance and experience undeniable success in all that I do. My mind is anointed to bring forth innovations, ideas, inventions, and solutions to bless the world. I am supernaturally enabled to implement God-given ideas to make the world a better place. Glory to God!

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