Ezekiel 47: 12 (KJV, AMPC, CJB)


This is my month of Insight.
I have wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of God.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
My knowledge is increased seven times in this month of insight.
This month, will see a certain end to every struggle or contest,
That I have been involved in,
Because it is my season of victories.
No matter what I am confronted with,
It will turn out for my good,
It will turn out for my promotion,
It will turn out for my exaltation,
For I am in a season of victories.

I am fruitful and productive.
I am full of ideas and innovations.
My mind is alert and quick,
To receive the promptings of the Spirit.
I produce all kinds of innovations,
Innovations that solve problems,
Innovations that produce money,
Innovations that bring solutions,
Innovations that create wealth,
In my industry,
I am the solution provider,
My leaves will not dry,
My fruit will never fail.

I bring forth different kinds of fruits,
Different kinds of ideas and innovations
Each month,
Each season,
Every month, new successes,
Every season, successful outcomes,
I have different kinds of achievements,
Testimonies and successful outcomes,
In each month,
In each season,
No months are the same,
Every month, I experience new glories,
Every month, I experience new splendor,
Every month, I experience new wonders,
Every month, I execute new ideas and innovations.

I never run out of ideas,
I never run out of innovations,
I never run out of solutions,
I always know what to do,
Because the waters come out from my innermost being.
As I speak in tongues,
As I speak the word of God,
Out of my belly,
Flows rivers of living water,
These waters bring life to everything in their path.
Everything I touch prospers,
Everywhere I go, there is productivity,
In everything I do, there are successful outcomes.

My leaves, my ideas, my innovations,
Bring forth healing properties.
My leaves will not fade.
My fruits,
My ideas,
My innovations,
Will never fail to meet the demand.
Every idea that proceeds from me births new innovations,
And I have the impetus,
The strength,
I have what it takes to execute my ideas and innovations.
I am ever fruitful and productive.

It’s a new season for me.
And in this season, I proliferate like never before.
In this season, I bring forth new innovations.
In this season, I bring forth new ideas.
It is my season for supernatural multiplication.
I bring forth abundance.
I bring forth innovations.
I’m spreading on every side.
I’m exceedingly many.
I’m proliferating to the North.
I’m proliferating to the South.
I’m proliferating to the East.
I’m proliferating to the West.
I am proliferating Everywhere!

I’m innovative.
I have creative abilities.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets by the Holy Spirit.
As I make my input, they produce great results.
The Holy Spirit makes me creative and innovative.
He opens my eyes to see what others don’t see,
and my ears to hear what others don’t hear.
He anoints my eyes to see the right things,
And my mind to understand.
I conceive lofty ideas.

Whatsoever, I lay my hands upon to do prospers.
Men are rushing to help me.
I am helped by people.
I am helped with people.
I am helped with resources.
I am helped with ideas.
I am helped with innovations.
I am helped with opportunities.
I am blessed with strength.
I am blessed with a sound mind.
I am blessed with sound judgement and special abilities.
The Lord has given me the edge, the advantage.
The blessing of God at work in me always causes me,
To come out with successful outcomes.
Everything I do prospers.
I always know what to do,
And I have the impetus to carry it out.

I am his workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus.
My mind is anointed to bring forth innovations,
Ideas, inventions, and solutions,
To bless the world.
I am supernaturally enabled,
To implement God-given ideas,
That makes the world a better place.
As I declare with my mouth,
I create the more glorious future I want to see.
Even now,
I release blessings of prosperity,
Strength, grace, victories, and promotions,
Upon my family,
My job, my business,
My academics, and my health.
I live in the reality of my heritage in Christ.
The light of God is in my spirit,
To know, and walk in my inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I manifest this light to my world,
Ever so brightly today and always.
I walk in the light, as He is in the light,
Therefore, I see, I hear, and I innovate.

I have the deepest of understanding,
And the largest of hearts.
Christ is made unto me wisdom.
There is nothing beyond me.
There is nothing I cannot handle.
I have innovations to conquer every situation and circumstance.
Today and Every day,
I have the right ideas and innovations,
Such that daily,
I experience luxuriant growth,
I have significant attainments,
and I have persistent productivity.
I am the excellent,
I am the noble,
I am the glorious,
And the Lord delights in me.
I’m full of faith,
I’m full of power, and I do wonders.
The grace of God propels me forward.

All my prayers, proclamations,
Affirmations and declarations,
Are crystallizing and raining down, even now
Open doors and opportunities.

I am a child of light.
I bring illumination to my world.
I bring clarity.
I bring solutions.
I bring innovations.
I am ahead of my time.
I see what others don’t see.
My capacity to understand and comprehend has been expanded by the wisdom of God.
Every day, knowledge is increased in me.

In these 30 days, there is abundance of rain!
Rain of testimonies!
Rain of money!
Rain of wealth!
Rain of answers!
Rain of supplies!
Rain of promotions!
Rain of results!
Rain of completions!
Rain of bonuses!
Rain of opportunities and
Open doors, and it is happening already.
There is an advancement.
There is increase.
There is harvest.
No aborted dreams,
No truncated goals,
The power of grace and completion are at work in me.
The power of fruition is at work in me.

I am as a wonder to many.
I am innovative!
I am a wonder!
I am a sign!
I am a surprise!
Many stand amazed at my innovations.
I am a phenomenon!
I am a miracle!
I am a marvel!
I am a sensation!
My innovations are the talk of the town!
Many stand in awe and amazement at my accomplishments,
In such a short time.

I declare:
In this season, at this time,
I have an abundant harvest,
Of all my seeds sow,
The words that I have spoken.
The seeds that I have sown,
My Offerings
My Partnership and
My Giving,
Yield an abundant harvest now,
And my ground yields its crops,
And my trees yield their fruits.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.

God is my source.
The maker of Heaven and Earth.
The source of all things,
Helps me with innovations,
With resources,
With contacts,
With connections,
With help,
With wealth,
With ideas,
And opportunities,
God is the source of all things And
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
My business is not my source,
My friends and family are not my source,
The government is not my source.
God is my source.
And I declare that,
All channels are opened directly for me for wealth to come in.
My gates are open continually,
Bringing in the wealth of the nations.

I complete all my pledges,
And fulfil all my vows,
I am blessed with ideas and innovations.
I am blessed with the blessings of Heaven above.
And blessings bursting forth from the earth.
My finances have been vitalized.
The grace for quickness and speed is activated in my life.
I prophesy to the wind,
The wind of the Lord,
I command the winds to come from every direction,
And to bring me all the resources,
The opportunities,
The information,
The people,
The wealth,
The money,
That I require to do supernatural exploits,
In the house of God.

By my God, I have accomplished my Healing School target,
By my God, I have hit my Project LifeSaver target,
My Rhapsody of Realities target,
My Ministry Programs target,
My LoveWorld USA, Inner City Missions, LTM & Radio targets,
By my God, all my pledges,
For my partnership in ministry,
In the house of God,
All my obligations are met and surpassed,
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.
Creation hears my voice,
Creation heeds my voice,
Creation responds to my voice, And
I command,
Every seed sown to multiply and return a thousandfold.

I speak to the sun,
I speak to the moon,
I speak to the winds,
I speak to all of creation,
To cause all the resources,
Direct all the resources,
Required to hit and surpass all my targets to come to me NOW!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Money is coming to me from everywhere!
Resources are coming to me from everywhere!
Finances are coming to me from everywhere!
Favours are coming to me from everywhere!
Wealth is coming to me from everywhere!
I am moving FAST!
I am soaring HIGH!
Quickness and speed are at work in me.
None of my seeds is forgotten,
None of my seeds is wasted,
None of my seeds is dead.
Every seed multiplies and returns to me a thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.
I move with speed.
In these last 3 months of 2023,
I execute many ideas and innovations,
Such that I have achievements like a flash,
And prosperity like a flood,
I have the results of at least 3 years in these last 3 months,
Because the grace of speed, productivity, prosperity,
Access and quickness are granted me.

I receive a thousandfold harvest with quickness and speed.
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
My financial capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My partnership capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a thousand times.
There is abundance everywhere,
Surplus everywhere,
Harvest everywhere,
I am not intimidated by figures.
Every figure is bread for me,
I chew it.
God has given me big seed to sow,
And multiplies my resources for giving,

Father, I thank You for all things are mine.
Thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account,
In my store,
In my house,
On my platforms,
In my shop,
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
I am directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone, where all things are mine.

In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of victories,
In this month of insight,
With grace for quickness and speed,
I’m flying!
I’m soaring!
I’m transported!
I’m translated!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, October 16th, 2023,
I endorse,
I have,
And I walk in my thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All things are mine,
Therefore, I complete my pledges,
I complete my projects,
I complete my partnership targets,
And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

(Speak in other tongues)


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