This is my month of harvest.
I am an effective Executive Assistant,
To the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective soul winner.
It is harvest time,
And I am gathering fruit unto life eternal.
I win souls everywhere.
I plant cells everywhere,
And I give lavishly into the work of God.
The systems of this world cannot hold me back.
As I give, God’s blessings turn to me in abundance.
My giving promotes me.
I am gracious.
And I excel in the grace of giving.

I arise and shine!
For my light is come!
The glory of the Lord is risen upon me!
I rise above depression!
I rise above hardship!
I rise above inflation!
I rise above circumstances and situations!
I arise!
I am radiant with the glory of God!

Though darkness covers the earth,
And gross darkness the people,
Yet upon me, and in me,
The glory of the Lord is seen!
I lift up my eyes!
I see with the eyes of the Spirit.
I lift up my eyes above the systems,
And operations of this world!
I look from the mountain top!
I lift up my eyes round about me and I SEE!
I see, people are gathering themselves together to come to me.
Money comes to me now!
Resources come to me now!
Human resources,
Financial resources,
Material resources,
Economic resources,
They all gather themselves together and come to me!
Technological resources,
Intellectual resources,
Media resources,
Natural resources,
They all gather themselves together and come to me!

I SEE, and I am radiant!
My heart is thrilled with joy,
At the testimonies springing forth, in and from my life!
The abundant wealth of the Nations is turned to me now.
The wealth of the nations,
Come to me now.
The wealth of the industries,
Come to me now.
Wealth comes now!
I have money in Espees,
In dollars, in pounds, in naira.
My faith is working and producing results.
My words are working and producing results.

Money is coming to me from everywhere.
Wealth is coming to me from everywhere.
Properties are coming to me from everywhere.
Gold is mine,
Silver is mine,
I lay up gold as dust.
The world is mine.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I am the possessor of heaven and earth.
The cattle on a thousand hills belong to me!
All things are mine!!!!

The abundance of the seas,
The wealth of the people
Is converted to me.
Resource control has been converted to me,
Kings minister to me.
Their governments and their policies favour me,
They promote my course.
And Institutions, they serve me.
They work for me.
They work in my favour.
All Authorities,
All Policies,
All Laws,
Work for my good.
I am not a victim of any law or any policy.
All things work together for my good.
Kings are come,
to the brightness of my rising,
Men come from the north,
They come from the south,
From the east,
From the west,
To behold the glory of God
That is expressed in my life.
They are coming with money,
They are coming with souls,
They are coming with wealth,
They are coming with properties,
They are coming with fortune,
They deliver it to me for the furtherance of the gospel!
They come to my business platforms.
By the power of the Holy Ghost

My gates are open,
My platforms are open,
My accounts are open,
My way is open,
They are open continually,
They are not shut day or night,
Unusual and unexplained doors are open to me,
Right now!
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
Daily, I receive deliveries of wealth from all nations.
The forces of the gentiles come to me.
The wealth of the nations come to me.
Every day, wealth is delivered to me.
Every day, resources are delivered to me.
Every day, money is delivered to me.
Every day, property is delivered to me.
And as I receive them,
I deliver them to the Kingdom of God,
As I receive them,
I use them to beautify the place of His sanctuary.
I use them for the furtherance of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Around the world.

The Lord has favoured me with wealth,
As I continually promote His righteous course.
I remain ever-relevant,
In beautifying the place of His sanctuary.
Through me,
The place of His feet
Is made glorious.
I’m a big-time giver,
I am a big-time partner,
I am a top partner in the LoveWorld nation.
I am a major sponsor of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
I am an eternal excellency,
The joy of many generations.
I am a wonder to my generation.
I am a wonder to my world.
The sun, the moon, and the physical light,
Are not my light.
For the Lord Himself
is my everlasting light,
and He does not fail.
The Lord is my everlasting light.
He bathes me in splendor,
And He has made me a light.

A little one has become a thousand,
And a small one, a mighty nation.
Everything that has to do with me,
is growing, is multiplying,
is progressing, is moving forward.
Is enlarging, is expanding, and increasing.
The Lord has increased my greatness.
I am a strong nation.
I am equal to a thousand partners.
I am able!
I am up to the task.
I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
I am sufficient for this work of partnership with the ministry.
I am a source and support to my man of God!
The mimshack anointing for spreading is working in me now.

For bronze, I receive gold,
For iron, I receive silver,
For wood, I receive bronze,
For stones, I receive iron,
I lay up gold as dust,
Inexhaustible wealth,
Everywhere around me is green.
I flourish on every side.
I am programmed for extraordinary financial impact.
I carry my own atmosphere,
By the Holy Ghost,
I live in God’s atmosphere,
I live in God’s supernatural environment,
My administration,
My economy,
Is from above.
I live in the economy of Heaven.
I am not subjected to the economy and system of the world.
The Lord has magnified me,
In the sight of others
He has magnified me
In the sight of the world
They look at me and see the glory of God.

The blessings of the Lord rest upon me,
And upon my house.
The blessings of the Lord rest upon me,
And upon my business.
The blessings of the Lord rest upon me and upon my job upon my office.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Everywhere I go,
I carry the blessing of the Lord.
Great grace for prosperity.
And superabundance is directed towards me now.
Wealth and Riches are in my house.
And my righteousness endures forever.
As I sow in the Gospel,
I wax great.
I move forward.
I grow,
And I become very great.
The Lord has made a distinction between me and the world,
While there’s darkness,
For me, it is Light!
It is glory,
It is splendor,
The Lord has magnified me,
And increased my greatness.
I prosper on every side!

My seeds of partnership to the Healing School,
My seeds of partnership to Project Life Saver,
My seeds of partnership to Rhapsody of Realities,
To Ministry Programs, to the LoveWorld Networks,
My seeds of partnership to the Inner-City Missions,
To the Crusade Grounds
To the LoveWorld Television & Radio Ministry,
My seeds of partnerships and my contributions in my Cell,
in my Church and in my Zone,
all these seeds are blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And right now, they are coming to maturity.
All my seeds are coming to harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
I call forth money,
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth favour,
I call forth blessings.
I command you to come now,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

This is the time for my seeds to spring forth.
And they are springing forth.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
I am reaping a mighty harvest,
I am experiencing supernatural financial testimonies.
I am experiencing supernatural financial harvests.
I am experiencing supernatural financial results.
My seeds are coming to harvest,
They are coming to fruition.
They are coming into completion.
My capacity for giving is expanded because I am a partner,
My storehouse of seed is increasing.
I have what it takes,
I’m a big-time Gospel financier.

I call forth money to come to me now,
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
From the north,
The south, the east, and the west,
I call in my harvest NOW,
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I see the harvest!
I call in the harvest!
There is abundance everywhere,
There is harvest everywhere,
Financial harvest everywhere,
Today and every day,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I have what I want.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I am not subdued by figures.
My blessings are beyond calculations.
My blessings are beyond the figures of men.

I boldly declare I have an inheritance,
I have superabundance.
I walk in superabundance.
I live in superabundance.
I live in the unending,
And beyond figures riches of Christ.
I am a big-time giver,
And in this season of harvest, I have seed to sow.
God is giving me big seed to sow.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
Today, the Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my money seeds.
I bless my material seeds,
I bless my tithes.
I bless my first fruits.
I bless my partnership seeds.
I bless my contributions and my seeds in the house of God.
In the zone,
In my church,
In my cell,
In the ministry,
All the seeds that I have given:
All my offerings and my partnerships,
And my contributions.
All my giving, from November to December to January,
to February, to March, April,
May, June, July, August
And September,
I bless every one of my seeds.
None of my seeds are forgotten,
None of my seeds are wasted,
I speak to these seeds,
My financial seeds
My tithes,
My offerings,
My partnerships,
My giving,
My contributions,
My first fruits
They are multiplying,
I command the seeds to multiply and produce a harvest, now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A supernatural harvest comes to me now,
From every side and by free course
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
For what I have in my bank account,
I thank You for what I have,
In my house,
In my store,
In my warehouse,
In my shops,
On my platforms,
I declare that they are multiplied.
My resources are multiplied.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
They are multiplying,
They are expanding.
They are increasing,
Ever expanding
Ever multiplying,
Ever increasing,
Ever extending
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I am abundantly supplied.
Miraculously supplied.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the supply zone.
I am a tree planted by the rivers of water, directly connected to the supply.

I am divinely connected,
Divinely connected to God’s supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I live in the rich zone.
I live in the over above and beyond zone.
I am enriched in all things.
I am rich in all things.
I am rich in money,
I am rich in resources,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in knowledge,
I am rich in grace,
I am rich in favour,
I am rich in wisdom,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in contacts,
I am rich in assets,
I am rich in all things.
And I have wisdom with my riches.

In these 30 days,
A new thing begins.
New wealth, new money,
New opportunities, new access.
Every day is for a new thing,
Every day is for a miracle,
Every day is for a new supply,
Every day is for a new harvest,
And today, I receive, and I walk in my harvest.
Today, September 23rd , 2023, I receive, and I walk in my harvest,
Today, September 23rd, 2023, I receive, and I walk in my harvest,
I enjoy my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
(Speak in other tongues)


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