Zechariah 8:12 (KJV, AMPC)
Hosea 2:21-22 (AMPC)
Our seeds will be prosperous.
Our seeds will produce peace and prosperity.
That divine chain reaction is activated and active for us.
This is my month of Insight.
I have wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of God.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
My knowledge is increased seven times in this month of insight.
This month, I will see a certain end to every struggle or contest,
That I have been involved in,
Because it is my season of victories.
No matter what I am confronted with,
It will turn out for my good,
It will turn out for my promotion,
It will turn out for my exaltation,
For I am in a season of victories.
My seeds are prosperous,
My vine gives her fruit,
The ground gives her increase,
The heavens give their dew,
And I possess all things.
I have a harvest of peace and prosperity,
The grapevines are heavy with fruit.
The earth produces its crops for me,
My seeds grow well,
My seeds grow well,
My seeds are prosperous.
My seeds bring peace and prosperity.
The heavens release dew,
And the Lord causes me to inherit blessings.
My crops prosper,
Everything I do comes to fruition,
The ground is fertile for me, with plenty of rain,
The land is green before me,
I dwell in the land of blessings.
Everywhere I look, blessings,
Everywhere I go, blessings,
Everything I touch is blessed,
There are blessings everywhere!
My gardens flourish,
I have constant dew and rain,
And everything is green.
The Lord responds to my seeds,
The skies respond to my seeds,
The earth responds to my seeds,
My seeds are growing and germinating,
And springing forth in a mighty harvest.
It is raining!
My sky is raining,
It is raining answers,
It is raining righteousness,
The skies respond to me,
My clouds are saturated,
My clouds have gathered,
My clouds are full,
There are emptying themselves on me lavishly,
My roots are submerged in water,
I’m flourishing,
I’m bearing all round fruits,
I have significant attainments,
I have supernatural productivity,
I’m experiencing increase on every side,
I have mighty harvests of blessings,
I have mighty harvests of miracles,
From the seeds that I’ve sown,
I receive good measure,
Pressed down, shaken together, and running over,
Is poured out into my bosom today and always.
The Lord has made all grace abound towards me.
I am proliferating in all things!
My ground is producing harvest and new seeds,
Seeds of peace and prosperity,
Seeds of ideas and creativity,
Seeds of souls,
Seeds of money,
My seeds are prosperous,
The breath of God is upon my seeds,
And they produce fruits in a flash,
They produce in rapid succession,
They produce a thousandfold harvest,
There’s abundance of harvest everywhere for me,
Supernatural speed is at work in and for me,
Protocols are broken for my sake,
I operate in higher dimensions of glory,
My vine is yielding her fruits,
My ground gives increase,
I have the dew of heaven,
I possess all things,
I possess the good of the land,
I eat the good of the land,
I have a goodly heritage,
There’s superabundant supply for me!
It is raining answers.
It is raining money.
It is raining miracles everywhere.
It is raining healing and testimonies.
It is raining restoration.
It is raining abundance.
It is raining plenty.
It is raining riches.
It is raining wealth.
It’s raining opportunities.
It’s raining results and prolificity.
I have the dew of heaven.
I’m endowed with supernatural abilities.
Anything is possible.
I function at a high level of precision.
The wisdom of God is at work in me.
I bring forth good things from within.
I have an excellent mind.
I bring forth creative ideas and results.
I initiate success, growth, and innovations.
My mind is blessed.
My spirit is rich.
My heart is fertile!
I pour down the rain of righteousness,
Upon our nations, cities, streets, and catchments
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
People are coming to Christ.
There is a harvest of righteousness.
Wickedness is taken away from men’s hearts,
For righteousness is poured out.
The Word of God is growing mightily,
And prevailing in all the nations,
Resulting in a greater influence of the Gospel,
It’s raining salvation of souls.
It’s raining souls in our cells and churches.
It is raining everywhere!
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
I require nothing,
From anyone or anywhere,
Because it is raining upon me even now,
Everything I require is available to me.
I am independent of external factors.
I am independent of external forces.
I am independent of external influence.
Everything I require,
To fulfil all that God wants me to do,
Is available to me right now.
God has made all grace,
Every favour and earthly blessing,
To rain upon me in abundance,
So that always, in all circumstances,
Whatever the need,
I am self–sufficient,
Possessing more than enough,
To require no aid or support.
I am furnished in abundance,
For every good work,
And charitable donation.
My sufficiency is of God.
My power,
My ability,
My sufficiency,
My success comes from the Lord.
It is raining upon me even now.
I am a great success,
I am a wonder and a surprise to many,
Because The Lord is with me.
He has given me,
All that pertains to life and godliness.
This is my season of victories,
This is my season of completion,
This is my season of testimonies,
Because it is raining on me.
What I have started, I will finish.
The partnership targets that I started; I will finish.
The partnership projects that I started; I will finish.
My projects are coming to fruition.
My visions are coming to pass.
My heart’s desires are being fulfilled.
It is not by might,
Nor by power,
But by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Everything I do prospers.
Blossoms, flourishes, and grows.
Everything I do succeeds and comes to maturity,
Comes to fruition and completion.
Everything I am involved with comes to fulfilment.
And finishes excellently.
In these 30 days, there is abundance of rain!
Rain of testimonies!
Rain of money!
Rain of wealth!
Rain of answers!
Rain of supplies!
Rain of promotions!
Rain of results!
Rain of completions!
Rain of bonuses!
Rain of opportunities and
Open doors and it is happening already.
There is advancement.
There is increase.
There is harvest.
No aborted dreams,
No truncated goals,
The power of grace and completion are at work in me.
The power of fruition is at work in me.
I am as a wonder to many.
I am a sign!
I am a surprise!
Many stand amazed at my success.
I am as a wonder!
I am a surprise!
I am a phenomenon!
I am a miracle!
I am a sign!
I am a marvel!
I am a sensation!
I am the talk of the town!
Many stand in awe and in amazement at my accomplishments,
In such a short time.
I am a spectacle admired by all.
Men ponder about my success and my results.
I am something to shout about!
I declare that:
In this season, at this time,
I have an abundant harvest,
Of all my seeds sow,
The words that I have spoken.
The seeds that I have sown,
My Offerings
My Partnership,
My Giving,
Yield an abundant harvest now,
My ground yields its crops,
And my trees yield their fruits.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice.
God is my source.
The maker of Heaven and Earth.
The source of all things,
Helps me with resources,
With contacts,
With connections,
With help,
With wealth,
With ideas,
And opportunities,
God is the source of all things and
He is my source.
My job is not my source,
My business is not my source,
My family and friends are not my source,
The government is not my source.
God is my source.
And I declare that,
All channels are opened directly for me for wealth to come in.
My gates are open continually,
Bringing in the wealth of the nations.
I complete all my pledges,
And fulfil all my vows,
I am blessed with the blessings of Heaven above.
And blessings bursting forth from the earth.
My finances have been vitalized.
The grace for quickness and speed is activated in my life.
I prophesy to the wind,
The wind of the Lord,
I command the winds to come from every direction,
And to bring me all the resources,
The opportunities,
The people,
The wealth,
The money,
That I require to do supernatural exploits,
In the house of God.
By my God, I have accomplished my Healing School target,
By my God, I have hit my Project LifeSaver target,
By my God, all my pledges,
For my partnership in the ministry,
In the house of God,
All my obligations are met and surpassed,
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.
Creation hears my voice,
Creation responds to my voice, and
I command
Every seed sown to multiply and return a thousandfold.
I speak to the sun,
I speak to the moon,
I speak to the winds,
I speak to all of creation,
And I command you to cause all the resources,
Direct all the resources,
Required to hit and surpass all my targets to come to me NOW!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Money is coming to me from everywhere!
Resources are coming to me from everywhere!
Finances are coming to me from everywhere!
Favour is coming to me from everywhere!
Favours are coming to me from everywhere!
Wealth is coming to me from everywhere!
I am moving FAST!
I am soaring HIGH!
Quickness and speed are at work in me.
None of my seeds is forgotten,
None of my seeds is wasted,
None of my seeds is dead.
Every seed multiplies and returns to me a thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.
I move with speed.
In these last 3 months of 2023,
It’s achievements like a flash,
And prosperity like a flood,
I have the results of at least 3 years in these last 3 months because of the speed, productivity, prosperity, access, and grace that are granted me.
I receive a thousandfold harvest with quickness and speed.
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
My financial capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My partnership capacity is expanded a thousand times.
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a thousand times.
There is abundance everywhere,
Surplus everywhere,
Harvest everywhere,
I am not intimidated by figures.
Every figure is bread for me,
I chew it.
God has given me big seed to sow,
And multiplies my resources for giving,
Father, I thank You for all things are mine.
Thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account,
In my store,
In my house,
On my platforms,
In my shop,
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
I am directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone, where all things are mine.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of victories,
In this month of insight,
With grace for quickness and speed,
I’m flying!
I’m soaring!
I’m transported!
I’m translated!
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Today, October 14th, 2023,
I endorse,
I have,
And I walk in my thousandfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All things are mine,
Therefore, I complete my pledges,
I complete my projects,
I complete my partnership targets,
And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!
(Speak in other tongues)

Amen and Amen 🙏, I’m so blessed to the glory of God