Isaiah 60:22
Jeremiah 1:12
Romans 9:28 NIV

This is my month of Insight.
I have wisdom and revelation in the deep intimate knowledge of God.
My knowledge of God is increased this month.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
The Lord reveals truths and mysteries to me this month.
I am in a season of victory.
I have victory everywhere.
This month will see an end to every struggle or contest,
That I have been involved with,
Because it is my season of victories.
No matter what I am confronted with,
It will turn out for my good,
It will turn out for my promotion,
It will turn out for my exaltation,
I am in a season of victories.
Thank you, Lord!
I am full of joy.
I rejoice in my victories.
The blessings of God fill my nation for the glory of God!

A little one shall become a thousand,
A small one a strong nation,
The Lord is hastening it at His appointed time.
I have received the grace for quickness and speed.
Everything I touch turns to gold.
Everything I do prospers,
I am a fruitful vine,

All my seeds are multiplied,
As I give daily into the work of the ministry,
Every seed,
The big and the small,
Every seed is multiplied,
The Lord hastens it at His appointed time,
Even now,
Things are being hastened in the spirit.
Things are moving so fast.
Therefore, my harvest, my returns, my in-gathering,
My yield, my success, my progress,
My increase and my development are so fast,
Things are moving so fast.
The Lord is speeding up every process,
I am moving with supernatural speed,
The speed of the Spirit.
Things are happening so fast for me,
In quick and rapid succession.

Everything I do multiplies,
Even now, the grace for quickness and speed is at work in me,
Causing multiplication, increase, growth, development for me on every side.
Even now, the grace for quickness and speed are at work in me,
Causing proliferation for me on every side.
Everything I start, I finish,
Everything I do must flourish,
Everything I do grows, develops, blooms, and blossoms.
My job is blessed.
My business is blessed.
The grace for quickness and speed is at work in everything I do.
This is the Lord’s appointed time to hasten it.
The blessing of the Lord is hastened in my life.
In this time, a swift work does the Lord do in my life.
He has made it happen.
I see results,
Quick results,
Fast results,
I see answers,
I see solutions,
The least I do is a thousand times.

In this time,
In this season,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in my life,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in my work,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in my business,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in my partnership,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in my health,
The Lord hastens His word to perform it in everything that pertains to me.
The word for quickness and speed,
The grace for quickness and speed has gone forth,
And the Lord hastens His word to perform it, to fulfil it in my life.
The Lord watches over his word to see its fulfillment in my life.
He is alert, active, urgent,
Watching over His word to perform it in my life.

All the words of blessing that I have received,
Are coming to pass with speed and finality.
They are being fulfilled in my life,
All the graces I have received,
Are at work effectually.
The Lord will carry out his sentence on the earth with speed and finality,
The word of God will not fail in my life,
The word of the God will not fall to the ground,
All will be fulfilled with speed and finality.

There is growth in my life,
There is spiritual growth,
There is intellectual growth,
There is financial growth,
Growth in my business,
Growth on my job,
Growth in my family,
Growth everywhere.
I am growing in influence, in affluence, and in dominance.
I am growing in numbers, in wealth, and in capacity.
I am growing with speed.
I am exceling.
I am dominating my environment.
I am strong.
I am strong spiritually.
I am strong physically.
I am strong mentally.
I am strong financially.
I am strong.
I am blessed.
I am growing.
I am multiplying.
I am expanding.
And I am exceling.

The wealth of the nations is coming into my hands,
with quickness and speed.
The Lord hastens it in His appointed time, and His time is NOW!
I am birthing new things by the power of the Holy Ghost
In these next few months of the year,
Divine speed is at work in me,
I am divinely accelerated,
I move in Grace,
I move in Glory,
I move in results,
I move in achievements,
All with quickness and speed.
I am transported,
Beyond time, Beyond space
I am transported to a new level of Glory.
I have strength for all things,
I have strength to grow my business,
I have insight and foresight to grow my business,
Divine wisdom, Divine foresight,
Divine ability and Divine speed
Are at work in me.

Everything about me is moving fast.
I’m moving fast.
I’m ahead in time.
I’m ahead in impact.
I’m ahead in results.
I’m transported to a new realm.
I find myself in a different place,
A place that I’ve never been before.
I find myself transported,
Above my competitors,
Above my peers,
I am moved! Divinely moved,
To another realm of operation,
Another realm of glory,
Everything connected to me grows and multiples.
There is always significant increase in my relevance.
Nothing that emanates from me loses value.

I have insight, I have foresight.
I am self – sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
I am competent.
I am excellent,
With All – round excellence,
All – round results
Because I have increased in strength
I am flying.
I am soaring.
I have strength for ALL things.
I am fast!

I outrun horses,
I outrun the competition,
The economy,
I am moving with supernatural speed,
I outrun the world,
I outrun all the world can put together,
Because the grace of quickness is granted me,
Because the grace for speed has been granted me.
The Lord is working in and through me this year 2023,
It’s like a flash!
Angels are at work on my behalf.
Angels are at work in my life and around me.

I outrun horses,
I outrun the world,
I outrun my industry,
I outrun my peers,
I outrun the systems and protocols of this world.
Things are happening so fast for me,
One thing on the heels of another,
Unexplained monies,
Unexplained favours,
Are coming to me in quick succession.
Are coming to me now in quick succession.
I am moving FAST!
I am soaring HIGH!
The grace for quickness and speed has been granted me.
QUICKNESS is at work in me!
SPEED is at work in me!
QUICKNESS is at work in me!
SPEED is at work in me!
QUICKNESS is at work in me!
SPEED is at work in me!

My development,
My success,
My progress,
My promotion,
My advancements are so fast.
Like a flash, I’m divinely transported.
I’m quick,
I’m fast,
I move with speed,
Blessing upon blessing,
In rapid succession,
Rapid development,
Rapid promotion,
Rapid prosperity.
Grace heaped upon grace,
Blessing upon blessing,
Opportunity upon opportunity,
Favour upon favour,
Supernatural openings,
Supernatural connections,
Supernatural access,
Open doors,
Unexplainable and unusual open doors are granted me.
Money heaped upon money,
Wealth heaped upon wealth,
Prosperity, like the wave of the sea,
Wave after wave,
Like a flowing flooded river,
Constantly coming in,
That is my experience today and every day.
The last 3 months of 2023
I will have the result of at least 3 years because of
The Speed,
The productivity,
The access,
The grace, that are granted me.
This is my season of victory.
I walk in victory every day.
By the power of the Holy Ghost.

I accomplish giant feats,
Phenomenal feats with quickness and speed,
Bringing glory to God.
Things that would have taken 3 years,
In this season of quickness and speed,
I accomplish them AT ONCE,
I accomplish them with speed,
My partnership target with the Healing School,
Is accomplished with speed,
My partnership target with Project Life Saver,
Is accomplished with speed,
My partnership target for Rhapsody of Realities,
I accomplish with speed.
My partnership target with Ministry Programs,
With the LoveWorld USA,
With the Inner-City Missions,
With LoveWorld Television Ministry and Radio.
I accomplish with speed,
My partnership target for my Church and Zonal projects.
I accomplish with speed,
All my financial targets are accomplished with speed.

My seeds of partnership,
My seeds in church,
In my Cell,
In my Zone,
All my financial seeds and
All my material seeds are blessed,
And coming to a harvest now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive a hundredfold return with quickness and speed on all my giving,
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth money,
I call forth blessings.
Money comes to me now,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

This is the set time for my seeds to spring forth,
And they are springing forth.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
I have a hundredfold harvest on my giving,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I have supernatural financial testimonies quickly.
I have supernatural financial harvests quickly.
My seeds are producing a hundredfold harvest quickly,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

My capacity for giving is expanded a hundred times,
A thousand times.
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a hundred times, and a thousand times.
I’m a big-time Gospel financier.
I call forth materials from the north, the south, the east, the west.
There is abundance everywhere,
There is surplus everywhere,
There is harvest everywhere,
Financial testimonies everywhere,

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I’m the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I’m blessed.
And I’m a blessing.
I dominate figures,
A hundredfold increase is the least of my harvest.
And in this appointed time,
I walk in the thousandfold increase.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
This is my season of victories,
God is giving me big seed to sow,

Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
The Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
All the seeds that I have given,
None of my seeds is wasted.
None of my seeds is forgotten.
I speak to my seeds,
To my offerings,
My partnerships, my giving, my contributions.
I command my seeds to multiply,
And produce a thousandfold harvest in God’s appointed time with speed.

Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
In my bank account,
In my house,
In my store,
On my platforms,
I speak multiplication.
My resources are multiplied a thousand times.
My financial capacity is multiplied a thousand times.
My partnership capacity is multiplied a thousand times.
I walk in surplus.
I am directly connected to divine supply.

I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I am enriched in all things and in every way.
I am rich in grace, grace for quickness, grace for speed.
I am rich in favour, wisdom,
Assets, knowledge, and contacts.
I am rich in all things and in every way.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of victories,
In this month of insight,
With grace for quickness and speed,
I’m flying,
I’m soaring,
I’m transported,
I’m translated,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today, October 4th, 2023,
I endorse,
I have,
And I walk in my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
I complete my pledges,
I complete my projects,
I complete my partnership targets and all my giving.
And I’m concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(Speak in other tongues)


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