PSALM 1:1 -3 (AMP)
This is my month of harvest.
I am an effective Executive Assistant to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective soul winner.
It is harvest time,
And I am gathering fruit unto life eternal.
I win souls everywhere.
I plant cells everywhere,
And I give lavishly into the work of God.
The systems of this world cannot hold me back.
As I give, God’s blessings turn to me in abundance.
My giving promotes me.
I am gracious.
And I excel in the grace of giving.
It is not by might,
Nor by power,
But by my Spirit,
Says the LORD of host.
Who are you, O great mountain?
Before me (put your name there)
You have become a plain!
Who are you, oh figure?
(put a figure there)
Before me, you have become a plain!
I declare that I am giving in the millions,
I declare that I am giving in the tens of millions,
In the hundreds of millions
And in the billions in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Who art thou oh figures?
Before me, thou has become a plain!
I will bring forth the headstone thereof,
With shouting,
I will complete the work,
With shouting,
Grace, grace!
Grace did it!
Grace did it!
The grace of God is at work in me today.
The grace of God is moving me forward.
The grace of God is propelling me forward.
I am full of grace.
I am supplied by grace.
I am supplied with grace.
It shall be said of me that grace did it!
My hands started it.
My hands will finish it.
My hands began this year with a partnership goal in focus,
My hands will accomplish it.
My hands will finish it.
Who art thou oh target?
Before me (put your name there),
You have become level ground.
Figure, who do you think you are?
Next to me,
You are nothing but a number!
It’s not by might.
It’s not by power.
But by the Spirit.
I proceed to lay the foundation,
I proceed to give,
I proceed to seed.
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
I give BIG!!!
I give big for the Healing Streams,
I give big for Project Lifesaver,
I give big for Rhapsody,
I give big for Ministry Programs,
I give big for the LoveWorld Networks,
I give big to the Inner-City Missions,
I give big to LTM & Radio,
I give big for all the Partnership arms.
I give big to Zonal and Local Projects.
And as I give, I shout Glory!…..
Grace did it!
Grace did it!
Grace did it!
No mountain,
No matter how high,
No figure,
Can stand before me.
I bring it down,
I chew it.
I chew that figure,
I chew it.
I chew it like bread.
No mountain!
However, high,
Can stand before me.
It will flatten before me!
No figure!
No target!
No matter how high,
No matter how lofty,
Can stand before me,
I subdue it in the Name of Jesus!
I conquer it!
I overcome it!
I subdue it!
I defeat it!
And I return with testimonies shouting:
Grace did it!
Its not by might, it is by the Spirit.
It is by Grace! Hallelujah
It is by Grace! Hallelujah
It is by Grace! Hallelujah
This is my month of Harvest.
This is my season of completion.
This is my season of testimonies.
What I have started, I will finish.
The partnership targets that I started; I will finish.
The partnership projects that I started; I will finish.
My projects are coming to fruition.
My visions are coming to pass.
My heart’s desires are being fulfilled.
Not by might,
Nor by power,
But by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
This is my season of harvest.
This is my set time of favour.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
My seeds respond to my voice,
And they are producing a hundredfold harvest even now,
In the mighty name of Jesus.
I delight in the word of God.
The word of God is my daily meditation.
The word of God is my daily confession.
The word of God is my daily affirmation.
Therefore, I am a tree planted by waters.
I bring forth fruits in season and out of season.
I am fruitful,
I am productive,
I am profitable.
My leaves shall never wither.
And whatever I do prospers and comes to maturity.
And Prosperous am I,
Because I walk and I live in the word.
My delight and my desires are in the word of God.
In his precepts, instructions, and teachings,
I habitually meditate,
My mind is stayed on the word.
I ruminate on the word,
I reflect on the word,
I conceptualize the word,
I affirm the word,
I declare the word,
I confess the word.
I am like a tree firmly planted and tended by streams of water.
I bring forth fruit in season.
I make profit in season,
I make advancement in season.
My leaves are evergreen.
There is no dryness in my path.
There is no tightness in my life.
There is no financial tightness,
There is no scarcity in my life.
Everything I do prospers and comes to maturity.
I finish my work,
I complete my projects.
I bear fresh fruits always.
My leaves always blossom.
I am a tree by the riverbank,
Directly connected to the source.
I am bearing luscious fruits.
My leaves will never dry out, never fade away.
My life is full of glory,
Unending glory.
My life is full of prosperity.
Unending prosperity.
I will never go down,
My business will never go down,
My money will never depreciate.
Upwards and forward ONLY,
That is the trajectory of my life!
Everything I do prospers,
Expands and grows.
Everything I do prospers.
Blossoms, flourishes, and grows.
Everything I do succeeds.
Everything I do comes to maturity.
Everything I do comes to fruition.
Everything I do comes to completion.
Everything I am involved with comes to fulfilment.
Everything I do finishes excellently,
I am mightily helped of God.
It is not by might,
Nor by power,
But by the Spirit of God.
My hands started it,
And I will complete it.
In this season,
No aborted dreams.
No truncated goals.
The power of fruition,
The power of accomplishment,
The power of completion,
Is at work in me by the Spirit of God.
The Holy Spirit is my advantage!
He helps me set new records,
New personal records,
New industry records,
New records in ministry,
New records in soul winning,
New records in partnership.
The Holy Spirit is my advantage,
He helps me set new records,
And He helps me to break records.
The Holy Spirit helps me to see new visions,
And He helps me to accomplish those visions.
He helps me to see beyond,
And He helps me to break limits,
In my giving,
In my partnership,
In my Career,
In my Business,
In my Job,
To do the extraordinary,
I go beyond borders,
I am limitless by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My power, my ability, and my sufficiency are of God.
Every act of faith is brought to fruition,
Every act of my faith is brought to fruition,
By the power of God that is at work in me.
My seeds of partnership,
My seeds in my church,
In my zone
In my Cell,
All my financial seeds,
All my material seeds,
They are blessed, and they are coming to harvest now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I have a hundredfold return on all my giving.
All my seeds are coming to harvest,
And I draw from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
My hundredfold return is in my account,
And I draw from that harvest of accumulated blessings.
I call forth resources,
I call forth supply,
I call forth money,
I call forth blessings.
I command money to come to me now,
In this time,
In this season,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
This is the time for my seeds to spring forth.
And they are springing forth.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this month of harvest,
I receive a hundredfold return on my giving,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive supernatural financial testimonies.
I receive supernatural financial harvests.
My seeds are coming to a hundredfold harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
My capacity for giving is expanded a hundred times,
My capacity for giving is expanded a hundred times,
My storehouse of seed is enlarged a hundred times,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I’m a big-time Gospel financier.
I call forth money,
I call forth materials to come now,
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
From the north,
The south, the east, and the west,
I call in my hundredfold return,
Hundred times of my seeds come to me now,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I see the harvest!
I receive the harvest!
I call in the harvest!
There is abundance everywhere,
There is abundance everywhere,
There is surplus everywhere,
There is harvest everywhere,
Financial testimonies everywhere,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I am not afraid of figures.
I am not intimidated by figures.
I control figures.
I have what I want.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I am blessed.
And I am a blessing.
I am not subdued by figures.
My blessings are beyond calculations,
A hundredfold increase is the least of my harvest ,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
A hundredfold increase is the least of my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
This is my season of harvest,
I have seed to sow.
God is giving me big seed to sow,
Big money to sow,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today, I have seed to sow.
Today, I have bread to eat.
The Lord multiplies my resources for giving,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my money seeds.
I bless my material seeds,
I bless my tithes.
I bless my firstfruits.
I bless my partnership.
I bless my contributions and my giving in the house of God.
In my church,
In my zone,
In my cell,
In the ministry,
In my department,
All the seeds that I have given:
All my offerings
My partnerships,
My contributions.
All my giving,
From November till date,
I bless every one of those seeds.
None of my seeds is forgotten,
In the name of the Lord Jesus
None of my seeds is wasted,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I speak to my seeds,
My financial seeds
I speak to my offerings,
I speak to my partnerships,
My giving,
All my giving,
All my contributions,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I declare a hundredfold harvest,
In Jesus’ mighty name.
I command the seeds to multiply,
And produce a hundredfold harvest.
This is my month of harvest.
This is my month of harvest.
This is my month of harvest.
Father, I thank You for what I have in my hands,
For what I have in my bank account,
I thank You for what I have,
In my house,
In my store,
In my warehouse,
In my shops,
On my platforms,
I declare that they are multiplied.
My resources are multiplied, a hundredfold.
My capacity, my financial capacity, is multiplied, a hundredfold.
My giving capacity is multiplied, a hundredfold
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
My resources are multiplying,
They are multiplying,
They are expanding.
They are increasing,
I work in abundance.
I work in surplus.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I am abundantly supplied.
Miraculously supplied.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I am a tree planted by the rivers of water,
Directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the wealthy zone.
I live in the rich zone.
I am enriched in all things.
I am rich in all things and in every way.
I am rich in money,
I am rich in resources,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in knowledge,
I am rich in grace,
I am rich in favour,
I am rich in wisdom,
I am rich in materials,
I am rich in contacts,
I am rich in assets,
I am rich in all things and in every way.
In these 30 Days of Rain,
In this season of harvest,
I receive a hundredfold return on my seeds,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive a hundredfold return of money,
I receive a hundredfold return of lands,
I receive a hundredfold return of houses,
I receive a hundredfold return of assets,
I receive a hundredfold return on my giving,
I receive a hundredfold increase in capacity,
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I receive, I endorse, and I walk in my harvest.
Today, September 28th, 2023,
I receive, and I walk in my harvest,
Today, September 28th, 2023,
I receive, and I walk in my harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
(Speak in other tongues)
I am completing all my pledges.
I am completing all my projects.
I am completing my giving,
And I am concluding 2023 in a flourishing finish
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Oh glory, glory, hallelujah.
Now remember, when you are making affirmations,
Your mind must be involved,
Because your mind conceptualizes the word of God.
When we say a hundredfold return, have a figure in your mind.
When we say, oh figure, you are subdued, have a figure in mind.”
Glory to God!

Glory to God
Is raining blessings everywhere