Monday, September 18th, 2023

1 COR 3: 6
ISAIAH 55: 10
2 COR 9: 6-11 KJV
2 COR 9: 8-11 AMPC

This is my month of harvest.
I am an effective Executive Assistant,
To the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am an effective ambassador for Christ.
I am an effective soulwinner.
It is harvest time.
I gather fruit unto life eternal.
I win souls everywhere.
I plant cells everywhere.
I give lavishly into God’s work.
The systems of this world cannot hold me back.
As I give, God’s blessings turn back to me in abundance.
My giving promotes me.
I am gracious.
I excel in the grace of giving.
I demonstrate grace.

The Lord has made all grace,
Every favour,
And earthly blessing,
Come to me in abundance.
I am always,
And in all circumstances,
Whatever the need,
I possess more than enough.
I require no aid or support from anyone.
I am furnished in abundance,
For every good work and charitable donation.

I am a big-time kingdom financier.
I scatter abroad.
I partner with the Healing School,
I partner with Project LifeSaver,
I am a HELPER of the war,
I partner with Rhapsody of Realities,
I partner with Ministry Programs,
I partner with the LoveWorld Networks,
I partner with the Inner-City Missions,
I am a big-time giver to all partnership arms in the LoveWorld Nation.
My deeds of justice, goodness, kindness,
And benevolence,
will go on and endure forever.

I have seed to sow!
I have bread to eat!
The Lord provides and multiplies my resources for giving.
The Lord provides and multiplies my resources for giving.
My capacity for giving is increased.
The Lord increases the fruits of my righteousness.
I am enriched in all things and in every way.
I am generous on every side,
And my generosity brings forth thanksgiving to God.
I am a cheerful giver,
Therefore, the Lord loves me.
The Lord takes pleasure in me.
The Lord prizes me above all other things.
The Lord is unwilling to do without me.
I am a cheerful, joyous, prompt-to-do-it giver,
And my heart is in my giving

The Lord has given me everything I require and more.
I have plenty left over to give to others.
The Lord has given me seeds to plant.
The Lord has given me abundant harvest.
The Lord gives me more and more seeds to plant.
The Lord causes my seeds to grow and produce abundant harvest,
So that I have more and more to give away.

I am abundantly blessed,
So that in all things,
And at all times,
Having all that I require,
I abound in every good work.
As I have freely sowed,
Into the work of the ministry,
My righteousness endures forever.
Now, he who supplies seed to the Sower,
And bread for food,
Supplies and increases my store of seed,
And enlarges the harvest of my righteousness.
I am enriched in every way.
I am a big-time kingdom financier.
I am generous on every occasion.
I am able to respond to every call for partnership.
Because of my partnership seeds,
There is abundant thanksgiving to the Lord.

I delight in my giving.
The Lord pours blessings on me in astonishing ways,
So that I am ready,
For anything and everything.
I am ready to do more than just what needs to be done.
In my giving,
I throw caution to the wind,
I am a reckless giver.
I have no cares.
I have no fears.
I give with reckless abandon.
I never run out of seeds to sow.
I never run dry.
I never run out.
I never wear out.
I will never run out of strength.
I will never run out of ideas.
I will never run out of supply.
I will never run out of opportunities.
I will never dry out.
The Lord is more than extravagant with me.

The Lord has made all grace,
Abound toward me.
I always have all sufficiency in all things.
I abound unto every good work.
I disperse abroad.
I have more than enough to give,
And my righteousness abounds forever.
He that ministers seed to the Sower,
And bread for food,
Multiplies my seeds sown,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I am enriched in all things,
To all bountifulness,
Which causes thanksgiving to God.
Good things are attracted to me.
I attract favours.
I attract grace.
I attract health.
I attract ideas.
I attract good people.
I attract opportunities.
All doors are open unto me.

My prosperity, my supply, my economy
Are not determined,
By the economy or the supply of this world
I live by a higher government – a heavenly economy.
My prosperity is for all time.
I live by a higher government.
I live by a higher economy.
My prosperity is for all time.
There is supply.
There is supply.
There is supply for me EVERY DAY.
There is supply for me TODAY.
I live in God’s glorious plan.
I live in God’s supply zone.
I live in God’s wealth zone.
I live in God’s “plenty” zone.
The Lord provides for me.
The Lord has provision for me EVERY DAY.
The Lord has provision for me TODAY.
He has given me all that pertain,
To life and godliness.
I have all that I need.
I require no human aid or support.
I am a HELPER.
I am a HELPER.
I require no human help,
But I am a helper to others.
I am big enough to help others.
I am a savior from Zion.
I am an heir of God.
I am a joint – heir with Christ.
I am blessed and I am a blessing.
Through me, The Lord blesses and makes others rich.
I am the answer to the cries of many.
I am the solution to the problems of many.
Grace overflows to me.
I excel in every good work.

My seeds,
My partnership seeds,
Are springing up into a harvest,
A bumper harvest,
A mighty harvest.
My storehouse of seed is increased,
So that I am able to give even more.
My seeds of partnership to the Healing School,
My seeds of partnership to Project LifeSaver,
My seeds of partnership to Rhapsody of Realities
My seeds of partnership to Ministry Programs,
My seeds of partnership to the Inner-City Missions,
My seeds of partnership to our Zonal Programs and Projects,
All my seeds right now are coming to maturity.
All my seeds right now are coming to harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus!
I am in Harvest time!
I am in Harvest time!
I am in Harvest time!
This is the time for my seeds to spring forth.
They are springing forth.
I am reaping!
I am reaping!
I am reaping!
I am reaping a might harvest in these 30 Days of Rain.
I am experiencing supernatural financial testimonies.
I am experiencing supernatural financial harvests.
I am experiencing supernatural financial results.
My seeds are coming to fruition.
My capacity for giving is expanded.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
I see the harvest and I call in the harvest.
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
I call forth money to come to me,
From the north,
From the south, the east, the west,
The harvest comes NOW, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Abundance everywhere,
Harvest everywhere,
Financial harvest, today and every day,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My resources are multiplied,
My seeds are multiplied,
My harvest is multiplied,
My blessings are multiplied,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I do not live the life of the ordinary man.
I am from above.
My economic atmosphere is from above.
I live the Kingdom life.
I am in the Kingdom of God’s dear love son.
I live the Kingdom life.
I live the higher life.
I live the supply life.
I live the abundant life.
I live the wealthy life in Christ,
Because I have access to the inexhaustible, boundless, and unsearchable riches of Christ.
I am rich!
I am enriched in all things.
I am rich in all things.
I am rich in money.
I am rich in ideas.
I am rich in favour.
I am rich in supply.
I am rich in material resources.
Everything I require for the abundant life in Christ,
Is available to me.

No one dictates for the child of God.
I do what I want.
I belong in God’s country.
I have the mentality of the just.
I have the mentality of the righteous.
I subdue nations and kingdoms.
I have the mentality of a king.
By the grace of God, I am who I am.
Whatsoever is born of God,
Overcomes the world.
I am born of God,
Therefore, I have overcome the world.
The world is mine.
I am running things.
I am ruling with Christ.
The world does not run my life.
I run the world.

I am not afraid of figures.
I am not dominated by figures.
I am not dominated by figures.
I am not dominated by figures.
I am not dominated by figures.
I am not scared of figures.
I control figures.
I have what I want.
I am the seed of Abraham.
I walk in BLESSINGS!
I walk in BLESSINGS!
Every favour and earthly blessing abound toward me.
I live in blessings.
I live in grace.
I live in glory.
I am not subdued by figures.
My blessings are beyond the figures of men.

I live in superabundance.
I live in the unending,
Beyond figures,
Exhaustless riches of Christ.
I have wealth which no man could have searched out.
I am not intimidated by figures.
Whatever I determine to do,
The money will come.
The partnership I have decided to do,
The money comes now,
The resources come now.
I declare that I have money NOW!!!!!!
I declare that I have resources NOW!!!!!!

I am independent of external factors!
I am independent of external forces!
I am independent of external influence!
Whatever I require,
Everything I require,
To fulfill all that God wants me to do,
Is inside me.
I have everything I require,
For absolute victory,
And supernatural prosperity.
I bring forth success from within me.
I bring forth money from within me.
I bring forth resources from within me.
I bring forth wealth from within me.

Today, I have seed to sow and bread to eat.
Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my seeds.
I bless my seeds.
I speak to my seeds,
My financial seeds,
My financial partnerships,
My seeds, I speak to you now in the name of the Lord Jesus,
I command you to multiply and produce a harvest,
Supernatural harvest now in the name of the Lord Jesus,
The harvest comes to me from every side and by free course in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I bless those seeds and every seed that I am about to sow is blessed, supercharged with grace for immediate, abundant multiplication and harvest.

Father, I thank you for the money in my hand,
For the money in my hand,
For my goods,
For my products,
For my job
I give thanks.
For my possessions,
For my storehouses,
My bank accounts,
For my warehouses.
I bless and give thanks for all that the Lord has given me.
I give thanks for the progress that I have seen so far in this year of the prolific church.
As I bless and give thanks,
I declare that there is no end to my resources.
There is no end to my progress.
There is no end to my supply,
To my victory,
To my advancement
To my glory.

All my accounts,
My personal accounts,
My business accounts,
My seed accounts,
All my accounts are bursting forth with new monies.

Today, new channels are opened for me,
New channels of supply.
New channels of inflow,
New channels of distribution,
I create and I receive new channels.
Money is coming to me from everywhere.
New things are coming to me.
New income sources,
New income channels,
New products,
New contacts,
New things are springing forth in my life by the word of God.
New things,
New income,
New wealth,
New money,
Specified new things,
Kept in reserve,
Hidden before,
But now they are coming into being.
A new thing every day.
In these 30 days of rain,
Every day is for a new thing,
Every day is for a new miracle,
Every day is for a new supply,
Every day is for a new harvest,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!
(Speak in other tongues)

©CELZ5 2023


  1. Bro Chris Chukwumezie

    Wao, thank you ma dear esteem pastor Diola Philips, I’m super excited for this 30 days of rain, I joined from day 4 and already super charged.

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