I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory.
I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive!
I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: DIVINITY WORKS AND FLOWS IN ME? Let us know in the comment section below. God bless you.