I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems.
I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world.
I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror.
I live victoriously today and always. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word.
God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!