I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God; therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. Christ in me gives me confidence and strength. I am healthy and full of divine life in spirit, soul, and body. The indestructible life of God in me nullifies sickness, disease, lack, and death. I am filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace!
The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance.
I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory.
I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I speak life, divine health, soundness, strength, vitality, and energy to my body.
I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not get sick. I do not have any disease. My body and its systems and organs function optimally and excellently. My body is impregnable to sickness, disease, attack, or fatigue. I have the life, strength and energy of God. Glory! Hallelujah!