The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives and transmits life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. By God’s Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness.
Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity.
Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about.
I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course.
The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. Good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good. All things work together for me in an extraordinary way in Jesus Name. Amen.
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