JOY AT ALL TIMES, thoughts of Christ

I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ and full blessings of the Gospel. I’m conscious of God’s love and care for me and for every detail of my life; everything that pertains to me has been perfected! I live in peace, and function from a place of rest, now and always.

The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn’t matter what may come my way; I’m a victor and I’ve overcome because I’m more than a conqueror. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul and body, and it’s manifested in all that concerns me. I declare that sickness and ill health are far from me. I’m protected from harm and I dwell in health all the days of my life.

I declare that I’m a new creation, born superior to Satan and all the demons of darkness. I’m an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection! I’m a partaker of the divine nature and I dwell in Zion. I’m born for health, success and the glory of God! My faith is the victory that overcomes the world.

I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I’m born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits.

I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed in Jesus Name. Amen.

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