My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I take possession of all that the Word of God has made available to me. I am divinely enabled to do all things.

I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word.

The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever.

As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My light shines everywhere; reaching the dark places of the earth. The brightness of my light cannot be tamed by negative forces.

I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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