I’m a product of God’s Word! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death!

My tongue is the rudder of my life. With it, I navigate my life aright, irrespective of contrary winds. I live continuously in health, success, and excellence. I refuse to talk fear, lack, or inability. My life is set on the paths preordained by God’s Word and I do not deviate from it.

My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually.

I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

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