Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit.
I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. Christ in me is my hope of glory!
No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I live above the elements of this world.
I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.