I have the life of Christ in me. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body!

My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life!

I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Glory to God!

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