The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances.
I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body.
I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch.
I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception. I declare my victory over sickness, poverty, failure and death in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
Amen!! Glory to God forever!!