I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. This grace is working in me mightily. It comes with the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am identified with the Lord and branded by Him.

I am a different kind of being, one that doesn’t fail, suffer, perish, or get ill. I am seated with Christ, far above all principality, power, might, dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal and peculiar! My life is the expression and manifestation of the glory and righteousness of Christ.

This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all that the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God.

I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward.

My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am triumphant in Christ eternally! I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Glorious things are spoken of me. I am alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God.

I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today and in the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, I am always excellent and full of glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I AM RIGHTLY POSITIONED? Let us know in the comment section below.
God bless you.

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