I affirm that the Holy Spirit continually energizes my body; testify that divinity is at work in me and has elevated me above the sufferings and limitations of human existence. My life is a constant display of great joy. I am filled with glory. I experience the magnificent blessings that God has granted me through salvation.
I am eternally triumphant in Christ. I have power over challenges; I am flourishing abundantly, displaying the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond, the distractions of this world because I dwell in Christ! My life is a testimony of God’s grace. I have been brought into a place of unimaginable wealth.
Good health, success, and prosperity mark my everyday life. I enjoy life to the fullest always, for the glory of God the Father. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural provision, and supernatural abilities every day. I am making significant progress as I fulfill the ministry and destiny God has set for me.
I am like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding my fruit, enduring fruit, beautiful fruit, fruit that remains, and my leaves will never wither. I am equipped with abundance for every good work and charitable endeavor. Everything I need for life and godliness is within me. There’s order and grace in my life. I will never go down. When men are cast down, I will always be lifted in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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God bless you.