Christ purchased a life of glory for me through His death and resurrection, and sickness has no place in that life. Therefore, no disease can enter my body. I have what God says I have; I am who He says I am, and I can do all He says I can do. I live above all limitations and circumstances.
I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity. I have guaranteed health, success, safety, wellness, and wholeness.
I am the expression of God’s fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest His kingdom and power. I have put on the nature of righteousness. I have the incorruptible life of God in my Spirit. This life energizes every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being, such that I radiate life and health always.
There is no influence of Satan in my life, for Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Blessed be God for the victory over death that I have in Christ. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of Jesus Christ my Lord, who loved me and gave Himself for me! I live fearlessly, knowing that I have passed from death to life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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God bless you.