My words carry great power because I am filled with the Holy Spirit! The life-changing rhema of God is on my lips today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, abundance, advancement, and success in my life. The Word of God, full of life, invigorates my organs, and I am truly alive!
I walk in health, prosperity, and excellence. I experience no lack in this life because all my needs are supplied in Christ Jesus. Satan has no foothold in me, as I am constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. I have a wholesome tongue and my words align with God’s perfect will and plan for my life. I live in divine health, prosperity, victory, success, and financial abundance.
In the Name of Jesus, I reject all forms of sickness, including arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure, from my body. Every part of me is in perfect health—my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and all my organs are flawless. I declare that I reign over them all, and there is no death in my life, my family, my finances, my business, or my job, because the One in me is greater.
I am a life-giving spirit, and everything I touch or connect with receives life. My body is God’s temple, and the Holy Spirit moves through every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. I am strong and healthy! Only the life and nature of Christ—His beauty and glory—manifest in my body because He dwells within me.
I have overcome the world and its limitations. My spirit is open to infinite possibilities, with me, there is no impossibility! As far as my eyes can see, as much as my heart can contain, all things are possible to me. The Lord has set infinity and eternity in my heart. I can see, and I see far. I see greatness. My vision is lifted, and my capacity is expanded. I bask in the provisions of Christ for my life, health, and all that concern me in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: EVERY PART OF ME IS IN PERFECT HEALTH? Type your personal affirmations below.
God bless you.