DAY 17 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 5) – Wednesday September 4th 2024

TOPIC: The Due Season – The Time of Harvest, Peace, Victory

Leviticus 26:3-10 NIV – The time of harvest, peace, victory

This is the time of harvest, because it is the due season.
None of my seeds that I’ve sown is wasted or dead or forgotten.
In this month, I’m chasing a thousand, In this month, I’m chasing ten thousand,
And all my enemies will fall by the sword before me.
In this due season, supernatural victory.
God is leaning toward me with favour and regard, supernatural favour.

~This is the month of Conquerors.
I’m more than a conqueror.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
I’m born of God,
Therefore, I’ve overcome the world.
All things are mine
All things are possible to me,
I have access into all the blessings,
Hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I am blessed.

Nothing is impossible to me.
I have passed conquering.
I triumph over all things.
I triumph over the principalities
and powers of this world.
I triumph over sickness, disease and infirmities.
I triumph over failure, lack and want.
I triumph over fear and doubt.
I triumph over failure, lack and want.
I triumph over anxiety, agitations and conflicts.
I have overcome.
This is my due season.
This is my season of harvest

In this season, the Lord gives me rain:
Rain of abundance,
Rain of blessings,
Rain of Peace with prosperity,
Rain of acceptability,
Rain of advantage,
Rain of favour,
Rain of gifts,
Rain of joy,
Rain of answers,
Rain of harvest,
Rain of earth-shaking and profitable ideas,
Rain of innovation,
And this is my time of Harvest.

I have harvest everywhere
I cash out the coupons
Of my accumulated harvest of blessing,
Harvest of solutions,
Harvest of peace,
Harvest of ideas and innovations
Harvest of my financial seeds,
Harvest of my Material seeds
Harvest of the words that I have spoken,
The seeds that I have sown.
The land yields its produce,
The trees of the field yield their fruit.
My ground yields its crops.
Everything that I do prospers.
I have harvest everywhere,
Blessing upon blessing,
Accumulating, rolling over, spilling over,
There is no down time for my blessings.
Every seed sown multiplies,
And returns a thousandfold harvest.

I speak to the sun,
I speak to the moon,
I speak to the winds,
I speak to all of creation,
To cause all the resources,
And direct all the resources,
Towards me in this dues season.
I speak to all of creation
to cause all the resources,
to direct all the resources toward me in this due season.
Glory to God!

In the name of the Lord Jesus!
Money is coming to me from everywhere.
Resources are coming to me.
Favour is coming to me.
Wealth is coming to me from everywhere.
None of my seeds are dead.
Every one of my seeds multiplies
and returns to me a thousand-fold harvest.
I walk in my supernatural harvest.
I walk in my unexplainable harvest.
I walk in my multiplied harvest.
All things are mine.
My harvest continues onto my sowing
and my sowing continues into my harvest.
Glory to God!

I am flourishing. I’m bearing all-around fruits.
I have significant attainments.
I have supernatural productivity.
I experience increase of every size.
I have mighty harvest of blessings.
I have mighty harvest of miracles
from seeds that I have sown.
I am proliferating in all things.
My ground is producing new seeds.
The breath of God is upon my seeds and
they produce in rapid succession.
They produce a supernatural harvest.
There is abundance of harvest everywhere for me.
Protocols are broken for my sake.

I possess all things.
I possess the good of the land.
I eat the good of the land.
I have a goodly heritage.
There is abundant supply for me.
I function at a high level of precision.
The wisdom of God is at work in me.
I bring forth good things from within.
I have an excellent mind.
I bring forth creative ideas and results and innovations.
My mind is blessed.
My life is blessed.
God has enriched my whole life.

I’m extravagantly rich.
My spirit is rich.
My heart is fertile.
This is my due season of peace.
My peace flows like an ocean.
I have peace with prosperity, shalom! Shalom!
I dwell in peace with safety.
I dwell in peace with prosperity.
My peace and prosperity are unending.
The Lord gives me peace.
He makes me lie down in peace.
I dwell in safety.

There is no darkness in my path.
There is no death in my path.
In my path is blessing.
In my path is peace with prosperity.
In my path is divine health.
In my path is eternal life.
In my path, is blessing,
Peace with prosperity,
Divine health,
Eternal life,

There is no room for fear in my life.
There is no room for fear in my life.
I’m free from agitating passions.
I’m free from conflicts within and without.
And I bring my peace into every situation that confronts me.
No one,
no situation,
no circumstance shall separate me from the love of God,
which is toward me
I’ll not be afraid of sudden fear.
No one and no situation shall make me afraid.
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
the heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice.
In the name of the Lord Jesus,
the skies respond to my seeds.
My seeds are growing,
bringing forth a mighty harvest.

My clouds are saturated,
My clouds are full and it is raining answers.
It is raining finances.
It is raining miracles everywhere.
In due season,
it is raining healing and testimony.
It is raining restoration.
It is raining abundance.
It is raining wealth.
It is raining opportunities.
It is raining results and prolificity.
My roots are submerged in water.
I have victory everywhere.
Glory, glory, glory!

I’m a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
This is my month of conquering.
This month will see an end to every struggle or contest
that I have been involved with.
No matter what I’m confronted with,
it will turn out for my good.
It will turn out for my promotion.
It will turn out for my exaltation.
I walk in victory.
I walk in dominion.
I walk in great glory every day of my life.
Christ in me is my victory over the world.
It makes no difference the extent of darkness or hardship in the world today.
These are my opportunities to manifest the glory,
the righteousness,
and the grace of God at work in my life.
The grace that distinguishes me from the world.
My faith prevails in every circumstance
and I come forth with testimonies.
Testimonies of grace.

I am in the season of victories.
Everywhere I go,
victory abounds.
Everywhere I go,
there are shouts of victory.
This is my season of victory.
I walk in victory every day.
Every day.
Every day.
Glory, glory, glory!
By the power of the Holy Ghost,
I see victory only.
I have victory only
Glory to God!

I will chase my enemies and they will fall before me.
I will chase a hundred.
I will chase ten thousand.
All my enemies shall fall before me.
Glory to God.
I am victorious.
I have everything I require for absolute victory.
I am free from the power and intimidation of the enemy.
I walk in victory.
I walk in absolute prosperity.
I bring forth all that I require for success and
I receive a hundred-fold return.
I receive a thousand-fold return.
I receive unquantifiable return on
my giving because it is due season.

I’m full of favour.
I’m supplied with favour.
I walk in ever-increasing favour.
The favour of God that brings the mastery.
The favour of God that makes me superior in all things.
God has made every favour
and earthly blessing to come to me in abundance.
I am always and in all circumstances and whatever the need,
I’m self-sufficient,
possessing enough to require no aid or support
and furnished in abundance for every good work
and charitable donation
I make giant leaps in giving and receiving.

I pour down the rain of righteousness upon my nation,
my state,
my cities,
my streets,
my catchment,
in the name of the Lord.
Through me, People are coming to Christ.
There is a harvest of righteousness.
The word of God is growing mightily
and prevailing in all the nations,
resulting in a greater influence of the gospel everywhere.
It is raining salvation of souls.
It is raining souls in the homes.
It is raining souls in the catchment.
It is raining souls on the streets
It is raining souls in our cells.
It is raining souls churches.
It is raining everywhere!

Today, The Lord multiplies my resources,
And increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I bless my seeds.
I speak to my seeds, to my tithes,
To my first fruits, to my offerings, to my partnership.
I speak to my seeds, and I command these seeds to multiply
And produce a supernatural harvest.
The harvest comes to me from every side
And by free course in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, September 4th, 2024
Is my due season.
Glory! Glory! Glory!
Today, September 4th, 2024
Is my due season of Harvest
Is my due season of peace with prosperity
This is my due season of victory
This is my due season of exaltation
This is my due season of hastening,
This is my due season of increase for my seed to spring forth.
This is my due season for the completion of every target,
Of every goal
Of every project
My seeds are springing forth.
And I’m reaping a thousandfold.

Today, September 4th, 2024
Is my set time for victory
I celebrate the grace of God.
I have the upper hand in every situation I find myself.
Grace locates me and brings me in.
Good things of life are falling into my hands effortlessly.
Opportunities, access,
promotions, contracts,
are falling into my hands.
Things I didn’t work for,
are granted me for the sake of the gospel.

In these 30 days, the clouds of my faith,
the clouds of my prayers,
the clouds of declarations,
are full
They are crystallizing and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers.
Glory to God!

This is my time of harvest,
This is my time of peace,
This is my time of victory,
This is my time of exaltation,
This is my time of hastening,
This is my time of harvest,
This is my time of performance,
This is my time of completion and perfection.

In these 30 days, men will see,
They will see the grace of God at work in me.
They will see and declare, “this is what the Lord has done”.
In these 30 days, men will see the progress and
advancement in my life.
I’m making evident progress In these 30 days
God loves me,
Glory! Glory! Glory!
He has blessed me and increased my numbers.
God likes me,
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me.
He’s partial toward me.

I am preferred for favour.
I am preferred for the advantage.
I am preferred for joy.
I am preferred for pleasurable outcomes.
I am positioned for blessings!
I have favour with God and man.
I’m blessed in my going out and
I’m blessed in my coming in.
I have perfect soundness in
body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength
are renewed like the eagle’s.
Today, I am conscious of God’s special favour for me.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
Today, I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
Glory to God!

This is my due season
This is my time of manifestation
This is my time of testimony
This is my time of delivery,
This is my time of bringing forth.
This is my time of evident advancement
This is my time of favour
This is my time of performance,
This is my time of completion,
This is my time of perfection.
This is my time of harvest
This is my time of increase
This is my time of multiplication
This is my time of exaltation,
This is my time of lifting
This is my time of promotion.
This is my time of harvest
This is my time of victory
This is my time of peace
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen, Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Glory!

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