My life is filled with goodness. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil.

I’m living in health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory daily. I have power over all things!

I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to the hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient, and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity.

I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body.

I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, and His superabundant grace upon my life is sufficient for me in all things. Grace—the lifting power of God that attracts the right people, materials and resources—has put me ahead and positioned me for success and victory. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health.

I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively in me daily. It works in me mightily, causing my health to flourish. No weapon formed against my body shall prosper. My body is preserved by the Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I ENJOY DIVINE PROSPERITY? Type your personal affirmations below. God bless you.

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