I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I produce glorious results, for I come from Zion where prosperity comes from the Spirit of God. I can never be broke because I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ! I am well-decorated financially. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted.

I am not of this world; I am from above! I am from the wealthiest family and I have an inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I am seated with Christ in the realms of power and glory; far above all principality, power, might and every domain of darkness!

Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life.

I am empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads me with benefits. Today, there’s an overflow of favor and abundance for me, and I take possession. I’ll never be broke in my life, for the Lord has supplied all that I require for life and godliness according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life. I have passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth, abundance, riches, and glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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God bless you.

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