Romans 10:9-10

This is the month of Conquerors.
I am more than a conqueror.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God,
Which is in Christ Jesus.
I’m born of God,
All things are mine.
I have access to all blessings,
Hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I’m blessed and I’m a blessing.

The Lord is hastening his word to perform it in me.
My productivity is increased,
My capacity is increased,
My strength is increased,
The grace of God upon my life is increased,
The blessing of God on my life is increased,
Activating multiplication, growth,
And development for me on every side.
My capacity is increased a thousand times,
Causing proliferation on every side.

Everything I start, I finish.
Everything I do develops, blooms and blossoms.
The blessing of the Lord is hastened in my life.
Even now, the Lord is doing a quick work in my life.
Great things are happening for me.
My increase and development are so fast.
Things are moving so fast.
Everything is speeding up.
Every process,
Every transaction,
Every output is speeding up.
I function in supernatural productivity
and the speed of the spirit.
Things are happening so fast for me in quick and rapid succession.
I have results,
Quick results,
Fast results.
I have answers, quick answers, fast answers.
I have profits,
Quick profits,
Fast profits.
I have solutions,
Quick solutions,
Fast solutions.
The grace of God has increased.

Therefore, my productivity and capacity are increased.
My results are multiplied a thousand times.
God has blessed me and increased my numbers.
This is my season of extraordinary multiplication.
No more downtime in my business.
No more slow time in my business.
In my finances,
In my investments,
In my results,
In my profit, in my giving and receiving.
The word produces in me a harvest
beyond my wildest dreams.
The word of God does not fail in my life.
The word of God will not fall to the ground.
The word is fulfilled in me.
I’m producing a hundredfold harvest.

My life is flourishing.
My health is flourishing.
My prosperity is flourishing.
My greatness is flourishing.
My increase is flourishing.
New things are happening.
New things are springing forth
for it is my due season.
I declare that I have now in this season, at this time,
I have an abundant harvest of all my seeds.
The seeds I have spoken,
The seeds I have sown,
The seeds of my prayers,
The seeds of my soul winning,
The seeds of my giving are producing
an abundant harvest
And I am reaping of the harvest
of accumulated blessings.

Through me, all the families of the earth are blessed.
Many are healed, saved,
and changed because of the blessing that I am.
I belong to Christ.

I’m a seed of Abraham.
I’m an heir of God,
a joint heir with Christ.
I’m an heir of the promise.
All of God’s promises to me are yea and amen.
They are all fulfilled in me today.
I’m the one the Lord has blessed.
I have an endless stream of ideas.
I’m surrounded with money.
I carry answers and solutions.
I have solutions in and around me.
I’m prosperous.
The poverty blowing around
cannot and will not get to me.

I’m a gift to my world.
I’m a gift to my generation.
Anywhere I go, people take notice of me.
I am distinguished and different.
Wisdom is the principal thing
Therefore I have wisdom
I move with wisdom
I speak with wisdom
I walk in wisdom
I eat the good of the land
I’m living the great life in Christ
God is using me to help many,
God is opening new opportunities for me
I’m blocking the leakages
He’s increasing my income
And reducing my expenditures.

Today, September 16th, 2024,
I’m endowed with supernatural abilities
The wisdom of God is work in me
I function at a high level of precision
The wisdom of God is at work in me
I bring forth good fruit from within
The blessing of God has been proclaimed upon me
Supernatural, abundant, prosperity, and productivity.

Today, September 16th, 2024,
I’m conscious that as a partaker of the grace of my man of God,
I have a life without limit
I have grace and ministry without boundaries.
My influence,
My impact spread abroad without limitations.
The angel of wealth is in my corner,
As I speak in tongues,
I am constructing my financial empire
Whatsoever I do create wealth.
Whatsoever I do create value
And brings advantage to the kingdom.
In me, there are treasures of eternal value.
Yes, in me, there is wealth.
I’m discovering,
I’m mining,
I’m refining,
I’m producing wealth from the inside.

In these 30 days,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my prayers,
The clouds of my meditations,
The clouds of my declarations,
Are full and
They are crystallising and pouring down,
Distilling and raining answers.

In these 30 days,
Men will see the grace of God at work in me.
They will see evident progress and advancement in my life.
They will see a glorious improvement in my life and circumstances.
They will see the increased value in me.
Glory to God!
God loves me.
He has blessed me and increased my numbers.
God likes me.
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me.
He is partial toward me.
I’m preferred for promotion,
For favour,
For advantage,
And for blessings.
I have favour with God and man.
I am blessed in my going out and my coming in
I am blessed in body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength are renewed like the eagles.

Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me, and I am thankful.
I’m conscious of the good things
That are in me in Christ Jesus.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery.
And bringing forth.
This is my time of evident advancement.
This is my time of favour.
This is my time of completion.
This is my time of fulfilment.
This is my time of perfection.
This is my time of confirmation and establishment.
This is my time of harvest and reaping.

This is my time of increase and multiplication,
This is my time of beauty,
This is my time of lifting and promotion
This is my time of peace with prosperity.
I am in my due season
This is my time of discovering, of mining, of refining,
And producing wealth from the inside.
And I distribute and dispense blessings
As the seed of Abraham
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Glory be to God!

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